
STATUS (#10 chapter)

REN (Ryu the Demon)

Age: 15


Water energy - Expert-Master

Water abilities: Water coating, Eternal mist

Water passive ab: Regeneration (medium)

Suitable weapon: Sabre

Fire energy - not trained yet

Wind energy - Expert

Wind abilities: Wind coating, Wind blade, Wind cloak

Wind passive ab: Swiftness (+75% of base speed)

Suitable weapon: Daggers

Earth energy - not trained yet

Death energy - Expert-Master

Death abilities: Death coating, Death spear

Death passive ab: High senses (medium)

Suitable weapon: Scythe

Levels for mastering energy: Novice, Apprentice, Adept, Expert, and Master


Shadow - crow form, able of releasing Death energy from his claws in a form of attack

Shell - turtle form, able to create water prison and imprison small creatures