

I opened my eyes slowly, but the light was so sharp and bright that I shut my eyes immediately, then I opened it slowly again and gradually my eyes adapted to the light. I looked around, not recognizing where I was. The room was a very big and beautiful room, it was painted brown and white with white flowery patterns on the brown part, there was a beautiful chandelier in the room, a beautiful brown cushion, flat screen TV. A magnificent king-sized wardrobe stood in the far right corner of the room and the bed I was lying down on was a magnificent king-sized bed. I've certainly never seen or been in this room before and this cannot be a worker's room. I looked under the duvet, I was naked under it, I tried to stand up but I was weak and my legs felt wobbly so I fell back on the bed. I was having a terrible headache and I felt dizzy, my shoulder, back and belly hurts badly, my stomach feels swollen and my inner thighs hurt as I sat slowly and gently wrapping the duvet around my body. I closed my eyes as I tried to remember what happened, my memories came back in a flash. I remember being strapped to the bed, I remember screaming and begging, I saw Logan slapping me and telling me to be quiet then I remembered the doctor bringing out a premature baby and then something else. I'm pretty sure whatever he brought out must have been something very important in my body, if not why was Logan so sure I would never get pregnant again. "Logan!" I hissed seething with rage and hatred for that man. Just then, the door opened and the monster walked in, he jumped when he saw me sitting on the bed. "my princess, you're awake!" he smiled and came closer. He stopped in front of me and looked down his nose at me "took you long enough" he reached out to touch me but I slapped his hand away "get away from me!" I hissed through gritted teeth and he laughed "don't be so dramatic Irene. Now get up and take the cover off you." I glared at him, this man was unbelievable. How dare he think about such thing right now. "how long was I unconscious?" I asked totally ignoring his command "about three weeks" he shrugged and I gasped "three weeks?"

"yeah. Now, take the covers off you, I wanna see my princess..."

"have I been here throughout the three weeks?" I asked again "yeah, now, take off..."

"and I've been naked for the three weeks?" I asked again feeling my face going hot "yes" he answered slightly irritated that I keep ignoring and cutting him off "Now, take off..."

"and you've also been...."

"Irene!" he warned and I glared at him "I hate you!" I spat and he laughed again "that's my girl." he held my chin "that's my baby, so full of hate. It warms me you know, your hatred keeps me warm, it's so feisty, so hot, so satisfying" he smirked as I kept glaring at him, then he bent down and kissed me hard but I didn't kiss him back. He drew back and studied me then with a swift movement, he yanked the duvet off me and flung it away. He laughed as I tried to hide my body with my hands, he seemed to be enjoying the show and it annoyed me so much, I wanted to slap that smirk off his face, I wanted to punch the smile away from his face forever. I suddenly stopped trying to protect my body from his intense gaze, stood up, looked him straight in the eyes and asked "what did you do to me?" he stopped smiling as a serious expression settled on his face, he walked towards the window and yanked the curtains closed "you still haven't figured it out? You're not as smart as I thought. Well, I simply had you undergo hysterectomy. Incase you don't know what that means, it means, I simply had your uterus and ovaries removed. That way, you can never get pregnant again with or without the pills." he said walking back towards me. It felt like the world stopped rotating for a while as I stared at him blankly. Suddenly, rage filled me and I clenched my fist and began to hit him on his chest "you're a monster!" I screamed "and I hate you, I hate you so much, I feel sick to my stomach everytime I see you. You've ruined my life, I hate you!" I kept screaming and hitting his chest with every bit of strength in me "I wish you'd rot in hell...!" he caught hold of my wrists in a steel grip "enough!" he growled and I saw that he was turning red with rage but I didn't care, this monster has ruined my life. "you're a mons..." he slapped me on both cheeks "I said enough!" he yelled. Then he walked over to his closet, brought out one of his shirts and flung it to me "wear this and get the hell outta here!" I picked up the shirt slowly and wore it while he just leaned against his closet and watched me. I turned quietly to leave and was about to turn the door knob when I suddenly remembered I didn't know the way back to my room, I turned to him, opened my mouth to speak but he cut me off "take the right turn, head straight down, you'll find a door, open it and take the elevator down, you'll find your way from there." I walked out of the room and went the way he instructed. I didn't even know that this part of the house exist. The hallway was extremely beautiful and I took in the beautiful sight, Logan made sure his part of the house was exceptionally beautiful for a monster like him. Though our rooms are beautiful too and he provides us with the best clothes and accessories, as if that's enough to cover all the damages he's done to us physically, emotionally, mentally and psychologically. The man is supposed to rot in jail and then hell for his violent and abusive nature. I got out of the elevator and found the main hallway that I recognized, then I stopped by Ava's room. I contemplated on knocking but wasn't sure. She may be working so I put my ear by the door and listened, it was quiet inside, too quiet. I knocked once, twice, thrice and got no response then I began to panic. Why wasn't she answering the door. "Ava?" I called but got no response "Ava, it's me Irene. Are you there?" still no response

"she's not there" someone replied from behind and I turned to see who the person is.