
Iron Sword

Vanaella · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Boss fight - 1

It was raining that day

The day she recruited me at her party, not wanting to work as damn cheap labour for life I tried my luck at the guild to apply as porter with quotas available for us Revs, and yeah as usual I didn't get any luck there even after 3 trys, the last time even got me beated and thrown out of the guilds back alley under the rain but 2 low <Warrior > ranked adventurers

It was on that back alley that leader who was doing the trash after losing to a bet to Thena found me and helped me change my life for the better


Being accepted by her and the others albeit eventually into her party of eccentric people, I was glad truly glad that a mere Rev fated to die a forgotten in the outskirts got to go on adventures with them and be a part of their accomplishments

I swore to one day repay these party members of mine one day, especially to our lovable and strong leader even if I can't do much

This feeling of unmatched gratitude to her is probably the reason

Thena :" JULIEEE!!! "

The reason why

Jan :" CHRISS!! "

I managed to grab her while the others stayed stunned at the scene as she got pulled into the room as the giant door of stones shutted tightly.

† Iron Sword †

Julett and Chris got pulled into the room

And immediately the party started to try entering, the tanks and everyone else tried pushing the door of stones open with all their strength but to their despair

Ginj :" It's not opening!!! "

Sunip :" Fuck!!! "

Merwin :" Everyone get back ,Ginna let's blas it open !! "

Ginna :" Yeah ! "

The others got back in a heartbeat to let the two mages charge up their spell

Ginna : " Charge! Magic missile!! "

Merwin : " Charge! Fireball!! "

Both of the mages charged up their attack spell to the max and fired it at the door but even then

Merwin :" Damn it! "


The door refused to budge

Thena :" What should we do ? Hey what just happened, no one said anything about people getting pulled in!! "

Merwin :" How am I suppose to know? Nothing about such a thing is mentioned on that damn door! "

Thena :" Tcg (looks at the door with much panic and worry) Julie "

Jan :" Ginna , Merwin "

Ginna :" Yeah? "

Merwin also turned dti the Swordsman

Jan :" Recharge your spell ( Draws his sword out ) We are taking turns attacking, either this door breaks or our spirit ,Riv you go and report this to the guild and ask for reinforcements ,this dungeon it's an anomaly "

Riv :" A.. anomaly! "

The others also paled but quickly accepted it

Riv :" O..okay then ! I'm off ! "

Dashing out at Max Speed the archer looked back at his party members

{ Guys, Leader... Please be alright }

Merwin :" I'll go first. (stood firmly) Charge!! "

A giant fireball formed infront of her staff

Thena :" I'm next after her "( Readied her bow for a magic arrow)

Jan :"{ Just hold on Julett ,Chris }"

Merwin :" {Break you fucking door} Majestic Fire ball!! "




{It's dark...too dark}

(Whispers) " Leader.....Leader Julett "

Being in a situation like this ,an ordinary human like me could only utter her name and pray that she was still alive and would respond but one had to be careful of mimics who could copy voices, especially demons who are known as the source of all deceptions and evil, so I was on high alert ready to run back if I got a response that didn't sound natural

" Chris? "

From my right I heard her voice, I immediately turned right however nothing was visible, and I didn't dare to use flashlights in a depth ruler's room

" C..can you use your fire to as light source leader ?"

" How do I know that you aren't a demon who will attack me the moment you know where I am from my flame's light? "

" {It's her all right, no one else would sound so calm and cautious at this situation} you are scared of clowns and you peed your pants at Hillieman circus at July 7xx... "


Slowly, fire burned on the tip of her spear ,she is a fire user after all, she was on my right at about 30 steps away sitting while holding her left leg ,I hurriedly got to her and her face was contorted with pain

Chris :" Where are you hurt "

Julett :" My leg ,my ankle got dislocated "

Chris :" (looks at her ankle and indeed,it got dislocated alright then joints was visibly disjointed) any enemies nearby "

Julett:" (with pained expression) Yeah but they are not moving so we should be fine? "

Chris :"(pulls out a mid grade healing potion) Do you need my help in lodging your ankle back properly? "

Julett took the potion and replied with a shaky smile :" No I'll be fine "

And what followed was her drinking the potion and as the potion took effect she grabbed her ankle and instantly pulled it back into it's joint

" AAAARRG!!! "

Holding her scream in the potions effect took it's full force and in no time she was healed as she laid down covered in sweat, seeing that I offered her water which the spearwoman drank greedily down to the last drop

" Thanks a lot Chris "

" No problem "

" But you really shouldn't have tried to grab me there , we're both in a deep pinch now you know ?"

Julett looked serious as she stated that but no matter how serious she was Chris didn't seem to regret his actions at all

" Don't tell me that when didn't even tell me you ran out of potions yesterday "

" Ah { My damn stress must've gotten to me how the hell did I forget that?!!} "


Julett & Chris immediately looking left ,at the torch on the wall that litted up

Julett :" The boss "

Chris :" I'll hide and support using explosives, don't worry about me and just do your best okay ? "

Burf burf burf

As of time for recuperation had ended, several torches on the wall litted up the room with their purple flames

Julett nodded at Chris's words as she immediately stand back up and took a defensive stance, Chris too ran towards the back but to his bad luck there was no place to hide, the room was simply a big flat arena made of stone bricks and at the other side of the room

Julett : { considering it's magic and strength it's atleast <Grandmaster II> in terms of ranking }" It's the dungeon boss alright! "

The demon stood at the other side of the room inside a black circle

It had two long goat like horns ,ashen skin and a tail ,but no wings ,and it's eyes ,it's pupils and iris were completely dark as it looked at Julett

" I heard noises from outside ".

Julett :" Sorry if we were that noisy "(her entire body went up in flames that she conjured to activate full powered physical enhancement)

" No need to apologise human ( the demon leftvthe circle and approached her ) As you may have already know I am on the verge of breaking a very important barrier of strength, you would make a fine sustenance for me ,a human of noble blood is exactly what I needed to grow my power right now after all"

Julett :" Me a sustenance? { Does it not know of Chris's presence? } That's a funny joke demon! "

The demon raised its arms out revealing his long claws

" Oh but it isn't ,kill her and bring me her body with her limbs intact "


Julett :" His shadow "

The shadows inside the room started to move around and the demon's shadow it started to move at Julett who hurriedly jumped away from the attack

From the moving shadows came out 12 shadow soldiers all carrying their weapons of shadows, swords and spears

Julett :" Okay bastards "


Her mana filled the area around her as she ramped up the heat

" Let's turn things up then "

The battle raged


{It's not give me any attention ,that demon}

Chris thought as he moved along the walls

{ Could it be that it seems through magic eyes }


Watching the battle between the shadow soldiers & Hikith the demon vs Julett who fought hard ,as hard as she could Chris couldn't help but feel insignificant, but he still had a magic gernade ready to be thrown at hand

{ All I need is an opportunity }


With expert spearmanship Julett moved ,swung her spear to party and deflect the coordinated attacks of the shadow soldier and retaliated by stabbing and slashing them with her enchanted super heated spear's blade that

6 of the 12 soldier were already killed by her but not without costs, a sword slash wound was on her back and her left thigh was stabbed by a spear and to make matters worse the demon, Hikith was visibly toying with her ,it was painfully obvious that he was just tiring Julett out by making her fight for her life while inflicting her with negligible injuries to satisfy his carnal demonic desires

Julett :" Crap{ I'm nearly out of mp ,I have a 2 mp potions but I don't have the time to drink them ,then } (gathered mana on her spear and arm) Skill :


Julett stepped back far away while being followed by the soldiers, spinning her spear she stared targetted both the soldiers and Hikith

Hikith :" Hoo? "

" { I'll buy myself a few seconds atleast} Rail Javelin! "


In a blinding flash Julett throwed her spear that was followed by a tail of blue flames at meteoric speed ,the attack contained all of her mp and instantly destroyed all the shadow soldiers and inevitable reached Hikith who simply raised his right hand and grabbed the spear's while being pushed back by atleast dozens of steps from the throw's force

Julett's expression turned grim at the sight for a moment { With his bare hands!! }

Taken back a bit by the power of the human female Hikith pulled the spear out of his destroyed palm that regenerated using demonic energy

" Amazing, ( looks at Julett with a mad gaze that sended shiver down her spine) as I thought you will do wonderfully huma- "

Tink tink

Hikith :" Huh?( Faced downwards ) "

It was a magic gernade


The explosion reverberated throughout the cave but in an instant the demon already blew the explosion away with the force of his arm swinging alone and glared around his surroundings as he broke Julett's spearvthat he caught on his hand

" A rat is here it seems "

Clink clink

Dropping the empty vials of mp potions Julett glared at the demon and stated

" That's disrespectful to my comrade you know { I gonna die here }, he's the coolest porter of Hrisse,not a rat you accursed fiend!!! "


Her fist burned with powerful flames as she prepared for close combat

End of chapter