

I admired myself in the mirror again and smiled, "what a pretty girl you are Irene" I wore my hair up in a cute bun, adjusted my strapless dress and went to the doorway where Leo was waiting for me, he took my hand and led me to Logan's quarters

It's been two weeks since my best friend died and no I've not given up on my revenge plans yet, but I want to approach my plan with caution. Logan would regret the day he laid a finger on Ava

We got to the door and Leo stepped forward and knocked twice then he stepped back. "Enter!" Logan commanded and he motioned me to go in, I stepped in and Logan gave a huge smile "did anyone ever tell you that you're pretty?"

"In this line of work, I get told that everyday" I said and gave him a small smile "well, don't believe any other compliments other than mine" he tipped my jaw towards him and stared at my lips then he suddenly pushed me away "well, I called you here to talk, sit down" he gestured for me to sit on the bed and I did, then he just stared at me for a while making me feel uncomfortable. I coughed to break the silence "what is it?" I snapped and he just smiled "you've changed!" He said gently and I could feel my temper rising "well, you removed my ovaries and uterus, what did you expect, that I'll start worshiping you and licking your feet?" I snapped and he smiled "that's not why you changed" he stared at me and I fought the urge to cry "I swear, I'll never forgive you and I'll kill you for that" I hissed through my teeth "I know. And that's why I've decided to keep you detained" I was stunned "what do you mean detained?" He stood up and started walking towards the window "it seems you became dumber since the hysterectomy, I mean detained is a simple word." He turned back to face me "you'll have two guards in your room every time from now on, including during work hours and you're not allowed to leave your room unless I send for you. There, can you see how simple it is"

I stood up furiously "Logan, I swear, you'll pay for all you've done to me, you think detaining me is going to stop anything, hell no. I'll kill you and I'll leave this goddamn place." He simply laughed and walked closer to me "take off your clothes Irene!" He said with all seriousness and I stood staring at him, not moving. Suddenly, he punched my jaw hard and I fell while holding my jaw, he stood over me with a smirk "that's going to happen every time you disobey me, not just that, worse things will happen if you disobey me. You still think you've got a chance at revenge?"

I didn't look up at him, the pain was excruciating. Logan has hit me many times but this one was worse and more painful, he suddenly yanked me off the floor and shoved me on the bed pinning me to it with his hands gripping my neck so tightly that I thought he was gonna kill me, when I was sure my face had turned blue, he released my neck and kissed me violently, then he patted my cheeks. "Get out of my room!" He growled and I immediately left