
Iron Blooded Hound

Betrayed and condemned to death by the very family he served, Vikir, the hound of the Baskervilles, refuses to accept his fate. With eyes ablaze and canines sharpened, he vows vengeance against his former master, Hugo. No longer a mere loyal companion, Vikir becomes the hunter, determined to exact bloody revenge and reclaim his honor.

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Chapter 140: Devil's Legacy


Black and red strokes intersect.

Vikir felt a cracking pain in his wrist as he landed on the ground.

``That's a lot of weight, even for a poor graduate.''

I turned around and saw the creature break through the exterior wall of the building behind me.


He carries a large hammer, and the sticky aura that symbolizes the Gladiator covers the large surface of the hammer.

It's bubbling...

Its aura is like boiling tar or liquid asphalt.

You could say I'm a high school graduate.

Vikir narrowed his eyes at that.

"This is clearly the blunt technique of a faithful saint. Why would the devil use this technique?

The divine power of rune religion is clearly the opposite of the devil, and the battle that evokes that divine power It was a great irony that technology was unleashed by the devil.

"So, does that mean that Quobadi and the others have some sort of connection with the devil? There must be some rotten part of them too."

Maybe, just maybe, he has some kind of connection with the devil. You might get some ideas about it. Hunters, the secret men of the imperial capital.

All the traitors, traitors, and insiders he has hunted down so far are dealing with the same demon and have something in common. That means you lose face when you die.

And it seems the same is true of the creature in front of him. Because he has a black bag on his head.

Vikir seriously charged his sword with mana.

"First, we will cut off his limbs. Now, here's the question: All you need is your mouth.''

An aura spreads from Beelzebub.

The outstanding graduate's heavy and dense aura expanded in a crescent-shaped orbit.


A huge marble column has been sliced diagonally.

The monster hurriedly raised its hammer to block the blow, but was unable to avoid the debris collapsing behind it.


Saying that, the creature broke through the rubble and dirt.

His black suit was torn to shreds, revealing his muscular body, and the words were carved jagged into his chest like a knife.


"Ephebo, is that your name?"

Vikir asked, but the creature did not answer. only.


It simply radiated an even more intense aura from his body.

However, it was still only a senior graduate, the level at which Vikir arrived and began living in the village of Barak.

``Good thing; picking up the trash was tough.''

Vikir smiled just a little.

He was a little sore from all the time he spent hunting the weak.

Advanced Graduate He should still be able to use his strength against opponents of his level, so it was time for him to stretch a bit.


Vikir also increased his aura.

The seven forms of the Baskervilles have now shown a terrifying trajectory.

First tooth movement.

Second central incisor.

Third tooth: lateral incisor.

Fourth molar.

Fifth wisdom tooth.

6th premolar.

Seventh tooth molar.

4 in the upper jaw, and 3 in the lower jaw. A total of 7 teeth fell on the demon Ephebo with a black bag.

…pull it!

The first tooth pierced Ephebo's body.

The second tooth tore through the wound caused by his first tooth, tearing and cutting.

The third tooth keeps the second blow strong and connects to the fourth.

The fourth tooth shattered Efebo's entire body, tearing it apart beyond repair or regeneration.

The fifth tooth concentrated the recoil damage from the previous four blows in one place and slammed it into Ephebo's body again.

The 6th tooth supported the 7th tooth, completely sealing off even the smallest gap that Ephebo was able to squeeze through.

The seventh tooth was still small and weak and looked like a gap, but it didn't matter because the sixth tooth supported it.

On the contrary, when the orbit where the seventh tooth was located spun around and tried to escape through the gap, it was deftly thrown away by the sixth tooth hidden behind it and instantly turned into pieces.

So was Ephebo.

Quack, quack, quack, quack!

Seeing the trajectory of Vikir's sword, the row of teeth, and the fact that he had managed to find the gap, Ephebo quickly realized it was a trap.

Although the seventh tooth is relatively small and looks less intimidating at first glance, it is actually optimized for killing more people than all the other teeth.

"I won't say I'm the seventh for nothing."

Vikir said as he trampled on Ephebo, who was soon reduced to a rag.

It may be small, but it is the seventh tooth.

No one had ever seen it before except Vikir and Hugo les Baskerville, the head of the Baskerville family.

In the future, when this seventh tooth grows and reaches its full size, Vikir will become a master swordsman.

"Then he will not fear Hugo."

Vikir's feelings towards Hugo had softened considerably since he realized that his death in his previous life had more to do with Seth than with Hugo.

But Vikir still did not harbor good feelings for Hugo.

After all, it was he who shot himself in the throat at the last moment of his regression, and it was he who abandoned many of his brothers as if they were expendable.

``Shall we begin our interrogation?''

Vikir kicked the battered ephebo into a steel beam jutting out from one of the stone pillars.


Vikir's small, delicate hands bent the thick iron frame like a toffee stick and molded it into the shape of a hook.

Ephebo fought, but his body was stuck like a fishhook in the bent steel, and he couldn't escape.

Overwhelming power that can instantly overwhelm and pin down high-ranking graduates.

If the students at the academy who had just played with Vikil had seen this, they would have fainted several times.

asked Vikir in a cold tone.

"Now, who is your master? Who made you like this?"


Instead of answering, Ephebo growled quietly. It was clear that he had no intention of admitting anything.

(although I doubt he can even speak).

But Vikir didn't care.

"Interrogation is not always conducted verbally."

Much information is gleaned from the interrogator's body, including the state of his internal organs, the placement of his bones, his wounds, the freshness of his blood, the concentration of mana in his body, etc.. Blood vessels and social status influence their lives.

Vikir was planning to dismantle Ephebo's entire body by dismantling it into pieces.

Well then.


I heard the sound of the wind from behind.

When he turned around, he saw the fat man from earlier, the kindergarten principal Doxeller, smiling and saliva dripping from the corner of his mouth.

"It's him. He's coming. Hehehe. Face. To take back my face. Don't make a mistake."

At first glance, I knew he was crazy.

Naturally, it's no wonder that people go crazy when they see talented graduates fighting monsters up close at the highest level of Mana Explosion.

The mana wave, shockwave, and collapsing rubble would have been devastating enough for a normal person.

With that said, Dokusera began to stagger away.

"I have to hide it... I have to hide it."

He dug through the rubble until his fingers were bloody.

Finally, he pulled out a rather large safe.


Vikir watched with interest.

Something he didn't acknowledge during the previous torture was coming from his subconscious—something he probably wasn't even aware of.

In fact, I'm glad he went crazy.

Well then.

Beep, beep, beep

As he was turning the button on the safe, the doxeller suddenly stopped.


"Boom, boom, boom, boom!"

Something happened.

Doc Sera's entire body suddenly began to expand.

Vikir threw himself back as soon as he felt the flow of mana.



Suddenly, Dokusera's body exploded with a loud noise.

Apparently, the devil has placed a restriction on him that he will self-destruct after taking certain actions.


Vikir was outside the blast radius but still suffered significant damage.

The wound was minor, and Swamp Salamander's power was able to regenerate everything, but not the clothes.

His cloak, shirt, and mask were half-burnt.

Vikir removed the plague doctor's mask from his face and threw it to the ground.


When I looked back, Ephebo's figure nailed to the stone pillar had disappeared.

Judging by the bits of flesh and entrails clinging to the rough steel surface, it must have taken some effort to push it out.

It was a difficult escape for a living person.

``Well, at least we got a harvest.''

Vikir looked into the safe that had been destroyed by the suicide bomb.

Much of the safe's contents were preserved, thanks to the Doxeller setting off the explosion shortly before the explosion, minimizing radioactive fallout.

The safe contained a significant amount of gold, real estate documents, and jewelry.

It's probably the proceeds from selling children who have nowhere to go as food to the devil.

But Vikir didn't care about wealth.

What particularly caught his attention was the pile of papers behind it.


They detailed the details of the deposit, where the children were taken, and where they were sent.

``This needs to be analyzed.''

Vikir crumpled the paper in his arms.

He will immediately send them to Cindy and Wendy and instruct her to investigate.

"Oh! Stop working!

I could already hear her singing.

* * *

After Vikil left,.

Security was called because of a disturbance in the middle of the night.

They looked at the destroyed children's room and stuck out their tongues.

``Looks like a giant animal came and caused some trouble.''

``Maybe this nursery was under the control of the Quobadis family.

``What kind of madman has invaded the realm of the believers?'' The guards combed through the ruins.

But nothing was found.

What they actually discovered was a large amount of wealth of unknown origin in an abandoned safe.

It was a mystery why so much money was here and where it came from.

And why does the supposedly frugal Qualvadis branch have so much black money?

The investigation inevitably dragged on, and the guards soon made a shocking discovery in the children's basement.

Remains of children between the ages of 10 and 13.

Dozens of bones and skeletons lay on the ground beneath a former kindergarten building.

The guards were all surprised.

Then. Some were more surprised than others.


Saint Dolores.

A direct descendant of the Quovadis family, she is the she is the student council president and newspaper editor at the Academy Colosseum.

She learned that an organization related to her family had been attacked, so she rushed to the scene. 4,444 students from the academy's newspaper club were also on site to cover the event.

Originally, the Academy Newspaper had rules.

First-year students only report on events within the school.

2nd and 3rd year students can report on events outside the school.

Insurance coverage is limited to the academy because new students are too inexperienced to leave the academy and need time to adjust to the school.

However, he was allowed to leave the school in his second and third years.

Just like Dolores is doing now with other student journalists.

"What on earth is that?"

Dolores was speechless at the sight that greeted her.

A destroyed kindergarten with the bodies of many children left behind.

Who would do such a foolish thing?

The guards were eager to be interviewed by student journalists.

"By the time we arrived, it had already happened."

"Whoever attacked this place was strong and evil, judging by the blood and flesh splattered everywhere.

``It seems like it was a one-man attack...''

``There's a terrible villain in town, and similar incidents are happening all over the place...''

The students of the academy are on guard. I took the statements of the members seriously.

It was a summary of tomorrow's newspaper article that would be distributed to the academy the next morning.

Well then.


Saint Dolores hurriedly looked around her and found something.

Avoiding everyone's gaze, she went back under the pile of rubble and picked up what had fallen to the ground.


What Dolores picked up was a half-burnt mask.

It was a plague doctor's mask with a stork's beak on it.

ShoutOut: 👏 🎉 💥

Grateful to ✨ [ anneuson ] ✨ for the enchanting gift of Powerstone, infusing my world with their magic. Your support fuels my journey beyond words. 📚💫