
Chapter 116

A week more and Michael was ready to leave the inn and head back to the castle. He was moving slightly, but didn't wake up. Anyway, the fact that he moved his fingers gave Louisa so much peace and happiness that she cried the whole trip back home.

Emmeline was being kept far from them, for the doctor already knew what was going on. People didn't know they were traveling together, and Louisa knew that when Michael found it out, he would be pissed.

"It is better if she is far away, without knowing of Michael's state, then here, worrying and worse, risking her mental health once more." Louisa said and Randolf agreed with her.

Rochester was on his horse, outside the carriage. Randolf looked at the man and Louisa saw it.

"Something is wrong with this man." She said and Randolg nodded.

"I am not one to gossip, Your Highness, but he is up to something. I know it."

"I know, too. I am aware he is not to be trusted. "