
IP: Lich's Sticky Note Adventure

Follow Lich on his adventure's of exploring all the Paths and Laws the universe has to offer. Will Lich reach what is pass the Infinite Tier? Will the writer actually stop skipping things and actually write out all 10,000 Dao's? I am open to questions on things but be respectful and check if it was already responded to. I will make a discord soon.(by soon I mean once the community actually talks lol) Twitter:@Notaduck00 Artist Twitter: @meivix_

Notaduck · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
309 Chs

Chapter 5

As Lich opened the door to work a realization hit them. 'I forgot to make ammo! Shit am I just going to end up dying without making money again?'

"Good morning Lich. What is with that face you are making?"

Seeing that Boss was already here Lich decided to ask for help. "Good morning Boss. I forgot to bring in ammo today is it okay that I come back later after getting it?"

"Well, if you still have some leftover money, it would be better to go to the skill shop. Using a shotgun against slimes in the long run will end up costing more then the slime drops are worth. Also the closest skill shop is only a 30 min walk." After showing Lich the address of the skill shop and seeing them leave, Boss started talking out loud to himself.

"With the interest rate on the loans, by the end of the month you would of wished you never came to this city, hick."

As Lich arrived to the skill shop they say a martial dojo beside it with a sign that said Martial Skills. 'If I have any money left I will try here to buy a skill or two.' After entering the skill shop they realized no one else but the cashier was here.

"Hello, welcome to Discount Skill, how may I help you today?" Hearing the name of the store Lich smiled. 'With discount in the name I guess I will have money left.' But that thought instantly left as Lich saw the lowest price being $5000.

After looking at the skills and the requirements Lich realized the only one they could learn was a skill called 'Mana Coat'. "I would like to buy 'Mana Coat' please." Hearing which skill Lich picked the cashier looked at Lich as if Lich was a pervert. Throwing the skill book down after receiving the money, the cashier pretended as if Lich did not exist. Lich seeming unaffected left the store and went to the martial dojo next door.

This store also only had a cashier. The only difference was this cashier looked extremely happy someone walked in. " Hello welcome to 'No Pain No Gain' we are happy to have you! I am the owner and you are our first customer. So each martial skill will only cost you $1000. If you need any help just ask and I'll be happy to help."

The high-spirited youth jumped from behind the counter and landed in front of Lich. Smiling, she waited for Lich to speak. 'So I guess she wants to help. Seeing as I am the first customer I bet she has been bored out of her mind sitting here.'

"Well I just bought the 'Mana Coat' skill so I was looking for martial skills to help.. out." As soon as she heard Lich say 'Mana Coat' her eyes glistened. "Haha, damn you got guts! 'Mana Coat' is such a hardcore skill to learn even some masochists give up half way. But I know the best skills for someone like you."

Before Lich could ask what she meant, she ran to the back of the store with one step. 'Is that a martial skill? She covered so much distance so quickly.' After waiting for a bit she poked her head out of the back, " How much money do you have?" "$5000." She then came out with 5 books.

"Here is the best skills for some one with your personality. 'Choke' 'Stomp' 'Grapple' 'Kick' and 'Headbutt'. 'Choke' can work on parts besides the neck. It is just squeezing with your hands till something breaks. With 'Stomp' you can make sure any male opponents don't get back up. 'Grapple' can help you seize an opponent and can combo a 'Stomp' if you throw them down. 'Kick is self explained and so is 'Headbutt'."

"Uh... thanks." After paying and heading back to work Lich decided to look at 'Mana Coat' and why it gave people the wrong impression. 'Wait I have to cover myself in slime! Fuck!' Thinking about how painful it was yesterday Lich started having second thoughts. 'Well I already payed for it so I might as well learn it...wait it isn't a real skill till after 10,000 coats?!? But it seems like I will still be able to use it. I guess after I get some coats I will be able to save on ammo using my marital skills.

Sadly skills learnt in 'Recruitment Phase' do not pass on to the next phase. If Lich knew this they wouldn't of thought it would be fine torturing themselves for the next 6 months.

After cleaning up the workplace Lich begrudgingly looked at the slime rug. Before they sat down Boss gave some advice. " You can take some days off to learn your skills and make ammo if you want. The incense sticks get added everyday so you can stockpile them if you need to."

Hearing that Boss's words sounded like a godsend and Lich hurriedly left after thanking boss. "The less you work , the less money you will make. Making it that much harder to get out of your debt to me. Which means the longer I can exploit you." After saying that, the door opened and a group of burly man came in.

"Hey Boss, that kid that ran out just now, is he the one you duped to take the slime rug?"

Seeing the group, Boss let out a laugh. "Yeah the slime rug is bound to him so it opened up the next one. Time to make some money." The leader of the group of men smiled. " So glad a hick like him found his way here. Slime drops aren't worth much. I don't have to subject one of my own man to poverty."

It was now the 9th day since coming to the city. The past few days Lich spent the time learning the 5 marital skills and making all the ammo they could. 'It sucks I couldn't start the 'Mana Coat' training till I get the slime drop. But I should have 7 incense sticks so it shouldn't be hard to get some today. After making sure they had everything Lich headed back to work.

What welcomed Lich back to work was all but one of the rugs had a stone statue of burly men on it. That and how dirty all the floors were. "Hey were have you been? Clean this floor now!" Instead of the good morning Lich usually received from Boss , this time they received a kick to the back and getting reprimanded.

Walking to the cleaning closet Lich got agitated. "Where did the brooms and mops go?" All that was left in the closet was a dirty rag and a mop bucket with cracks on the bottom. After cleaning for two hours Lich was almost done with the top floor but then from behind Lich heard the mop bucket get kicked. Getting drenched with the gray mop water, Lich was pissed. As they were turning around to yell out whichever asshole did it Lich felt a kick into their hip.


"Hey watch where you kick your trash, you almost hit me." Boss yelled up to the second floor as he stepped on Lich, who got kicked onto the ground floor. Kicking Lich, who was bleeding from their skull and unconscious. He spat onto Lich. "Dammit Lich you dented my floor that is another $10000 you owe me." Boss and the man upstairs started to laugh. As they were laughing a stone statue started to break apart. "Whatcha guys laughing about?" "Oh nothing just some dumb ass fell down the stairs." The man then looked down the stairs. " Huh, that looks serious. I guess they wont get up in time to use an incense. So it is free grabs right?"

After walking to Lich's slime rug the man grabbed one of the incense sticks and went back to his rug after getting into a mediation stance his body became a statue again.

Opening their eyes, Lich stared at the ceiling for a bit before trying to move. After half an hour of grunting and screaming they finally get on their feet. Making their way upstairs Lich saw the 7 sticks of incense that was supposed to be there were gone. Lich lost track of time, trying to keep the anger that was swelling up from coming out. Then the front door opened and Boss came in. Seeing Lich up he smiled and yelled.

"Hey first you disappear for a few days and then yesterday you slept on the floor, which you did not clean. See how dirty it is? I am going to deduct $1000 pay each time the floor isn't clean. Now get to work!"

"My incense sticks are gone. Where are they?" Lich looked over at boss while trembling in anger.

Boss scoffed at Lich. "Once the floor is cleaned you get your daily stick. Now do not bother me till it is cleaned."