
Invisible Chains (Magi x Reader)

She couldn't say what she wanted. Not just because of the physical chains at her feet, but she didn't even know the answer to that question. Because he was that good. A girl who has absolutely nothing, and no longer knows how she feels. A boy who can't help but fall for her, despite knowing he has no right to. A master with a wicked obsession and a nasty agenda. And two boys who change it all.

Melancholy_Sage · Anime & Comics
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74 Chs

Chapter 25

My eyes are starting to droop, and I let out a long sigh. "Did you find anything?"

"Nope, just stone ornaments," Aladdin replies, looking over objects that looked identical to mine.

"Me neither. Guess it's not the treasure room after all." I get up, stretching as I prepare to move along. "Oh well, let's try somewhere else." I motion towards the exit, "Come on, let's head outside." There are lots of buildings left after all. I can't do this forever though.

He sends me a reassuring smile as I drag my feet towards the door. I can't say I wasn't disappointed. We had worked so hard to get here, and nothing. I was starting to lose confidence, but this wasn't the time. I had to stay positive for the two of us. I had to do my part after all he had done for me.

Suddenly, a shadow fills the doorway, and I stare up to find the slave from earlier. Goltas, I think it was. He hovers above me, his eye looming at me from behind his mask. He holds his sword firmly in his fist, and I worry he'll attack us.

I let out a scream, grabbing the handle of my blade. "You wanna fight?!" I dig my heels into the ground moving to attack, but Aladdin gets in the way.

"Wait, Alibaba! This guy, he's.." The man starts to stagger, and we quickly move out of the way before he falls flat to the ground. A burn on his chest and cuts all over his back. It's such a horrible sight. I don't even want to think about what might have happened. Was it those monsters or was it his Master? I guess either way there wasn't much of a difference.

My heart skips a beat as I hear something coming, "Aladdin!" I yell. But I was too late. A dark red blur kicks the boy in the gut, and Aladdin skids away. The fanaris boy freezes in place, sending a deathly glare in my direction. He's finally managed to catch up. Soon follows the girl, helping someone up the steps. I assume it's their master. As her chains clink with each step towards me I ready my knife.

"You!!" I growl. Jamil comes to a halt, trembling. His hand clutches onto a sword, but he won't face me. Only stares at the ground, motionless. Other than the subtle twitching and trembling that is. He's shaken with fear, but it only makes him all the more dangerous.

Was going to connect with the next chapter, but it changes POVs. Thoughts? Requests?

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