
IP: Lich's Sticky Note Adventure

Follow Lich on his adventure's of exploring all the Paths and Laws the universe has to offer. Will Lich reach what is pass the Infinite Tier? Will the writer actually stop skipping things and actually write out all 10,000 Dao's? I am open to questions on things but be respectful and check if it was already responded to. I will make a discord soon.(by soon I mean once the community actually talks lol) Twitter:@Notaduck00 Artist Twitter: @meivix_

Notaduck · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
309 Chs

Chapter 29

Seeing Lich wasn't a sword fanatic, Kazuto started to talk about how weapons were better than swords.

"First off spears are way better than most melee weapons. It has piercing and reach. Then axes have extra damage to wood, which might not sound better than swords but swords don't have anything better about it."

Piggybacking off what Kazuto was saying, a girl walked up who had webbed fingers and scales.

"Then you have daggers which are faster than swords. Machete's are only slightly different as they are just axe's in blade form. Then sabers most of the time are the same but add hand protections. Then you have 2-handed swords which does way more. By the way my name is Astrid."

After shaking hands with Lich, Astrid looked at Kazuto, "Start putting the axes on display. Just cause you are the Champion of Dual Wield, doesn't mean you need to walk around showing off and not working."

Blushing, Kazuto went back to work.


While putting axes up, Lich started to hear someone munching on something. Trying to ignore it, Lich went back to work. However as he got back with another axe, he heard it again. Looking for who was making that sound, he found the source.

A bit away from the stocking area of the G rank axes, was a guy munching on potato's. However he was sitting on a throne of axes. Seeing Lich, he slowly bit into another potato.

"Please don't rat me out to Falcon! If she finds out I was slacking she is going to-"

He had someone finish his sentence as he was dropped kick into the ground.

"Drop kick. Hi Lich, I was sta... observing you and I am glad I was. You help me find the slacker. He has been hiding for a day or two ever since he found out he gets over time pay during the quest."

Wanting to not be a part of this, Lich started to walk off. Only to hear Falcon call out another person.

"Sibin I can smell you from hear. It is one thing for Owen to be hiding and eating Mana Potato's but to think you were with him drinking."

Looking back to see who this Sibin was, Lich spotted a girl climbing from under a pile of axes that use to be the throne.

"Falcon why did you do that! You broke my mead, you big meanie!"

Lich walked off and thought to himself. 'She should be more worried about her head, I guess some of the axes left behind a few gnarly gashes on her forehead.'

On his way back to the G Path Axe area, the door opened. Knowing he was the only one near the door he had to greet the potential customer.

"Welcome to the ..axe shop. How can we help you today?"

"I just got back from a long sailing trip, if you could do my shift for me that would be great. I will award you well servant."

Suddenly multiple axes flew at the snobby man who walked in.

"Saul you bastard! Stop getting lost at sea, you are the Champion Of Sailing you dolt! We have to advance together before we can leave a shop. If we get stuck cause you keep dying at sea and can no longer pay the revive, we will replace you!"

Hearing the threat, Saul started to laugh poshly. "You replace me? It would be me replacing all of you. Also who would replace me? This servant? Could he sail as good as me?"

Saul was then kicked down to the floor. "Who dares kick me, Saul The Champion Of Sailing!"

"Leif, the guy who is better at sailing than you."

Behind Saul was a guy and a girl. The one who talked was the girl, however seeing her motion her hand to the guy, it seem she just wanted to talk for him.

Using Saul as a rug, they both walked over him and went to Lich.

"Sorry about Saul, I think he was in the sun for to long and his brain is fried. My name is Sibin, and the guy over here is Leif."


After exchanging greetings, everyone went back to work. Watching all of their interactions with each other, Lich learned that Saul was the butt of a lot of the jokes. Also the everyone in their group looked up to the Leif guy.

Having finished his work and collecting his pay and coupon from Falcon, Lich headed off to the Blood place.

Once he arrived though he felt coming here later was a better idea. The Champion Of Blood Mary was there. She was a bit full of herself when he saw her in the original Blood Training, which was just drinking.

Then Lich remembered when he was picked up by Tako, she kind of destroyed the place. So he kept his head down and went to work.

Suddenly a guy walked up to him. He was wearing a executioners mask, so Lich could not tell what he looked like.

"Hey I just came over here cause Mary wouldn't leave me alone. She told me to threaten you. My name is X, anyways if she asks just say I would execute you or whatever."

X left before Lich could say anything, making a stunned face. Mary seeing this, she assumed that X did what she asked.

'Whatever, I just want out of here. I will just ignore everyone and just work.'

However, Lich's peace was ruined again as a women walked up with a sheet of paper.

As she talked, she stuttered a bit, which made sense as she was reading off the note and probably didn't mean what she said.

"My name is Freya and I will st- stick you in a freezer if you don't leave."

Lich went to hold his head, as he felt a headache coming. Freya seeing his hand move, fell back and started crying.

"Please don't kill me! Mary made me say that! I would never stick any in a freezer!"

"Dammit Freya! Don't say that out loud, get over here dummy!" Freya scurried off back to Mary and hid behind her. Then they both stared at Lich like he was a monster.

"Sigh." 'They do know each time they come over and make me stop working, it will only make me stay longer cause I still need to finish the work.'


Lich not having another person giving him death threats, worked quite fast placing the elemental blood stones on display. Until Mary walked up with a tall lanky boy with curly brown hair.

"You need to leave, Mary already asked you kindly to get out of here. It is super creepy that you are still here. Are you trying to get close to her and do weird shit? Hey, why aren't you looking at me when I am talking to you!?"

The guy pushed Lich, causing him to drop the bucket of blood stones he was currently putting up. Lich just laughed and picked up the stones. Sadly cause they fell to the floor, they couldn't be used on display.

'Who knew that you can waste these. The value on these dropped pretty bad, I hope it doesn't come out of my pay. Also if this idiot touches me again I might snap. To bad the Axe Path is locked right now.'

"Quin, you are so useless. Keep trying, once he gets violent I can kick him out!"

Hearing this made Lich stop walking to get another bucket. Turning around he walked up to Quin and smashed the bucket in his hand across his face. Once Quin dropped, Lich started to kick him in his face.

"HA you idiot!" Seeing Lich being violent, Mary pulled up what seem to be the stores manager tab on her system screen. She then smirked at Lich, but after nothing happen her smirk turned to a frown. She did the same thing again on the screen and then started to scream.

"How are you not getting kicked out! I am the manager!" Suddenly two newcomers came in and the shorter one started berating Mary.

"It is cause you are an idiot. The store owner already told you about him. She also warned you not to be all high and mighty. When you verbally talked about being the party in the wrong you screwed yourself."

The bigger of the two walked up to Lich and she patted his back and started to laugh.

"Too bad you couldn't go after Mary cause she was using the Mosquito boy to deal with you. By the way my name is Myrtle Spinach, the spinach being what the path I am champion of. The guy you gave the head injury to is Quin Mosquito while the shorty over there is Dragoon Vampire."

Lich smiled and started to talk. "Well when they talked about kicking me out because of violence a notification sounded off. It told me to beat up the idiots who didn't listen to the store owner. However the voice sounded like it belong to-"

Suddenly the shop owner showed up and she was pissed. "It sounded like me. I gave a little mission in my shop, which is a thing all shop owners can do. Quin and Mary, go to my office now."