
IP: Lich's Sticky Note Adventure

Follow Lich on his adventure's of exploring all the Paths and Laws the universe has to offer. Will Lich reach what is pass the Infinite Tier? Will the writer actually stop skipping things and actually write out all 10,000 Dao's? I am open to questions on things but be respectful and check if it was already responded to. I will make a discord soon.(by soon I mean once the community actually talks lol) Twitter:@Notaduck00 Artist Twitter: @meivix_

Notaduck · Sci-fi
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309 Chs

Chapter 42

Mutant:Ninja which are invisible along with the attacks they unleash. Mutant:Mechanic which can give A.I. to non living items. Gas Monster which is immune to all physical attacks similar to the slime but better as there is no core that could be hit.

Mutant:Knight which grants the ability to be a cavalry unit. Though similar to the ability that grants a mount, mounts cannot help in fights while the cavalry one can. Mutant:Thief which lets you steal items.

Cyborg which are hunted for the electronic parts that you can get. Mutant:Esper which can attack combining the Wisdom + Intelligence + Mystery. Mutant:Juggernaut which attacks with Strength + Defense + Speed. The stats for both of these monsters in a fight are calculated together so if they were balance builds, then the stat would be 15.

Mutant:Warrior which takes reduced damage from ranged attacks. Mutant:Summoner who summons things with their 'birth sacks'. Parasites which when put in others lets you effect them no matter where they are, as long as they are not cured.

Mutant:Necromancer creates undead with brain rot. They only know to hunt and get brains. Oddly enough, things that have their brains eaten by the brain rotted zombies regrow their brains and become a brain rot undead. Brain rotted zombies can only be killed with a normal necromancers energy.

Mutant:Archer can move around ranged attacks. Treant are just better sources of wood as the wood made from them have higher stats than wood collected from non Treant trees. Mutant:Doctors have the ability to give shots.

Incubus/Succubus. They both grant one the ability to get stronger with sex. However only the Succubus can put one in a dreamlike state so they don't have to have sex, while the Incubus can only get stronger from doing the act.

Troll which gives a passive regeneration that doesn't require other energies.Mutant:Brawler get increased stats the more that they are hurt. Mutant:Bard gives one the ability to sing. Cerberus which can either grow extra heads or replace the one it loses.

Fleshball which compliments the Cerberus by letting you regrow all but your head and can give one extra limbs. Similar to Classless, Orcs can gain a certain level of immunity to Paths. As they don't gain the ability of the Path, the damage reduction they gain are stronger than the Classless.

Mutant:Mage can drop chants and only use keywords to use spells. Mutant:Illusionist can create illusion of feelings but not visual or sound. Cockatrice is mostly just where you go when chicken is just not doing it for you and gives an evil Left eye which does nothing by itself.

Mutant:Slayer weakens its target with every hit. Kobold are just better at mining so they are sadly enslaved whenever caught. When Chimera is used as a Path, it lets you add the level or strength of selected Law's Paths.

Basilisk grants you an evil Right eye. Together with the evil Left eye from the Cockatrice you can do passive attacks with your sight, no energy is used and skills cast with this combination cannot be tracked to you unless the other person tracking it also has both eyes and the same Law that you have.

Kraken gives you special ink that increases the things the ink is used in. Oni cannot be stopped, if you see a Oni swing its weapon either dodge or stat thinking about what you want to reborn as. Though your Defense stat can still protect you, the boost from armor is not only not counted but actually gets added to the oncoming attack.

The Hydra doesn't grow more heads, but the part that is cut off does regrow into a new body. However a base form hydra cannot regrow its limbs that are cut off. The Phoenix can revive itself once it is killed, so one most either have enough time on their hands or just capture the monster.

Dino-Cursed are just the dinosaur versions of monsters, the base form of the Dino-Cursed is the T-rex. The Mutant:Tamer can force skills onto others. The Nightmare attacks people in their dreams and can cause nightmares. Though the G rank nightmare takes ten nightmares to kill, the SSS can kill you in just one.

Were-Cursed are beings that are mostly hair, the base form being a Sasquatch. Mutant:Assassin can perform killing shots on targets who don't react fast enough. Scarecrows are hard to deal with. Only a select few can tell if a scarecrow is just a normal one or a monster Scarecrow. As they don't show up as living on mini maps or if detecting life.

Fae are just a handful, as they pull pranks on others. Though sometimes the pranks they pull can be life or death. The Mutant:Devil are the reasons normal Devils are called evil. Mutant:Devils only goal and thought is Genocide. Though most don't know that they were made to punish sins.

Sphinxes love to give out riddles to whoever passes, though if you ask they mean harm. If you get it right they are weakened but if you get it wrong you are weakened, Caution as the Sphinx can choose the right answer as long as it fits the Riddle.

Mutant:Fisherman can create bait. Bone-Cursed can form exoskeletons. Demons have access to the underworld. Leviathans attacks causes what some would describe as a 'cut scene' attack. As it cannot be dodge unless you are another Leviathan that has the dodging skill or you go to block it with a skill that can block.

Arachnid can produce magical silk. Clothes made out of the Arachnid skill can be as strong or stronger than full body metal armor. Wolf is just a wolf. Statue is a type of monster than can only be hurt by Blunt weapons. Finally the last monster is the Mutant:Hero. The Mutant:Hero is the source of the liquid that Heroes use to get stronger.

That was all the monsters that Lich had read about. Next Lich tried to remember all of the food that he saw.

Egg Dishes, Pizza, Cookie, Meat on Bone like what may see in some media thought it can also be ribs, Sushi, Oatmeal, Dumpling, Hotpot, Casserole, Cake, Popcorn, Hamburger, Pancake, Dango, Mystery Meat that when eaten raised Mystery Stat.

Cereal, Stir-Fry, Chocolate, Rice Dish, Cutlet, Sweets, Egg Rolls which gets its own thing from the Egg dish, Tofu, Bread, BBQ, Food Bar, Sausage, Jerky, Onigiri which is also apart from the Rice Dish.

Pudding, Deep fry, Condiments though that is more what you put on food, Cheese, Meatball, Curry, Pie, Hummus, Spices, Ice-Cream, Taco, Hot Dog and Skewers.

Next Lich listed out all of the activities or sports that he learnt the Paths of.

Shogi, Parkour, Football, Mini-Golf, Racing, Blog, Babysitting which thought he remembered along with house sitting but he doesn't remember, Caber Toss, Card Game, Baseball, Paintball, Sculpt, Cross Country, War Games, Diving, Graffiti, E-Sport, Puzzle, Antiquing, Chess.

Wrestling, Jousting, Game Show, Volleyball, Tennis, Board Game, Botashi, L.A.R.P., Origami, Surfing, Dissection&Storage, Spelunking.

'Wait Spelunking? I feel like I have already said this. Did I forget to mark it down.'

As Lich looked through his notes that he started to write using the systems note taking section he couldn't remember.

"Maybe it is cause I am trying to organize them in groups. I should just try to remember them as they come to me instead of what sounds like they go together as some things fit with groups and I could confuse myself."

Television or simply a TV, Emotion Pill that can provide protection for your mind but could also get you high, Palanquin, Rock 'Candi' but it isn't really candy. Elevator, Belt, Tobacco as a drug and not a plant.

Fridge, Death Element that can cause Stats to decrease semi-perm until it is taken care of, Sports Drink, Road, 'Gum' which is gum but takes you to another world when chewing it or at least makes you feel like you are.

Box, Whiskey, Metal Element, Beer, Inventory, Steam Element, Table, Poison Element, Shrooms, Gloves, Rum, Flag, Mutant Drugs which gives temporary boosts, Escalator, Lawnmower, Dryer, Tequila, Swimming Pool, Mud Element, Tablet, Time Element, Juice, Watch, Blessing Element.

Vodka, Craft Bench, Holy Element, Book, Brandy, Frappe, Ice Element, Blimp, Visual Music Drug which lets you see sounds, Jetpack, Shadow Element, Van, Light Element, Riot Shield, Fruit Drug which is a drug in fruit form that makes you go on trips.

Scissor, Sake, Frying Pan, Gravity Element, Milk, Laptop that gives you access to the internet. Hot Coffee, Phone that lets you make calls, Acid Element, Milkshake, Plane, Hot Air Balloon, Backpack, Space Element, Vacuum, Lightning Element, Car, Raft, A/C, Glider, Helmet, Bubble Tea, Plant Element, Cocktail, Bus, Cyber Space Drug which can let you 'log in' to the internet.

Drill, Energy Drink, Cape/OverCoat, Nuclear Element, Food Pill which can replace the need for food.