
IP: Lich's Sticky Note Adventure

Follow Lich on his adventure's of exploring all the Paths and Laws the universe has to offer. Will Lich reach what is pass the Infinite Tier? Will the writer actually stop skipping things and actually write out all 10,000 Dao's? I am open to questions on things but be respectful and check if it was already responded to. I will make a discord soon.(by soon I mean once the community actually talks lol) Twitter:@Notaduck00 Artist Twitter: @meivix_

Notaduck · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
309 Chs

Chapter 22

"Once you reach SSS your stats converted for you to survive here. For simplicity the stats look like your starting stats for your build. However if you look at your system menu you will see your actual stats aren't even at one yet."

Hearing that, Lich went and opened his system menu.


Name : Lich Age:??? Sex:(Nah I'm Good)

Stats: (Currently Locked)(Potential at .5)

Build: Jack-Of-All G (Stat Distribution is +1 All Stats)

Body: Pseudo Body G (Flood All Stats Into One Stat)

Soul: Pseudo Soul G ( Stat can not go lower than 1)

Weapon:(0) Armor:(0) Profession: Gym Rat Reaction:(0) Ranged:(0) Skill:(0) Race:(0) Tech:(0) RNG:(0) Speech:(0)


Lich was stunned from what he saw.

"Hey uh sir. What is with the 10 things at the bottom of my status?"

"Oh my name is Flexer. I will happily explain. But then you have to do your G0 Gym Rat Trial."

"I almost forgot about that, thank you."

"Don't worry about it kid. Anyways those are your equipment slots. Weapon slot is for weapons. Of course you could try putting a non-weapon into the slot. You might be surprised as some of them work. For instance, if you slot Gym Rat in, you get a barbell with a weight on it."

Lich found the system menu also added a note section, so he started to take notes down.

"Next is Armor. If you put a non-armor here it becomes a costume. An example being adding Gym Rat to it gives you workout clothes."

'Are all the examples going to be using the Gym Rat Path?' Lich thought to himself.

"Profession is a good slot for the Paths you are working on at the time. Gym Rat should of auto equipped there. Having it there allows you to receive tips and tricks while working out."

'So Profession tab is just a assistance slot.'

"Then it is Reaction. This tab is like a quick action, it is done subconsciously. I remember trying to prank my friend Timmy. But when I scared him, it turned out he had the Grab Path slotted in. I ended up being more scared than him because his hand went into a death grip on my neck. I thought I was going to have to visit a revive center."

'Not only did he not use Gym Rat this time, he even brought up a revive center? Is that why my revive counter isn't there anymore?'

"Then you have the Ranged slot. Basically anything that uses a projectile or can be thrown is placed here. Back when I use to get in brawls all the time I would have the Brick Path set here. It is the best way to surprise people."

'A brick? But isn't there multiple gun paths? Why is he using bricks? Is it cause of him leaning more towards strength so throwing a brick is better?'

"Then you have the Skill Slot. This slot adds on to things. For instance if you have a Saber as a weapon and Whirlpool as the skill, you can use a whirlpool slash as an attack."

'I wonder if having Fire as a profession would set you summon a flame whirlpool on someone.'

"The Race slot is a lifesaver. Sure you can add the dragon there and be a dragon and get stronger. But you can also add a cat there and walk away from something dangerous. Only assholes would attack a simple animal on the street. So if you use this to get away from a group , if a few of them are normal, they will stop the others from attacking you."

'This feels like something that has happened to him more than him thinking it works.'

"I don't really understand much for the Tech slot. I mostly keep my cars there, but I suggest you find a more nerdy person then me to ask. They should know a lot more."

'All I need to know is that the Mech path goes here anyways. I don't really care for anything else that might go there.'

"So the next one is technically called RNG but we call it RNJ. Anyways this slot is random. I have the Knock Back Path on it and most of the time people get flung far enough. But every now and then, I end up sending people half way across the city."

'So this slot would be good for Poison or most elements.'

"The last one is Speech. I have had a lot of Guards use Ice in this slot while I was trespassing. They yelled 'Freeze!' then I called them idiots if they think I would listen to them. Until the next second where my body is half frozen and I can't escape."

'So speech magic?'

"Anyways it is time for your workout. That room right there is where all beginners have to go. Only the first workout needs to be done in the gym. The rest can be done anywhere. However every workout you do here earns you 100 tons. Tons is the currency we all use here at the gym. One of the Paths you learn allows you to set up how you do your currency, but I forgot which one it was."

Walking into the room, Lich found a box full of bar bells. Then a notification went off.

[Gym Rat G0 Trial : Grab A Bar Bell And Do 1000 Squats]

I thought it would of been a lot worse.




"1000!" Lich dropped to the floor covered in sweat.

The weight of the barbell was at the perfect weight to make Lich stronger. Each squat was graded on form and had to reach a certain standard to count.

[Completed +1 all stats]

[Quest Unlocked Gym Rat G1 : 1000 squats.]

'While I am here, should I try to get as far as I can?' However Flexer walked up and put the plans on hold.

"Hey I can give you a ride to the next place, but we have to go now as I will be busy later."

Not knowing how far away certain places were, Lich decided he should get a ride rather than keep working out and have to walk to the next place to spend his coupon.

As they walked outside, Lich noticed something glowing on the door brightly.

'A sticky note? I thought I was done seeing those.' Lich grabbed the sticky note and pulled.

[Gym Rat Spawn Point Unlocked]

The sticky note transformed into a flyer. On the flyer was Lich in workout clothes, with noticeably less muscles. At the top of the page was a statement.

'Digger Up Dead Bodies Isn't Enough To Get Gains!!!'

On the left was the question, ' Are You Having Trouble Lifting Caskets?'

On the right was the question, 'Who Said Lich's Couldn't Lift?'

Finally on the bottom was the slogan. 'Come Down To Try Lich The Gray's Gym Course.'

'Wait that isn't what I named my gym rat thing though. Also I thought it was going to be a spawn to come here to workout. Do I get my own place to workout now?'

Seeing Lich standing at the door with a blank face, Flexer yelled out. "Little man you too tired to open the door? If not we need to get going!"

"Right, sorry."

"Don't worry about it little man. Anyways, where to next?"

"Well I don't want to use the workout bar as a weapon, so I guess I need a weapon. An axe has multiple uses so could you take me there if it isn't to far?"

"It is not to far little man."


Lich waved goodbye to Flexer after he was dropped off.

Walking up to the axe store, Lich saw a sticky note on the front door. He tried to grab it, but it kept going through his fingers. He kept trying, and before he gave up someone opened the door.

"Hey what are you doing? The door is a pull and not whatever you were trying to do."

"Sorry I thought I saw something. I am here to start my axe path."

"Come in then." Lich and the store worker walked behind the counter and Lich was given a sign up sheet asking for payment.

Once Lich passed the sheet and the coupon, the worker's attitude did a 180.

"Sorry sir, let me get my manger to help you further."

'So does the coupon have another use besides payment? That guy was stronger than me and he went to get his manager. That and the fact that Flexer seemed to be the strongest guy I saw at the gym I was at.'

The manger that came back was weird to see. He was tan and had his hair down to his feet. A giant axe that was 3 times his width was fastened on his back.

"Welcome to my shop dear customer! You can start your job right now and after your finish I can give you a ride to where you are headed next."