
IP: Lich's Sticky Note Adventure

Follow Lich on his adventure's of exploring all the Paths and Laws the universe has to offer. Will Lich reach what is pass the Infinite Tier? Will the writer actually stop skipping things and actually write out all 10,000 Dao's? I am open to questions on things but be respectful and check if it was already responded to. I will make a discord soon.(by soon I mean once the community actually talks lol) Twitter:@Notaduck00 Artist Twitter: @meivix_

Notaduck · Sci-fi
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309 Chs

Chapter 41

Bard lets you use instruments. Student lets you take test to increase your exp. Knight allows you to aggro targets. Hero gains their strength from baptism. Lawyer allows you to convenience people.

Teacher allows you to give people tests to replace exp. Sailor grants you 'sea legs' and abilities at sea. Groundskeeper grants the ability to fix the durability of buildings.

'That seems to be all of the jobs I can remember right now. Next I need to remember the weapons.'

Machete, Flamethrower which shoots out a fluid that needs to be cleaned off and the fluid doesn't have to be on fire but is always flammable, a Claymore mine, a Potion Launcher which shoots out vials of potions, a Mortar, a Stave which increases the casting speed of spells.

Knife, Sword, Spear, Staff which increases the power of spells, Rocket Launcher, Hammer, Scythe, Kama, Mine, Handgun, Bow, Rapid Fire Gun, Shotgun, Lance, Saber, Grenade, Rifle, Gas Grenade which is a non-lethal version of the normal grenade.

Whip, Bola, Puppet though some would argue it being an item and not fit the weapon category, Javelin, Crossbow, Mace, Throwing Weapon, Halberd, Club, Trident, and Blowgun.

There seemed to be not many weapons. Then again with magic even normal items can be considered weapons.

'Let's try to remember the skills that I went through.'

'Field which allows the area around me to be under my control. My stats increase while all my enemies in the Field get weaker. I also am able to do attacks from my field.'

Beam which grants a concentrated beam attack, Knock Back which forces whatever is hit to be sent the other way, Touch which is a skill that activates by touch, Stomp, Disaster which causes disasters to appear.

Enhance which has similar effects to other Paths. It adds an effect if it applies and increases the overall stats, Orb which just grants the form of a orb or a ball, Geyser which is a ground attack without a solid form.

Set Trap which lets you set up a trap by hand, Arrow which grants you the skill to summon an arrow, Fusion which allows you to fuse with someone or something and combine all Stats and Path.

Slash which adds a bleeding effect, Disk which is a form of attack that deals multiple attacks over time, Enlightenment which increases the experience you gain, Cannon which condenses your attack and deals damage to durability and if it pierces through there is no damage reduction to the skill.

Movement which introduced the dodge function. First Aid which slow rates of injuries, don't expect to save someones life with this as it is only to increase the length of time they can last before real help arrives.

Hand which summons extra hands that can hold weapons or use skills. Grab which is obvious, Sky Form which grants you a fast flying form however travel by foot or by water is slower than normal in this form.

Meteor which lets you summon a meteor attack that is a deadly A.O.E. move. Giant which grants you the ability to become a giant and increases stats by a multiplier. Kick which is just a kick.

Claw&Fang which lets you add magic to your finger nails and your teeth. Hidden Weapon which adds an additional attack meant to break concentration. Bullet which lets you summon a magical bullet, Firework which is like the Bullet Path but the Firework after a set time explodes.

Punch which is a punch. Cheer which lets you cheer someone on and increase their stats or strengthen their Paths. Wave which sends out a wave of energy. Emotion which increases the equipped Laws, Caution: as each additional Law added the Emotion Path becomes more unstable.

Control which lets you influence your control over others. Slam which is normally used as a follow up attack after Grab is used. Breathe which grants the ability to attack from the mouth. Eye Technique grants the ability to attack with the eyes.

Throw, like the Slam Path it is normally used after using a Grab skill. Also can be used in throwing weapons. Coat which grants a guarantee status effect. Whirlpool which grants skills the form of a whirlpool.

Spray which grants the user the ability to use attack from the hand. Doppelganger which summons a body double who can fight with you. Wings which gives you the ability of air maneuverability, but not the ability to fly.

Absorb which lets you absorb unused energies. Seal which lets you seal and disallow the use of things. Wall which lets you summon a wall, unlike the building wall it isn't permanent. River which lets you use a gushing horizontal attack with knockback.

Sea Form which grants you fast movement in water but slower movements in air or land. Armor which covers yourself in a temporary armor that grants increase of defense and if pierced through the damage is still reduced.

Portal which lets you summon portals and finally Weather which lets you control the weather.

Remembering all the skills Lich decided to remember all of the monster books he saw.

Mutant:Gladiator which summons a pit to force combats onto others. Mutant:Soldiers which although attacks in groups it is the group and have to be killed all the way down to the last one or you didn't really kill it.

Bomber which is a monster that likes to self destruct and will do suicidal charges, they have to be put down before they are given a chance to explode. The real form of these monsters seem to be a mist like substance, they will try to get into another body and explode again.

Living Puppet which seems to be a sentient puppet. They must be fully destroyed or contained or they will just reform from any piece left alone. Cannibal Cursed have elongated limbs and a maw for a mouth, they get stronger eating things that share the same species as them.

Slime which is made of pure but corrupted mana. Their weak point is the thin and hollow stone inside it. However that weakness and corrupted mana go away once a Law is added. Devourer which adds the hunger bar once used as a Path.

Cyclops which have a third eye, which grants an additional way to attack. Mutant:Villain which are just the androids that contain the nano machines that villains use to get stronger. Classless which gains a certain level of immunity from either paths that hit it or near it. They also can use a strengthen version of said path.

Goblins which create failed potions that although still does the effect, will also explode. Though the healing potions will not hurt since they heal the rest are dangerous. Movement will cause the potion to reach it's expiration. Once the potion expires it will explode.

Roc which is kind of just a big bird monster. Mutant:Blacksmith creates weapons and armors that only have a one time use as the durability is extremely low, though the weapons are still in high demand as the weapons can kill stronger enemies and the armor can stop attacks from said enemies.

Skeleton which doesn't need explaining. Mutant:Trapper which transforms its body into a trap. Elf which can tell you what plants crave. Mutant:BugKeeper which gives bugs a place to live. Horrors which causes mental corruption and does damage directly to Intelligence. Once full mental corruption occurs so does death.

Mutant:Priest appear as faces on others. It can help charge energies for the host it sticks onto. Living Armor is another type of undead, only few know that Living Armor can be used to tank the attack of Cultivators. Though they won't just let anyone wear them.

Unicorn which only serves the purpose of getting people to stop hunting rhinos. The horn of the Unicorn increases whatever it is used in.

Corpse Collectors are another type of undead used in collecting dead bodies. They have a type of basket on their back that expands to hold the bodies. They also have 4 arms to help them work. One made of flesh that can collect flesh, one made of bone to collect bones, one like a spirit to collect the spirit, and than one made of armor to collect all the metals.

Mutant:Detective who are good at interrogations. Mutant:Warden who like to put collars onto people. Mutant:Cultivators who can steal exp from others. Mutant:Deity who have a 'storage tank' of energy that stores all energies that might be lost.

Angel which gives access to the holy realm. Mutant:General that gives mass birth to troops. Mutant:Construction Worker who can instantly build any buildings. Elemental, which is a monster made of pure elemental energy. They can be killed and be placed in your Path to make your Path energy living.

Mutant:Hunter who wears the skin of what it kills and gains its stats it had along with additional abilities. Mutant:Berserker which gets stronger the more things it destroys.