
IP: Lich's Sticky Note Adventure

Follow Lich on his adventure's of exploring all the Paths and Laws the universe has to offer. Will Lich reach what is pass the Infinite Tier? Will the writer actually stop skipping things and actually write out all 10,000 Dao's? I am open to questions on things but be respectful and check if it was already responded to. I will make a discord soon.(by soon I mean once the community actually talks lol) Twitter:@Notaduck00 Artist Twitter: @meivix_

Notaduck · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
309 Chs

Chapter 196

Walking further in, Lich felt that everything looked normal. If it wasn't for the fact that everything smelt like wine, Lich would think he was just out in some woods. He tore a leaf and some wine leaked out of it.

"So I guess I just need to go around and hunt things." Though Lich could just spend time draining the leaves of plants of their wine, he didn't bring any bottle with him. He would have to get wine bottle drops from humanoids or any animals.

Going further, he found a simple village made of huts. All of the huts seemed to be empty of people. The state of the village showed that people haven't been living here for awhile or rather they just weren't living good.

Despite Lich giving up on finding humanoids and was only searching for animals, he found a person in the center of the village. The person was weeping with a deep voice. Their hair and beard were long and unkempt.