
IP: Lich's Sticky Note Adventure

Follow Lich on his adventure's of exploring all the Paths and Laws the universe has to offer. Will Lich reach what is pass the Infinite Tier? Will the writer actually stop skipping things and actually write out all 10,000 Dao's? I am open to questions on things but be respectful and check if it was already responded to. I will make a discord soon.(by soon I mean once the community actually talks lol) Twitter:@Notaduck00 Artist Twitter: @meivix_

Notaduck · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
309 Chs

Chapter 18

The hen's looked like they wanted to jump in front of Lich's attack to defend the fried chicken. But before they got in range of the attack their bodies froze in place.

'It seems a higher power is stopping them from interfering. It seems the world is kind of fair.'

After 10 hits and seemingly draining his magic tank, Lich stopped.

The fried chicken somehow was still alive.

"You try to kill me with such weak magic! I will end you!"

'It seems I might not win without using Lich's Body skill. But I don't trust that hen to not kill me when I am down or to get another hen to come over with their charge for an easy win. But screw it!'

Moving forward to get a better hit in with a combined skill attack, Lich stepped on something. Fireworks shot in the air with a notification.

[Blaze vs Lich : Flame Castle Defense Winner: Lich]



'Wait what just happened?' Looking under his chicken foot, Lich saw a crushed rainbow egg. 'An egg? So I guess that is what needs to be defended then. Hmm, did the hen lay it or did the fried chicken lay it?'

"I call bullshit! He cheated! You said his hen didn't tell him about the egg, there is no way for him to know about it unless he cheated!"

'Hearing about how my hen withheld info, I looked over at her. But that face she is making seems she is scared? No matter how many wrongs she did to, it isn't like I can do anything about it.'

The three chickens around Lich suddenly swelled up and exploded. While Lich's mouth was dropping a new hen appeared. She spoke in a gruff voice.

"Sorry about that, those hen's seem to need some lessons. Anyways, time to continue. Build a base. It needs to be be good enough to protect your egg. The egg is just an egg you put energy into so don't get any funny ideas."

Tools and materials appeared beside Lich. 'Oh this is easy for me. It will be at least a better base than that idiot.'


Lich was done building his base. Which was an underground bunker. The hen was dumbfounded the whole time he was building, since he summon magic hands that did all the work.

The reason the Champion of Flame Blaze had such a bad hut was because not only was his Utility stat his lowest stat, he built it using his beak and claws. This could not compare at all to what Lich has done.

"So what is next defense?" Before the hen could tell Lich it was against the rules to warn ahead of time some one showed up.

A chicken and hen walked up to them but stopped at the 3 meter range. The chicken was looking around to look for a base. "Hey friend it seems we both have bad luck in finding a base."

Since Lich's base was a bunker, it was hard to find. "Yeah man that is why I am taking a break. I have been walking around forever and my little chicken feet hurt."

After talking for a bit the other chicken starting to walk off. Lich's hen was confused. Since they did not fight it won't be considered a defense. Before she could voice this out loud, Lich became an after image.

The chicken walking off was keeping an eye on Lich. His hen seemed to be like the other two troublemakers and warned him there was a base here. He was waiting for Lich to make a move and he was going to turn around and attack.

He turned around and shot out a giant water wave. "Prepare to drown!" However his feelings of greatness of attacking someone trying to sneak attack him went away as he felt claws did into his back.

"No i'm good." Then a beam of death and poison hit the chicken in the back of his head.


"That was reckless. If it wasn't for the fact you only had to defend one round of attacks on your base you would be dead right now."

Ignoring the hen, Lich realized he was somewhere new, it was a barn.

"What do I have to do here?" The hen hearing this question smiled, which was weird as it seemed like the hen's face distorted into a smile rather than something natural. "We are just going to see how long you can survive bleeding out."

'Fuck! Somethings not right! Defense + Endurance and double!'

After Lich cast his skill a blade appeared and slashed at his neck. The hen was surprised from the outcome.

"Nice. Normally the head gets fully cut off, but you only got it half cut. You also seem to be slowly healing." Lich's neck fully closed before the 20 seconds had ended.

[Endurance Halved. Blood sweat active for 20 seconds.]

Though it was labeled as blood sweat, it seemed it meant every hole was sweating blood. Lich's eyes and mouth and other places started to be drain of blood rapidly. His gray feathers were stained red. He was bleeding more now then when his head was almost cut off.


'It feels like my body is floating. Where am i?'

Lich tried looking around and found he was in a space full of darkness. The only other thing was a giant worm. Once his eyes were laid on the worm he heard the voice of the hen.

"This test is easy as chickens have bigger brains than worms."

Going off the vague hint, he used his mental skill, Mind Cursing Tendrils.Not holding anything back he used every single one on the worm. It worked, since it started to dispel the darkness and light shown in, however it wasn't without consequences.

The worm that had no mouth started to scream. Lich's body shattered to pieces.


'While he ended up killing the Illusion Worm, he still died in the process. Still a pass though. Oh he is waking up?'

Lich slowly opened his eyes and looked at the hen with his dead fish... chicken eyes. "What's next?"

'He died but he seems perfectly fine mentally.' The hen pulled out a meat skewer. "Last part of the test is simple. Eat this."

'So I guess I am testing my luck here. I got a system from someone in the 0 server, so my natural luck should be really high.' Lich ate the skewer with no worries, then *poof* he died.


Lich slowly opened his eyes and found himself in the library. "I feel like shit for some reason. But I do not remember why. Well whatever, time to grab another book."


Time passed as Lich tried different combinations of Laws on each Path. As time passed, his understanding of each Path got stronger. Finally, the day came for his advancement to the E rank.

After Lich came back from doing the 1000th path, a door opened up on the once blank wall.

"First it was coins, then it was books. I wonder what it will be next."

Once Lich placed his hand on the doorknob, a notification appeared.

[Scanning System... Scan Complete. User Deemed Eligible For Employer Status. Sending To Employer Room]

Turning the knob and entering the wrong Lich was stunned. He went from being in a library in space to a office building.

Lich noticed the clothes he wore now were different. He was in a gray pinstripe business outfit. He would of looked like a normal businessman if it wasn't for his scar covered body and having his eyes and mouth sewn shut.

Once Lich entered the outcome was obvious. Everyone started to stare at him and began to speak in hush tones. Feeling weird, Lich tried to go back through the door he came in. However being him was just a wall. Before Lich could panic, someone shouted out his name.

"Hey Lich! It took you long enough. I have been bored talking to all of these losers." The person who called out to Lich was Rooster. Rooster grabbed Lich's arm. "I already paid for a private room so we can talk there, let's go."

Sitting down and spinning in a chair Lich began to speak.

"So how did you know it was me? I am not the only one who will be wearing gray." Rooster stared at Lich in silence. "Because everyone else look somewhat normal. The better question is how can you see or speak?"

Rooster had a good point. "Well I am use to squinting to see cause I don't have my glasses. It may look like my eyes are sewn shut fully but I can still see. My mouth just hurts when I talk."

"Well if that's the case why didn't you just cut all the thread and get some glasses?"

Lich stopped spinning his chair and put his hands together. The mood became solemn before Lich quickly ruined it by speaking only one word. "Aesthetic."

Rooster then threw a chair at Lich.