

Ireolamide is the lowliest and average person you would ever meet, but, like everyone else, she has expectations, wishes and dreams, only that her lower-class status is a huge barrier to it. She tries to forget about her limitations because her passion keeps her going despite her emotional imbalance. Stuck in a school with rich and posh kids, she has to bear their taunts because she’s the only low-class personality among them. With a smeared past that’s prevents her from having a comfortable life how will she bring herself out of the slums she grew up in into the classic life she wishes or herself and her mother? All she is facing is attributed to her father and the horrible things he did to her when she was younger. Years after their separation he appears at a dance competition she participated in on sponsorship, he now pursues a relationship with her, a relationship they never had and so never lost, will she give in to his tactics or will she forgive him and move on with the new life he wishes to give to her? Past experiences cannot be easily forgotten, the scars and dents she has sustained have not been wiped off, as Ireolamide’s father tries to establish a bond will she reveal all the bad things she went through for him to know just how bad his actions affected her and will she allow him to undo the multiple wrongs he did to her that caused her a traumatic childhood?

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Wait is this how it is when you're a star? That people will just keep asking for your autograph or am I just imagining things? I pinched myself to bring me back into reality and still saw the girls there waiting anxiously for my response.

"Please oh please," the second girl pleaded with her two hands clasped together, "we're huge fans of yours since the first video that was released of you dancing, please, we were following your progress during the competition" witches? "And, we really want your autograph, please."

"Wow, that was a lot of pleases, sure, where do I sign?" I collected their jotters and signed it, then the taller one brought her phone out and requested for a selfie, which I consented to, they held me tight and we all smiled as she took three cute pictures of us. How sweet. They hugged me tight and went back in and this has been quite an eventful day to be honest.