
IP: Lich's Sticky Note Adventure

Follow Lich on his adventure's of exploring all the Paths and Laws the universe has to offer. Will Lich reach what is pass the Infinite Tier? Will the writer actually stop skipping things and actually write out all 10,000 Dao's? I am open to questions on things but be respectful and check if it was already responded to. I will make a discord soon.(by soon I mean once the community actually talks lol) Twitter:@Notaduck00 Artist Twitter: @meivix_

Notaduck · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
309 Chs

Chapter 15

Home Area

"Let's see the last ones to try out are plants, consumables, transport&hobbies, buildings, and then quest&friends."

The plants is just gathering up a bunch of different plants and blending together and getting a super plant in the end. Easy

The consumables is just trying out so many different foods, drinks, and drugs. Also easy.

The transports&hobbies is either building a bunch of model vehicles are playing games and sports like tag and volleyball. Time consuming but also easy.

The building is just getting the boxes and then building it all together. Also time consuming but I do not have to move much and just have to open up boxes and follow a manual.

The quest part of quest&friends is just me doing a bunch of quest's. It takes a long time while also making me walk everywhere. Then the friend part consists of me hanging out with friends and doing group things. A lot of the friends were people I met for the first time.


Lich's days went by quickly as he mindlessly completed the G rank for all his paths and collected all the laws for them. He didn't break out of his daze until he reached into his pocket and didn't find a coin.

"That's it? Wait, really? I do not remember much after the goblin path. Did I dissociate again? But to do it for so long is a new even for me. Wait what do I do now? There is no coins left, so G rank should be finished. So why am I still here?"

Pulling up his system screen, Lich found out what to do next. " A new tab appeared and it is labeled as 'Advance'. If this isn't it, then I really am stuck here haha."

[Are You Sure?]

After going to the tab to advance a notification sounded off. The tone it used sounded oddly mischievous.

"Yes advan-" Before Lich could finish talking he felt like he was splashed with water and even though we was awake and standing, he was now in bed.

"Wake up already you piece of trash! You are no longer a child, so my family does not need to let you bum here anymore!"

In the room Lich woke up in was a middle aged man. He had wings of fire behind his back.

"Servants! Take this thing and toss it out!" A group of men came in and grabbed Lich. Lich tried to stronger but realized he could not use his paths or laws.

While being dragged out memories started to fill his head. 'Oh wow F rank seems to be reincarnation? So that asshole is my birth father who married into my family. The Seeker Family. It seems this was one of the family clans the Ancestor of my system set up.

The history that was left was, one day the successor of the ancestor will be born in one of the 1000 clans he set up. They weren't related by birth but by rebirth. The ancestor raised 1000 beings who he claimed as his children.

The children he left had all the knowledge he had gather throughout all of his travels. They quickly became strong and all 1000 of them now claim top 3 in the Path ranking of Clans. The only instruction he left was whichever clan birthed the successor, which is me, they will lead all of the clans with me as the ruler over all 1000. But it seems that father didn't wish to let me lead them all. He wanted to rule.

When I was born with all the mutations said to be a sign of the successor, he had the doctors who worked for him butcher me and turn me 'normal'. However, every time the mutations were cut, new ones appeared. Instead of being the leader of 1000 strong clans, I became practice for his doctors to train their apprentices. However it all changed one day.

That day was like any other. The mutation that was being cut off was Flame Claw. It allowed me to grow my nails into gray flames. The apprentice thought the design of my nails were pretty and placed one over his nails. Suddenly, my nail started to fuse into his. Gray veins covered his hand and he screamed that he felt his soul burning.

An hour later though, he could summon a Gray flame claw from his nail. Once father learned of this, he was ecstatic. As it turns out for some reason gray was a rare color for paths. The 1000 clans all had a silver color. Only one person in history had a gray colored path. The Ancestor.

On that day I turn from a medical dummy who was granted sleep once a week, to a material farm who was worked on 24/7. This body was 5 years old then. This continued until this body became 17 and stopped producing things. At this point, the body was still free of scars since once a mutation appeared the body was fully healed, which was the reason this body didn't die of lack of sleep.

But now the golden goose stopped being golden and had no more value. So I was sent back to being a medical dummy until the day this body turned 18. Since it was a rule that all children of the clans must start their Path training by 18 at the latest. The two siblings of this body started their paths once they were 10.

Back to the present though. The body. My body, is covered in scars and some parts still had black sewing threads through them, like my mouth. If I try to talk it just starts to hurt.

The servants who were carrying me are the ones my father gave my mutations to. He used my body parts to recruit from the 10000 strongest solo ranking. Then he took charge of all the 1000 clans claiming the Ancestor visited him in his dreams and gave him the power to pass on gray path and laws. So they all willingly bowed down to him.

To protect the offspring of the clans, the Ancestor left behind trillions of Personal Home Spaces for the clansmen to revive in if they ran into a dangerous situation and to be a base of sorts.

The servants tossed Lich like they were tossing a garbage bag into the dumpster. As Lich was being sent on his journey his father and mother watched him be sent away.

"You better not claim to be from our clans or I will send my men to hunt you down. Just stay out of sight and stay in whatever space you get sent to."

His mother didn't say anything and just looked at him with a look of disgust. As he was supposed to be her ticket of being the leader of the clans, but instead her husband took advantage of it and now she has heard rumors of her husband taking more wives.

She would rather blame her child for all of the unfavorable things that happened to her instead of admitting that if she just showed a small bit of care for the child, she would be in a higher position then she is now.


'So this is my personal home space? A library with no doors? Well there is at least a window. Let's see what is out there.'

Lich was dumbfounded when he looked out the window. There was nothing but distant starts. He was in space now.

After a bit he started to explore the library. Besides all of the books and the window to space, there was a octagon table similar to his old home area. Tapping the surface of the table a screen appeared above it.

[Gathering Phase Completed] [Fighting Phase Current] [Employment Phase Locked]

[Dungeon Phase Locked] [City Phase Locked] [Battle Phase Locked]

[Ascend Phase Locked] [Space Phase Locked] [Solar System Phase Locked]

[Starting from Scratch to Succeed Phase Locked]

[yoU aRe Free Phase Locked]

[Z End Phase Locked]

'That is a lot of locked things. I wonder if I can access the info for all of them.'

Gathering: A phase spent gathering all the Laws for each Path to saturate the Path to advance to the Fighting phase.

Fighting: A phase spent digesting the Laws in the Paths. 10 "Fights" occur in each apath.

Employment: A phase spent working for an organization. 10 "Tasks" occur in each Path.

Dungeon: A phase spent attacking a dungeon. 10 "Achievements" occur in each Path.

City: A phase spent building a city. Using the dungeon core of each Path, build a city. 10 "???" occur in each Path.

Battle: A phase spent against others. Prove your worth. 10 "Battles" occur in each Path.

Ascend: A phase spent ascending. 10 "Ladder Matches" occur in each Path.

Space: A phase spent exploring. 10 "Cores" needed in each Path.

Solar System: A phase spent in leisure. Receive 1 "Sun" in each Path.

It seems like I can not access the last three. But the naming for the next one gives me an idea. The one after that might allow me to do something with the base. The last one is maybe the end of what one can achieve.

Got covid about a week ago.(sucks to suck).

So the small bit of self edit I do normally isn't there.(Hard to tell probably lol)

Anyways, I am thankful to the ones who got this far!

The actual start of the story is coming up soon so you might notice the story is more entertaining or something I guess. Everything up to this point was made with ideas I have thrown out of the full story. However I saw I could use it and make it make sense lore wise. My brain is blanking out right now.

Uh, I would like suggestions or reviews or even just comments saying anything. You can even leave a bark or meow or something. Support would be cool too. <3 O_0

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