
Invisible String (Full Story)

In year 3245, due to all improvements of earth technologies, people accidentally created monsters that hunts human. With the lack of counterattack, God have mercy and helped his people. With the help of unknown asteroid that hit the earth, the balance has been set. People being awakened with unbelievable power. And the story begun.. The people who are awakened with power become the superhero. But superhero has weakness too. That is why, they have to be with someone who can soothe their power to continuously being human and not a monster. In this new world of fantasy, two men has been tied up with invisible string. To fight for the world and to also fight for their.. Love???!

Fire_QUEEN · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
16 Chs


"Living with someone I don't know is like entering the Lion's den. Yes? And besides, I don't have enough money to pay you for using your training gymnasium." I answered as I moving my eyes back to Alistair.

"Well, you can pay me after the raid. I'm sure, as a Malemyn who has triple power, you ain't that bad on learning some moves?" Jevro said while looking in front of us too.

I'm not sure if this kind of conversation is suitable for our seatmates but it really sounds so flirty. Nevertheless, I know that they couldn't say anything because the one who is talking is no other than, Jevro.

"You're overestimating me, Mr. Gusto. I'm not like you who knows how to fight in close combat. For your information, I just awakened my powers just yesterday." Of course it's a lie!

"Doesn't matter." Jevro said as he leaned closer to me and also whispered. "I can see your thick purple aura, telling me that you're not just an ordinary Malemyn." He also said.

His words are more than 20 but there's only two words that carves on my mind. Purple aura.. Does it mean he can also see my aura? How about the others? Is he able to see it too? To confirm that, I look at him and was about to ask when Alistair suddenly asked me.

"Mr. Yohan, I heard that you have triple powers. Would you mind if I'm the one who'll teach you how to fight personally? I honestly curious about your abilities, so please give me a chance." Alistair said.

Both Jevro and me frowned as we look at Alistair. I can even sense the tension of the man next to me. I'm whole aware that Alistair is not just want to teach me but also want to know my triple abilities. It is indeed a wise choice to hide my secondary awakening. Because I'm certain that these people will surely not let me live in peace once they found out.

Since I'm being asked, I have no choice but to stand up again. "I'm sorry sir, but I already agreed to Mr. Gusto offered just now. But of course, I still want to learn something from the person sent by American government." I answered.

Mr. Alistair let out a chuckle as he nodded his head. "It seems like I'm a little bit late to offer my help. But at least you still give me a chance. I'll speak with Mr. Gusto after this briefing then." He said.

As response, I just nodded my head and take my seat back again. Accidentally, my eyes moved to where Rowan is currently sitting. I didn't notice at first but now, I can clearly see his thick black aura with red while looking at my direction. I'm not sure if he's mad or just curious. But he tried to kill Jevro many times right? Then.. Is he also now after my life since I got the attention of our visitors?

"I can't remember you accepted my offer. When was that?" Jevro started talking to me again.

I just adjusted my self to my seat before I coldly answered him. "You can just act you never heard it." I said.

He didn't speak for a few seconds but when he talk, the topic has been changed.

"Be careful with Mr. Hensel. He's the kind of person who hates someone who surpasses him. He always do dirty tricks to erase you from his world."

I know that Jevro want to remind me but I already knew that. I even saved him from that person schemes many times, right? Unfortunately, I can't tell him that so I just nodded my head as a sign of understanding. I heard him say "good" but I never opened my mouth again to speak.

When the briefing is finished. There are only two things that I understand. First, before we go to America, we will be under observation by seven American representatives. They will choose those Malemyns who will join the raid. Secondly, during the raid, four countries will be united as one to fight. 10 billions will be given to the countries who joined.

It's a great offer but I know for sure. Schemes and dirty tricks are also waiting for us. So my role as a purple Malemyn and a crystal Gwandy, is to secure the safety of my comrades.

After the briefing, we directly went to the Monsters department training ground. There, the seven black Malemyns are currently talking with seven American representatives. Jevro is included. While me, I'm with Mr. De Guzman. He stopped me from approaching my co-Malemyns.

"Mr. Sifyola, I have request for you."

I put my hands on my pockets as I listen to him. "Request? What is it, sir?" I gave him a glance.

He looks so worried and restless. Is it because the raid will be taking a long period of time? And there's a possibility that monsters may come out to attack the city? Mr. De Guzman is powerful, I can easily tell by his purple aura. Now I finally understand, the aura that I keep seeing is according to the level of power of that person. I can see them because I surpassed the level of red Malemyns. If that is correct, then Rowan can also see my aura, no?

"You already know that someone is after Jevro's life. During this raid, may I request you to secretly protect him? I know that you are not just a purple Malemyns, there's a crystal aura mixed with your purple aura. I won't asked you for more information, we all have secrets I know. But right now, I'll bow my head to beg you to protect him."

I honestly stunned when Mr. De Guzman suddenly bow his head to me. I immediately look around to check if someone is looking at us. Fortunately, there no one. I look at him again and I touched his shoulder to tell him to raise his head.

"You don't have to tell me that sir. I honestly showed up to secretly protect him. But I have a question, may I ask you?"

Mr. De Gunman's eyes brighten as he also smile and nodded his head.

"Why do you want to protect him this badly?" I asked him.

He just smile and look at the man who currently releasing his fire attribute. Jevro is showing his power to Mr. Alistair. Rowan is facing the other representative and the others are also doing the same.

"Jevro is my niece. I'm his uncle on his mother side. He's the only one family left with me after his parents died during monsters attack. You never asked but I'll tell you, the reason why Jevro is called tyrant, is because he hates monsters so much."

"En.. I understand. We both don't have parents." I gulped when I accidentally slipped my tongue. I just hope he don't asked for more information.

"I see.. But I'm confused. You said you want to protect him secretly, why is that?"

Once again, I gulped as I feel my sweat popping out from my pores. This is too sudden. "Because he saved the important person to me. So I swear in front of that man that I will protect the person who saved him." Ugh.. I've no choice but to lie.

I also have no idea why I feel this way. There's a strong urge inside me yelling at me everyday to protect and get closer to Jevro. And because of that, I've no choice but to do it. Maybe someday, somehow, I can get the answer why I have this feeling.

"Oh.. So that is why. Then I'm counting on you from now on. And about your training, if you allow me, I can also teach you some moves. By the way, except with you triple powers, what exactly can you do during the fight? Base on your powers, you're a close combatant."

I turned to look at him and look him directly to his eyes. I then tilted my head and give him a smile.

"Wanna teach me now, sir?" I said.

Mr. De Guzman chuckle as he scratches his neck. "I would love to." He said. "Let's go the fighting range then." He also added.

With his speed, he suddenly runs to the center of the fighting range and waves his hand on me. Everyone is shock as they surprisingly looking at my direction. Mr. De Guzman speed is not too much in my eyes. I can even follow his movement just now. Maybe because of my golden eyes? I chuckled as I teleported in front of him. It's just 0.2 second when I appear in front of him. He really look so shocked.

Meanwhile, all those who currently having a partial exchanging powers information, suddenly stopped as they focus their attention to us. I see Mr. De Guzman clenched his fists as he changed his form. So, the power can also do this? He looks like half dragon with his scales on his face. His arms also have sharp blades now. So difficult to approach if you're not great in close combat. However...

"Show me how you fight Yohan." Mr. De Guzman said as he get ready to attack me.

In an instant, everyone gasped when they suddenly seen my two daggers that just suddenly appeared in my hands. And also, I can see the uneasiness in department head's eyes when I suddenly used my stealth.

"I hope you won't disappoint me.. Sir." I said when I teleported behind him.