
The Beginning

No one seems to see me. Not even when I stood right in front of them. No…this is not a ghost story and I am not a ghost. I'm just an average 17 year old girl. As real as our huge school. As real as any of my classmates. But I made a rather terrible mistake. The mistake of being ordinary. It feels horrible at times but there are some benefits too. It is easy to blend with the crowd of people when people don't notice you that much.

​That meant I heard a lot of things. In fact, I would brag and say that I know more about each and every one of my classmates than they suspect. Who's cheating on who…Who's backstabbing who…fun stuff like that. I think about it and smile during my free time. Idiots...They think me stupid. But I have the power. The red button to instigate fights and breakups. I would never actually do anything. Simply knowing that I could was enough. Collecting info was a fun game. It simply made my life interesting. Until…

​ It happened on a Friday, my favourite time of my week. The last bell had rung and we were all standing in the hallway. Some stood in groups, gossiping as usual. Some stood alone. As I walked past the largest group, listening intently to their chatter, I heard it. A faint voice that belonged to none of them. A robotic voice rather like the default sound of an answering machine. "I will kill her…" It said over and over again with increasing glee.

To be continued...