
Invisible-Irina in the afterlife

This story was born from a dream of mine. Again. I got a lot of interesting dreams and some I turn into stories. Irina was dead, she was a ghost. She was invisible. And she got a hunger for some reason. She lived alone for a while, wandering through the world, having little adventures. Then Irina met a boy. He was different. They become friends and she showed her how she got along. He asked a lot of questions... What is his secret?

Menece · Fantasy
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3 Chs

3rd Air Thingy

After a while she ended up in three dead ends all in all so far and had to return to find the right path again. It was fun. Sometimes Irins also just stood there to watch some kids walking around in the maze.

The labyrinth was huge, lots of hallways and different paths to choose from. A smile formed on her face again as one of the kids started making silly expressions in one of the mirrors on the walls. The other kids laughed too.

Sometimes Irina wished someone could see her too. Not just in the mirror but she missed having friends sometimes. She didn't mind to be on her own, after everything she could do whatever she wanted. No patents would watch her, no teacher would tell her what not to do. She was free. But also dead. Still she was here. On Earth. Emong the living people. Invisible and in the shadows.

Although she didn't had to hide. No one chased or hunted her. No one was after her. She was safe here. The afterlife was a safe space. Irina was not in the wrong place or caught in here. It was just her afterlife. And she just had to move on and find out somehow how that all worked in here. Because that's what people always should do. Move on. No matter what happens, you will have to move on. And that was all Irina had left. A save space, a ghost life... and this weird hunger. She was glad she was not a zombie or a vampire though. It was not a hunger for brains, memories or blood. Just food. And that wasn't so bad, right? It could be way worse.

Irina snapped out of her thoughts as a kid went right into her.

Damn. I wasn't careful.

"What the hell was that?!", one of the kids called.

"What do you mean?", another one asked and looked at them confused.

"I don't know, I felt so cold and weird for a second...", the first kid answered and turned around looking right at Irina.

Woops... I probably should get out of here, Irina thought and made a few steps back till her back touched a wall.

Why was I standing in the middle of the hallway and got lost in thought?

"It felt like a kind of cold steam cloud or something", the first kid went on explaining.

"What are you talking about?", the other kid asked, still confused.

"It was probably just a little prank of the mirror labyrinth or some... Air... Thingy...", another kid tried to find an explaination for what the first kid tried to describe.

"An air thingy? You mean you farted?", the kid suggested and started laughing.

"No, dumbass, it was just a steam cloud not a fart!", the first kid called and all joined into the laughter.

Irina smiled again and waited till the kids left. Their laughter echoed down the hallways till there was silence again. She sighed and went on, trying to find the right way out of the maze. It will just take a while.