It's the year 2247 After Starfall. Mortem has welcomed an era of peace, but machinations are always happening in the dark. Shu, a wandering swordsman, is on a quest for revenge. Will he be swept up in the currents of the rising apocalypse, or will he quench his thirst for vengeance?
The rest of the month went by in a peaceful manner. Shu didn't accept any missions, opting to spend time with his team. He even helped out on a few of theirs. All of the battalion knew that he wasn't at Gold level strength by this point. The scanners may say so but it was obvious that the sword demon resided somewhere in the Supreme realm.
Rin's training was finished for the time being. She would have to improve herself and find a path unique to her. The sharing of his mana would assist her in countless ways. Both rookies decided to visit Breim Port the day before Shu's departure.
They were now sitting in the main square, wearing casual clothes. The young samurai's katana was left in his storage. This would allow them to stay undercover, since the image of him carrying a katana was too iconic. The snow demon and sword demon were too popular throughout Valsir. Many of the other battalions weren't happy about that. Silent Night was supposed to stay hidden in the background after all.
"You've never had a popsicle?" Shu asked.
"I find that hard to believe. You yourself are a popsicle."
"Pervert Shu. Shut up."
"Before we look around, we should probably get you one."
"Because what?"
"Because I said so."
Both of them were gazing at a vendor on the other side of the square. They were separated by a scenic water fountain that spanned the majority of the area. Kids were waiting in line with excitement, purchasing ice cream with the funds their parents gave them.
"What flavor do you want?"
"I don't-"
"Pick a flavor!" He interrupted with playful banter.
"...See if they have blueberry." Rin finally said. The sleepy man smiled before squeezing her cheek.
"Be right back."
Shu made his way over to the woman selling frozen sweets. The entire time, Rin's gaze drilled into his back. There wasn't anything else for her to look at. Why would she bother with anything else? Because of this, she failed to notice the group of delinquents who entered the square.
"Ah shit! Boss is gonna be pissed."
"It'll be fine…I think."
"You think?"
"You'll get beat up a bit, but that should be it."
"It was just one slip up!"
"That's all it takes with him."
One of them seemed to be in a bad mood. They all had bandages on their faces and hands. A slight amount of blood could be seen on them. As they made their way to the fountain, they spotted the petite beauty sitting by herself. One of them nudged the angry hooligan.
"Why don't you blow off some steam?" He suggested while gesturing his head toward her.
"Eh? Oh…Hehe. What a great idea!"
After saying these words, he split off from the group. It didn't take long to reach her. An image of him manhandling her light frame was already stuck in his mind. She was his type.
"What're ya doin out here by yourself? Need someone to keep you safe?" He spoke while licking his lips.
Rin didn't even pay him a glance, too busy watching Shu's figure. The delinquent grit his teeth. A vein could be seen on his forehead.
'This bitch! Ignoring me?!' He thought.
"Oi, I'm talking to you!"
The hooligan grabbed her chin and forced her to look at him. When she finally came to, she frowned. This man was too ugly. A bad sight for the eyes.
"...Who are you?" She finally spoke. The snow demon only noticed him just now.
"I'm your new man. Your mate. Get used to seeing me." He growled.
He knew that this line would work on expressionless dolls like her. People like her didn't have common sense. Unfortunately, the word 'mate' caused her emotions to stir.
"My mate? You aren't Shu…Weakling." She muttered.
"What'd you say? I'll fucking-" Before he could finish, his entire body turned into an ice sculpture.
It was as if he was frozen in time. His angry expression was still on his face. Rin turned her gaze back to Shu, which caused the hand on her chin to shatter into shards of ice. He would die in a few seconds if he stayed frozen.
The other delinquents quickly approached with anger. They cracked their knuckles while flaring their pitiful mana. Rin ignored them once more.
"Do you know what the hell you just did?! Looks like you need to be educated on how to treat a man." One of them spoke while they surrounded her.
Meanwhile, Shu was about to order a popsicle. He had his reasons and they couldn't be explained. Only true men would understand why she needed to have one. As he waited in line, a powerful but contained aura stopped behind him.
"Huh?! I know you. Where's your mask, Legendary fuck?" A grumpy voice called out.
Shu turned around to see the angry looking recruit from Phoenix Talon. It was Pryce. A slight smile adorned the samurai's face.
"Ah, hello Pryce. My name is Shu, not Legendary fuck."
"You on a mission, fuck face?" Pryce growled. It seemed as if he was just talking though.
"...Why are you so aggressive? And no, this is my day off."
"Look at you. Getting ice cream at your age. Haha! What a dork."
"Aren't you also in line? To get ice cream?" Shu asked with a frown. The angry man grit his teeth.
"Can it, you bastard!"
Time passed and they eventually got their sweets. They immediately found themselves walking in the same direction. Shu frowned.
"Why are you following me?"
"We're just headed in the same direction. Stop being a jackass!"
As soon as they reached the area, both of them frowned for different reasons. The swordmaster saw his little beauty surrounded by trash. Rin was still gazing at him, their eyes always speaking more than words.
"Boss! You're just in time! This little bitch tried to kill Jackmon!" One of the hooligans groveled before Pryce.
Both Shu and the angry man frowned with hostility. An unbearable pressure was released from both of them, causing all the delinquents to crash into the ground. They couldn't get up. It was as if gravity was holding them down.
"Ganging up on a woman? I guess you all need some more lessons." Pryce exclaimed.
Shu casually approached the snow demon and handed her the popsicle. Without even looking, he backhanded the ice sculpture beside them. It burst into ice particles and shimmered under the sun's rays.
"Let's go." He spoke sleepily.
His hand was outstretched for Rin to take. She didn't even hesitate, immediately holding his hand. The two made their way out of the square, ignoring the delinquents and Pryce, who was beating them up.
"Shu, we have unfinished business!" He roared at Shu's silhouette.
"Hmm? We do?"
"You killed one of my underlings!"
"He was already dead. You probably know what he tried to do."
"Whatever. Next time we meet, it's on sight!" Pryce declared.
Little did they know, they would both be in trouble for their actions today. The Golden Circle is powerful. Exercising their strength on civilians was looked down upon. At least in broad daylight. Many bystanders had seen the entire thing, so it probably wouldn't be too bad. The hooligans were in the wrong.
Rin looked around before staring at the popsicle in her hand. She eventually raised it to her mouth. It seemed as if the yokai would bite it in half. Shu gently squeezed her hand.
"Don't bite it." He said. Rin stopped her actions and looked up at him.
"That's not how you eat it. Even kids know how to eat it."
"How do I eat it?"
"Just look at the kids." He concluded.
Rin looked over to the children who were eating their popsicles. Others had ice cream and sweets. The ones who were eating the popsicles licked it all over. She couldn't help but look at her popsicle again. She then began to lick it as well.
"There you go." Shu praised her with a smile. Only he knew why she had to learn this.
The yokai ignored him, focusing more on the delicacy. Both of them held hands as they strolled through the capital. There was no telling when he'd return from his next mission. It was a big one, with hidden threats.
"Did you hear? The Mortem World Tournament is going to be held in a couple months!" A random civilian began to gossip with his group of friends.
"Who do you think is projected for the top 5?"
"Obviously the Golden Circle. There's also the saints from Laria, heroes who surpassed their roles."
"What about the noble clans of The Veldhoven?"
"Who cares. They won't hold a candle to the demons of Gungnir."
Shu and Rin were currently sitting under the shade of a tree. It was an outside lounge that overlooked the ocean. A thoughtful expression adorned his face.
'World Tournament huh?' He thought.
After looking at the petite beauty, he smiled. There was no doubt that she'd be participating. He'd make sure to go just for her. Rin glanced at him before turning back to the ocean, licking the popsicle all the while. Her little tongue had turned blue.