
IP: Lich's Sticky Note Adventure

Follow Lich on his adventure's of exploring all the Paths and Laws the universe has to offer. Will Lich reach what is pass the Infinite Tier? Will the writer actually stop skipping things and actually write out all 10,000 Dao's? I am open to questions on things but be respectful and check if it was already responded to. I will make a discord soon.(by soon I mean once the community actually talks lol) Twitter:@Notaduck00 Artist Twitter: @meivix_

Notaduck · Sci-fi
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309 Chs

Chapter 39

Stocking chips for the path quest, Lich wondered if there was another way of doing the quests and paths quicker. Though he shut off his mind to speed through, he wanted to know if there was another way.

Going from watching clips of pottery, to putting kits to make castles on display, Lich ended up in another Friend Path.

This Path was the War Path, Lich had to do thousands of simulated battles on a tablet to finish. Also he wasn't allowed to lose in any of the simulations, though he seemed to have a knack as he didn't fail to many of the simulations.

Watching clips of Gladiators fighting and the bets that went with it, Lich then went and started putting out Umbrellas. Then he became a termite and was needed to ruin thousands of different pieces of wood then after completing the Uppercut Path he ended up passing out.

It was only know Lich remembered about the Fatigue bar. He must of been getting enough rest in between things to explain why he hasn't passed out until now.

After getting up Lich went back to work and collected the seeds of the tobacco plant. Then he started putting out espresso's. Then he learned about the world of stamp collecting.

Next Lich was putting Greenhouse building kits out before he went and put up paper asking for help in doing a Coup d'etat. Then he learned that the Soldier Path allowed you to use multiple bodies after the one you were in got killed.

Putting chains out one moment, only the next to be a cat having to catch mice in a house. Lich's journey of Paths seemed to be all over the place.

'This is weird.' Lich saw something he didn't really know about. It was a Path called Land Animal Form. It seem to be a Path that was quadrupedal form for travel on land. The more Laws that were attached, the better the form moved on land.

It seem to increase all stats while moving on land and reduces energy used while doing so. However the debuffs it had for air and water movements made one not even want to jump or go for a swim.

Lich saw the next book to be about dragons. It seem that the magic cast with the Dragon Path or Law was semi-permanent. Unless the water shot out from a dragons skill was washed away or contain, it could cause floods in areas if enough is used.

Stocking CBD Drinks that help recover mentally, watching clips of how to sewing, putting Store in a box on a shelf in a store that might of came out of a similar box. Lich kept speeding through his Paths.

Funny enough his next path was a Friend Path called the Patience Path. However the Path seemed the user didn't need to have patience. He had to cast the spell on plants and force them to instantly grow. Though it dropped the stats of the plants by a small bit, it still saved time by making it instant.

The Royalty Path seemed subpar to the Mutant:Royalty. As it was only in name that the designated space belonged to them. Also whenever something needed to be done, a ball was thrown. Lich had to sit through thousands of balls or at least watching shorten clips of them.

Next Lich put chairs out on display then he became a scorpion and used its tail to kill thousands of prey.

Recording scrolls of summoning spikes to impale a dummy, then reading a book about the Mutant:Abductor. Who kidnap people to eat. If you wanted to person back alive you needed to find the monster within the day. However when the Mutant:Abductor eats its prey, they are stuck in place.

So as long as you find them trying to eat the prey, they are easy to deal with.

Collecting the seeds of the Pink Ivory tree, Lich wondered why it was only now that he learned that they grew fruits.

Watching clips of people geo-caching, putting hospital kits in stacks, and putting sheets of quest papers about greeting people, Lich went and watched more clips. This time about gardeners.

Then Lich moved onto putting cannons on display in a store and then became an ant and carried thousands of different crumbs into the ant colony.

After practicing the Pillar skill, that did a knock up attack, for the scrolls Lich learned about the Mutant:Spy.

The Mutant:Spy got information a bit better than the normal Spy Path. They just did it by consuming the brain of the target. So though it was about being a spy, you won't be spying on the guy whose brain you ate, anymore.

After collecting what was needed to grow Jimson Weed, Lich put out bento boxes in a shop.


Lich's memories started to blend with each other and shift around. Not knowing what was going on he tried to put his memories back together.

He tried remembering the buildings he placed out on display. There was the Drug Store, Office, Bunker, Power Plant, Laboratory, Delivery Outpost, Ware House, Sports Dome, Amusement Park, Casino, Mall, Recycling Plant, Place Of Worship which was used to worship directly with a deity, Library, Orphanage, Slaughter House, Workshop, College, Shed, Barn, Landfill, Museum, Guard Station, Post Office, Fire Station which was used by people who responded to more than just fires.

"Wow, there are so many buildings. No wonder my memory is so wonky." Then Lich tried listing more of the buildings he had dealt with.

Embassy which let you have relations with other countries which must have a better use the stronger you are as Lich didn't even own a tent for himself.

Court House, City Hall, Monastery, Pagoda, Shrine, Missile Launch Facility, Garden Plot, Guild House, Parking Garage, Canal which wasn't really a building, Colony which again isn't just a building, Space Port. Lich began to think maybe it was building and things that get built as a place.

Lighthouse, Bus Station, Air Port, Skyscraper, Bridge, Harbor, Black Market, Bank, Auction House, Bakery, Aqueduct, Theater, Tavern, Brothel, Dig Site, Hunting Plot, Mine Plot, Dam, BBQ Place, Coffee Shop, Circus, Cellar, Campsite,

Lich sat still in a daze. "Wait, I am still remembering more. How long was I zoned out for!?"

Dojo, Hut, Hideout, Maze, National Forest, Wall, Fountain which remembering this building caused him to shiver, Forge, Tower, Dungeon, Inn, Slum which was more an area than a building.

Lich felt like there was only a few more buildings he needed to remember. But that brought up the next problem.

Cave, Public Square, Portal House, Pryamid, Obelisk, Shipyard, Memorial, Clubhouse and finally Fishing Spot.

Next he tried remembering all of the missions, quest, or whatever you wanted to call the sheets of papers that opened up fake dimensions, oddly the sheets had blank spaces and certain parts were upper cased and others lower cased.

Cure the sick, Talk to, Defend the, Defend your self in Court, Survive the, Harvest some, Deliver the, Sell some, Escape from, Buy some, be a Hostage, Steal, Cook for, be in a Competition, Destroy the, Guard the, Gift a, you are Missing, Frame the, go to Court, Arrest.

Lich realized that there were more buildings than the missions. However there were still a good bit of missions.

Test, Kidnap the, Boss fight, Ambush the, Follow the, have a Brawl, enjoy your Day Off, go Mug, Pretend Bandit, go Fetch, Scam, Lost Item or person, go Assassinate, Investigate the, Patrol the, go Fix, Escort the, go Rescue the, Jury duty, go Mentor.

The next category of Paths Lich tried remembering the ones he got from friends. However he doesn't remember any of these so called friends that he got the Paths from.

Talent, Action Figure which allowed you to instant equip the path, Sun Walker which allowed you to be stronger in the daytime, Demon Lord which let you invade planets, Infinite Wisdom, Chasity which takes away summons and help from others, Land Boss which allows you to summon a hostile Land Boss that attacks anyone.

Pestilence which lets you use swarm or horde magic, Infinite Charisma, Gluttony which gave extra stomachs, Event which lets you spawn random events, Infinite Speed, Pet, Arcade, Steampunk, Sky Boss, Lust which added a Libido meter, Kindness which forces someone to view you with a good friendship.

Lich started to think about the rest of the Friend given Paths that he had.

Charity which allowed you to hold fundraisers, Mount, Pride which let you throw parties, Sloth which gave you a sleep bar, Death which unlike the element let you raise the ones you kill and let the risen have the same Paths and Stats as you, Companion, Temperance which let you pacify others, Infinite Intelligence, Pastel Goth, Famine which let you starve others, Humility which though it did no damage it still taught the other person humility by beating them around.

I am going to try doing the path thing even faster. Also the later parts of the story isn't going to be fast paced like this. I just want to get past the G part of the story. Also the only importance of the G part of the story was just introducing all the paths to the readers. The F part is going to be Lich fighting, but it is also going to do a more in depth of the 1000 other characters in the story. Then E and beyond the story is what I really want to tell. But it would of felt weird for me to start there.

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