
Iris's Lives

Iris should have died. Or at least, been on death's door. And yet, here she was: making a deal with her own life as the reward. She was to save a soul, a soul so important she had to travel beyond the limits of her world. But Iris isn't fit to work under someone else, she could not live with her life tethered to another. Iris's life has only one person in it. That's the way it's meant to be. But when the only way to get her life back becomes more and more complicated, she finds her convictions shifting.

BlurryVision · Fantasy
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30 Chs

Chapter 1

Iris knew she was in a coma. She had heard stories about how some people had some dim awareness of their surroundings. They heard snippets of what their loved ones were saying to them. However, from her understanding it was much more limited than what she was experiencing at this moment.

She was in a blank void. Unsettling darkness spread as far as she could see. There was nothing for her eyes to attach themselves to. It was dizzying. She endured a wave of vertigo as she stood up, trying to grasp where she was. She slowly flexed her fingers, feeling the warmth of life coursing through her body. 

And yet that was impossible. The wounds she suffered should have incapacitated her, if not killed her. But there was not a scratch on her body.

She suppressed the unease that came with being in an unknown situation and starting walking. She was not the sort of person to just wait until something happened. But as time passed on and her cautious gait became a hurried one, a frown of impatience started to form on her sharp features. She walked for what felt like hours and yet there was nothing. To be in a space devoid of sound and light was something that grated on her the longer she was here. 

Is this what a coma was like? How was it that everyone who went into a coma didn't become insane?

"Anybody?" She half-heartedly said as her cold voice echoed into nothing. 

She didn't expect to achieve anything from that, yet as soon as the word left her lips, there was the presence of light that stunned her eyes. She squinted her eyes as she stared at the words that had appeared, floating. 

They read 'Your life can be saved.' She was instantly full of suspicion. She had begun to understand that what was happening to her could not be described by science, yet she was still trying to find an explanation. However, regardless of the reason, it was true that she might die. Her body was in no shape to pass up offers of help, even ones as suspicious as this.

"How? How can you save me?"

The previous words were replaced with 'We will make a deal.'

'You do my tasks and I will save your life'

"You cannot simply expect me to agree with such little details. Who are you? What are these tasks?" She said imposingly. She knew very well that there were no other options, but that did not mean there was no room for bartering. 

The stagnant words had once again changed,' I will transport you to different stories, each with their own respective plots and characters. In each of these stories there is a character whose wishes are strong enough that intervention is necessary. You will fulfill these requests and bring satisfaction to the original character'

Iris narrowed her eyes as she stared at the rapidly appearing words. Everything being stated to her was far too vague. There was no way she could rely on such vague details.

"What else? How many of these tasks will I do? How will you save my life? And who are you?" She placed a strong, intimidating, emphasis on her last question.

After she spoke the words disappeared and there was a long stretch of silence where neither party communicated. They were both unrelenting, unwilling to let the other party get the advantage. 

Eventually words appeared in front of Iris:'Do we have a deal?' 

This mysterious entity would not give Iris any more details. And quite frankly, it didn't have to. Iris was the one who was stuck here. She did not know what was keeping her and she could not solve it before she was driven mad in this empty void. She knew this, but the unfamiliar sensation of powerlessness crawled under her skin like insects. She did not like being controlled. And that was exactly what this felt like. Control under the guise of a mutual arrangement.

But she couldn't rid herself of her own life so easily.
