
Prologue: birth of a demon






My name was Tracy I was neither a remarkable person, nor an it remarkable person I was just an average person. I lived in the most glorious country of souther Ireland. I had a 9 to 5 job, the most caring parents I could have ever asked for and two siblings. I had slightly messy hip length brown hair and had a few good friends.

My family ran a small dojo I always wanted to inherit but it went to my younger brother instead because well... tradition. (A/N same with me except I inherited it hehe)

My job was a simple one I loaded trucks for a large Irish firm. Nothing remarkable like I said before but still it paid the bills and put food on the table. It had health insurance and i still had some disposable income at the end haha. The people were friendly enough since we are all from a small sized town people tend to know each other.

Today was a normal Friday we were loading a new shipment today's shipment was a bunch of vaccinations for a pandemic sweeping the world. There was music in the background 'Irish rovers' one of our company favourites bands.

I was carrying a large wooden crate with 3 other worker one on each corner me on the front left. We were walking towards our largest truck we call her 'big Bessie' after our fat ass of a supervisor. Walking towards big Bessie I saw a child... a god damn child! Wondering the area. I and my co workers slowly put our crate in big Bessie.

Seeing the child still standing in place I decided to go over and make sure she was ok worried she was had lost her parents or something along those lines. As I walked towards her I saw a crane carrying a large metal crate 9 meters in length and 4 in width and height.

Suddenly I saw the crate getting wobbly and slowly but surely it fell. It would fall on the child! Running towards the confused and now scared looking child. I dived over with all the strength in my body the crate was milliseconds behind me. Just as I pushed the foolish child out the way the crate hit the ground as did I.....

I naively believed if made it out but just as I tried to get up I realised... I couldn't fell my legs looking behind me with fear and trepidation I realised my legs and half of my torso now resembled squashed red berries.

Looking at the child before me she looked at me crying trying to hug me. The child's crying voice slowly left my ears that was when I knew I was dying.

Strangely enough I didn't fear it death was inevitable why fear the inevitable mortality is just a part of life. As I laid my head down on the cold concrete I smiled and muttered "huh there's no bright ligh huh?" As I closed my eyes I saw people scrambling around me trying to save me.

And that was how my story ended....















And a new one began.

Before me was the most beautiful woman I had ever had the pleasure of looking upon. Chocolate coloured skin so smooth that millions could cry in envy. A curvaceous figure that could put any and all models to shame yet she still held power with lean muscles that showed absolute power showing a feral aura. She had blue hair that was wild and untamed falling down behind her like a cascading waterfall. She has strange tattoo like markings across her perfect body adding a wild and adventurous feel to the woman. And her eyes were a sea blue colour showing an endless ocean free from humans yet contained a deep sadness, a great melancholy.

As I looked upon her the more I trembled. 'Was this god, was this judgement day, Will I go to heaven or hell I know I wasn't a good person! I don't wanna go to hell!'

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA" a boisterous laughter filled the strange void like room ive found myself in. In a trembling voice I asked "W-w-what's so funny have I done something to upset you Mrs"

The figure looked at me with outrageous amounts of amusement in her eyes "kid I ain't one of those stuck up 'GODS' you mortals tend to be so fond of worshiping these days. Hell I'm pretty much the opposite... but that doesn't matter for now. My name is 'M' and I chose you to get a second chance at life arent I awesome!!!"

Not bothering to think now knowing she could read my thoughts I replied honestly.

"first of all why me I'm not special and please don't give me that 'high karma' or 'pure soul' or 'survived the void' crap we both know I'm not a good person nor a pure soul so why me?"

M seems take aback before releasing another hearty laugh from the depths of her soul "oh satan! Someone finally asked haha! Well the reason is pretty simple I give people power and see what they do with it... honestly most humans go all 'code: white knight' and decide to go save everyone they can. Whilst I respect people like that more than they could ever know.... I just want to see what a normal person does with power. I've chosen many people. To mention a few:

I chose one time a betrayed mercenary leader the best leader of her timeline, I chose a domestic abuse victim who by shear coincidence ended up destroying 3/4 of all organised crime! I've chosen many people with different pasts but now I choose you an ordinary working class person and why you ask? Simply because! Do you think everything a god or demon does has a greater meaning behind it! We are just as bad as the rest of you we make mistakes, we screw up the only difference is the power gap!"

In my head this made perfect sense they weren't perfect nobody is to be perfect is a contradiction you must me good yet evil, kind yet ruthless thus true perfection is a paradox.

"Indeed child now I shall reincarnate you with three powers and a new appearance via gacha!!! A good female friend of mine is always saying how fun and OP it is so why not let you have a Go?"

Oh no no no not gacha hell I've played enough FGO to know where this shit is going! Before I knew it the roulette span it span faster than my mind could ever hope to comprehend before slowing down. I slowly saw a few of the many options... slowly but surely it stopped and what it landed on shocked me.....

[congratulations your reward is: Geass (without going out of control)]

Holy..... shit.... that is OP as hell!

"Hahaha you lucky git you were just 1 trillionth of a micro meter away from getting it with the curse hahaha!" I sweat dropped at the knowledge I nearly ended up ruining my future before it began.

It span again this time in fear and expectation each spin was like gambling my future away at the roll of a dice. Adrenaline, fear, excitement they all began merging together... until it stopped my non existent heart began beating again with relief

[congratulations your reward is: system type random]

A system one of the best of not the best golden fingers in all fantasy worlds hell when in a modern one if used correctly it is still massively over powered since even the weakest system has its exploits. Any system is cheat able if you know enough just ask World of Warcraft. Before I noticed the wheel had spun and stopped once again!

[congratulations your reward is: body inheritance level EX grade]

What does that mean could it mean that.... "no no no no anything but that" murmured a scared looking M. He looked at me with horror in his eye. "Look kid this is both the worst and best power you can get but...." oh no what's wrong I'm screwed aren't I.

"This allows you to inherit the power of your new appearance FULLY! Usually if you get a body you get F grade inhertemce meaning you only inherit its weaker powers but with EX grade....." what's so bad about that though...

"Well with F-A grade you don't inherit their weaknesses eg if you got issei you don't inherit his love for porn or Oppai. But with EX..."

Oh no this could be very, very bad for me. "Can we re roll" she looks at me sadly "no if I did the others would get VERY angry so let's see how bad it is..."

[congratulations on your new body an EX grade inheritance on an EX grade entity known as: Asuramaru (female) (demon/vampire)]

[due to high luck the entity M has assigned tutorial difficulty to: ARMAGEDDON.]

[BRIEF: you were called subject 066 from birth you were bred for combat the perfect war machine and o fight the enemies of the master clans. Your objective is simple survive 'prone: HELLZONE' and graduate as the top weapon]

[rewards: adoption into a master clan]

[penalty: you shall be sent to purgatory]

No no no this ain't good nooo. I thought as a bright light appeared before me sucking me into it.



Heads up though she will become Erika's sister (adoptive) it will take a few chaps to begin.

This one will have a few similarities but it will be very very very different.