
IP: Lich's Sticky Note Adventure

Follow Lich on his adventure's of exploring all the Paths and Laws the universe has to offer. Will Lich reach what is pass the Infinite Tier? Will the writer actually stop skipping things and actually write out all 10,000 Dao's? I am open to questions on things but be respectful and check if it was already responded to. I will make a discord soon.(by soon I mean once the community actually talks lol) Twitter:@Notaduck00 Artist Twitter: @meivix_

Notaduck · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
309 Chs

Chapter 26

The man yawn and covered his mouth.

"Why are you guys freaking out. You all have the money to fix it. Also just between all of us here, no matter what I do, I won't get punished. If anyone tried then I would just spam meteors everyday till they go broke."

The group left in tears promising to get payback, which the man just laughed at.

"Thank you for sticking up for me." Lich got back to work as he needed to finish the quest before he could leave.

The man grunted as a reply and sat down on the Tent shop owner. The shop owner started to cry again.

"Why are you still here? Leave me and my shop alone!"

The man reached over and ripped out the shop owner's eyes. Before the shop owner started to scream, the man talked in a low voice.

"I will leave after the kid is done with his work. After all I don't want to drop the meteor during his quest. I know the pain of dealing with a failed quest, granted it has been awhile. Also if I left you would attack the kid even worse than you were before."

Lich started to work ever faster. Seeing how the man would summon meteors just cause he could, Lich didn't want to be on his bad side. After a long silent moment Lich finished his work.

When Lich stopped at the door for the flyer, the man said something that Lich wish he didn't hear.

"It pains me to see the champion of a great man suffer. I will make sure my friends personally help you in your journey, granted you already met Takoyaki. Oh and I'll force them to put all of their votes on you to make sure you are in your right place after this boring G rank path gathering."

Sitting in the car in a daze after telling Driver to go, Lich started to think about what the man said.

'I guess he looked up to my ancestor since he called him a great man even with all the messed up things he did. Going off the personalities of my ancestor, Meteor guy, and Tako, I am sure the other friends he mention are not very... ethical? I mean the ancestor is obvious his sins. Meteor guy just dropping meteor's like stones in a lake. Then Tako destroying her friend's building and killing that one guy in that car.'

Taking a break from thinking, Lich looked at the flyer from the Tent place. It was another lazy flyer of Lich simply being in a tent asleep.

'Votes and after G rank. The votes is probably something I won't know till it happens, but why did he mention G rank? I am currently here in SSS area, server or whatever it is called. G rank happened forever ago. It is already after the G rank. Unless he means the G rank in the SSS rank that I am currently in? If so does that mean I need to get all of my Paths to F rank instead of trying to increase one thing to max?'

Feeling the car stop, Lich walked out and went into the closest building. Looking around, the interior of this store looked like a pawn shop. All of the items were random. The only order was like items, with like items.

"Welcome to the Cursed Item Shop!"


Lich was currently walking around the shop and attaching a paper tag onto them. Oddly enough, once the tag was placed on the item, the empty lines started to fill out with info. The item he was currently looking at was a sword.

The info he read was terrifying. 'Cursed Item:Sword G0 (Outgoing and incoming damage is increased by 10%)

Everything Lich saw before the SSS rank he was currently in was surface level knowledge. He learned a lot, but also at the same think he hardly learned anything. One thing he did know was G0 was super weak.

But ranking up was a big jump. A G0 is an increase of 10%. While a G1 should be a 20% increase. So by the time it reaches G9 it would be a 99% increase while F0 is 100% then F1 being 200%.

'If someone covered themselves with cursed items they would both be scary and a joke.'

While tagging the items for his quest, the shop owner walked up to him.

"A friend called you, here." The old man who ran the shop tried handing Lich a phone. Lich hesitated to grab it as he saw the tag he put on the phone himself, so it was a cursed item. However the next thing he knew, the phone was in his hand.

"Hello?" Though Lich was scared he was going to be cursed from the phone, he forgot about it as a familiar voice was on the other line.

"Hey Lich, It is Rooster. I was calling to ask if you wanted to meet up. The last time I saw you, I think I kind of over reacted. I am currently at the Chicken place. The owner here told me you only had one coupon left. I know having a chicken path isn't all that, and you probably don't want to waste a coupon for it, but I learned a secret I need to tell you in person. So just think of the coupon as payment for my info and believe me, the coupon's worth is equal to my info."

"Sure I will be on my way now. I am about to finish up. See you in a bit." Hanging up the phone Lich sighed.

'Him being here and waiting till now is shady. But he is the closest person I have to a friend, so I will go even with knowing what is waiting for me.'

Looking at the description on the tag, he tossed the phone to the shop owner and wordlessly went back to work.

The old man had a frown on his face. He softly spoke to Lich. "You don't have to go there. If I was in your position, I would just go to another shop. Don't do this to yourself."

Lich stayed quiet and finished the work. Before leaving, Lich told the shop owner in a quavering voice. "It is best to just get this over and done with. Any that happens to me is kind of deserving."

After Lich headed off the shop keeper looked at the tag on the phone.

Cursed Item: Phone G0 (Never answer this phone if you are the same rank or lower. It leads those to misfortune and even death. If the voice is of someone close it means you are going to be betrayed.)


The flyer for this shop had Lich sitting in a dark room staring forward , seemingly locking eyes with any who look.

Reaching a giant chicken farm, Lich stepped out of the limo. Before Lich told Driver he could leave, Driver was already driving away. He drove off so fast, some mud from the road splashed onto Lich.

Breathing in and out, Lich calmed down and headed towards the a building.

Inside he found a short teenager(?) and Rooster. Lich was about to greet Rooster but the girl beside him tossed a glass bottle over and the contents splashed on Lich.

Seeing that Rooster didn't even try to pretend to be friendly before attacking he started to spew cuss words at the fastest he has ever done.

Sadly, all that came out was clucks. The girl walked up and waved her hand. Then the last coupon Lich had was now in her hand.

"You walking in my store means you accept to spending the coupon here. Have fun with your friend. Make sure to place him in a nice hen house."

Rooster walked up to Lich and lifted him by his now chicken neck and headed out the back door.

"I didn't think you were dumb enough to show up here. Me and Henny made a bet whether you were going to be here. She said you would show up. I told her she was crazy. Someone like you would go spend the coupon at a dragon place rather than here."

Lich, now in a body of a normal size chicken, tried talking with Rooster, but all that make out was clucking.

"Give up, the only people who will understand you is other chickens. Anyways if I was right, she said she was going to help me in making you suffer. But if she was right, I was supposed to take you to the hen area."

'Wait why am I going to the Hen area? Are they going to make me.. That bastard!'

"Because you showed up, you get a better ended then I wanted. But maybe you would rather suffer how I wanted you to."

Getting thrown in a empty hen house the quest appeared.

[Chicken Quest G0: Lay 1000 Eggs.]