

Iron Pan looked through the window. Seeing his arch-nemesis Jig through the window made his blood boil. "Help! Help!" He heard someone yell but then realized it was Forkerella, his very loud and unbearable ex-girlfriend. He searched and searched for an entrance, but couldn't find one. He finally decided "I may have enough money to replace a broken window". So he burst through the window. Even though he thoroughly disliked her, she was still a citizen in need.

"Help! Help!" he heard Forkerella scream once again. "I'm here! Jeez." Pan clomped around with his very heavy rubber boots on. Around the corner, he discovered that Jig had tied Forkerella to a very uncomfortable looking fork-sized chair.

"Muahahahahahahaha... haha ha...ha" he heard Jig maniacally laugh. Iron Pan started to speak "Are you do-" "HAHAHAHAHAHAHA" Jig maniacally laughed some more.

"STOP LAUGHING!" said a figure who apparently slipped through the window while Jig was being extra crazy. As soon as she yelled she performed a perfectly aimed flying kick right through part of Jig. (it must have been easy considering Jig is made of jello) Iron Pan sat in awe as he realized she kicked him right out of yet another window!

With that problem dealt with the figure took their one dark and mysterious mask off. " It's so good to see you again, little brother" she exclaimed, "I'm older than you!" Pan yelled. "I know you're just short. my new code name is the boiling point," she said looking oddly ashamed. " What's wrong?" Spoke Pan. " I got too caught up in the moment. I...I should've taken him in for questioning instead of kicking him out through the window." she spoke, dwelling on what she thought she could do better.

"It's fine sis" Pan spoke cooly "You did what your guts told you too...even though you don't have any."

"I'M STILL TIED UP OVER HERE" Pan realized Forkerella was shouting, still in that poor, tiny fork-sized chair. "Fine, fine I'll get you out" Panita growled, and in one swift motion, she was able to slice Forkerella free with a clever that was conveniently lying on the counter next to them. "I wonder why he didn't use that" Pan said. Panita started " Maybe because it won't do much against more metal you brainless block of metal."