
Invincible With My Three Sisters

2025 is the year that portals to the Desolate Land appear in various places on earth. This is a ruined world and a world where technology doesn't work but has things that only exist in a fantasy world. Magic power, giant monsters, titans, ancient tombs, and all kinds of strange treasures, all things exist in this world. 25 years after that, civilization has changed along with the fate of many people. Some people get lucky, become a dragon in one step. Unfortunately, our main character, Arthur, doesn't have too much luck. His parents died in an unknown place, leaving him with no one. When he was 11 years old, his body somehow suddenly became sickly often, he often felt weak and could only be normal if he took medicine. The wealth that his parents left for him was used up to buy medicine, he even had to sell the apartment where he lived. He became homeless and things only got worse. However, that was not the end of his life. A luck he never imagined suddenly came to him. In the middle of the cold night, three extremely beautiful female figures appeared in front of him. One of them said, "Little brother, sorry for making you suffer all this time, from now on we will help you become the highest among the highest."

Dark_Crow1111 · Urban
Not enough ratings
6 Chs

No Need

At 04.00, he came out of the space covered in sweat.

Lyla and Elizabeth trained him for up to 5 hours. Even though he's still not an expert fighter now, at least he knows how to fight properly.

He sighed, his body no longer feeling the same as before. He didn't feel any disease in his body, the only thing he could feel was strength.

He looked at his stats again, there were some improvements in some attributes.

[Level 1]

[Spiritual Essence: 1.3] +0.3


[Body Attack: 1.35] +0.35

[Body Defense: 1.4] +0.4

[Body Speed: 1.7] +0.7


[Blood: 1.6] +0.6

[Shadow: 1.5] +0.5

[Wind: 1.6] +0.6

[Light: 1.4] +0.4



Each of his Warrior attributes, four of his Mage attributes, and his spiritual essence increased quite a bit. In just over 5 hours, it could be considered a huge improvement since he had only trained once.

Because he was trained by Elizabeth and Lyla, and they were going to pass their legacy on him, so they had him upgrade the same element they were good at. He didn't mind because he thought the four elements weren't bad to train.

Jean was just watching that time, he was actually wondering if there was an legacy from her, but since she didn't say anything about it, he ended up choosing not to ask her.

He took his jacket and bag, then threw the medicine in the trash. It gave him a very satisfying feeling because now he knew he wasn't sick anymore.

After that he went to the bathroom at the station.

In his life, he had never been as excited as today, he felt like he was on a journey to conquer the entire world.

At 07.30, he arrived at his school. It was a large school located in downtown San Diego, the students here were made up of all kinds of people and backgrounds, there was no shortage of homeless people like him.

From outside the school gates, it looked like a city within a city.

Arthur was already in 3rd grade, only about 2 months away from graduation day, after graduation, ordinary students would go to ordinary universities while those with spiritual power could apply to the Military Academy located in the Desolate Land. Grade 1 or 2 students can also apply, most importantly they are strong enough.

'I don't need to go to the Military Academy,' thought Arthur, 'training with them is definitely better than at any Military Academy. Now I just need to get a Warrior/Mage ID card. After that, I will go on an adventure to get resources.'

"Ah, it's so crowded," Lyla's voice suddenly sounded behind him, he couldn't help but be surprised when he saw her and Elizabeth appear. They might have appeared a long time ago, only he had come to his senses too late.

"Mm, why did you guys come out?" He asked.

"It's very boring in there, I like the crowd," Elizabeth replied. "I want to take a walk around here."

After saying that, she stepped into a restaurant across the street.

"Don't worry, we hide our bodies when we are near you, no one can see us but you," added Lyla.

"Is that true?"

Arthur looked around, some people were looking at him strangely. He patted his forehead.

"Hey, Arthur, you didn't go crazy for being a bum, did you?"

A man his age came up to him, he was a skinny man with glasses, his skin was a little red and he wore a neat uniform, in contrast to his messy uniform.

Arthur looked at him and said "Toni, your life seems to be getting better."

"Yeah, they give me nutritious food every day, this is the advantage of being a Mage. Unfortunately I'm also just a poor guy, so I can't help you."

"Help me?" Arthur smiled mockingly.

"Look at this," he said.

He clenched his palm, for a moment, a transparent light radiated from it.

"You, you have become a Warrior." Toni opened his mouth, he looked very surprised.

"How could it be."

"What is impossible," replied Arthur. He then stepped inside the school gate.

There is a division of areas, some look good and some look shabby, he went to a good area, it is a special area for students who have become Warrior/Mage.

Over there, there was a building to test the strength of students who thought they had broken through.

Those who pass the test can study in that special area and will get a Warrior/Mage ID card.

There are many such test places in the city, but taking the test at school as a student is easier, it's free and there are no long queues.

By the time he arrived in front of the building, there were about ten students, who had also just arrived. They may all be of different ages, be 1st, 2nd, or 3rd graders, but they have something in common, their auras are already different from the auras of ordinary people.

Inside the building, there were several people waiting, they were wearing special uniforms with the student council emblem on their chests. The one leading them was also a man with glasses, he had a good physique and looked older than the other students. It wasn't because he was really older, but because his growth was indeed better.

Dale, the student council secretary, is one of the most talented students. Arthur heard he was a Mage and Warrior, and he was already at level 7. Their difference was quite far, even so, he was still not the strongest in this school, there were still around ten students who were stronger than him.

He didn't try to make small talk, after Arthur and the others arrived in front of him he said, "hand over your student cards to him."

He glanced at the man by his side before pointing at the two stone platforms where there was an iron wall behind them.

"Warriors go there and Mages go there," he said.

Arthur handed over his student card before going to the stone platform for the Warrior.

The length of the stone platform from the starting point to the wall was about 20 meters.

A student guarding the stone platform said to the first student to arrive, "You, if you excel in body attacks, hit this wall with all your might, don't worry, you won't feel any pain. If you excel in speed, run to that wall at full speed, and if you excel in defense, stand in the middle of this stone platform."

The student nodded, he actually looked weak, but when he ran towards the wall, he was like a bullet that shot out suddenly. He arrived in front of the wall and hit it with his bony hand.


It made a bang sound, although it wasn't that loud, the students knew that the blow was strong enough.

They quickly looked at the screen above the wall.

[Attack: 700 kg]

[Speed: 0.8 Seconds]

"Wow..." The other students were mesmerized.

"This includes genius warriors right?"

"Yes, he is not only superior in attack and speed, he is also above the average level 1, almost reaching level 2."

The student guarding the stone platform nodded lightly, he even gave a thumbs up.

'That's slow,' Arthur thought.

He had already run several times without opening the gate, his speed was probably five times faster than him.

The student returned to the line, several students tried to talk to him, but he only responded casually. He only mentioned his name and class. Apparently he was only in 1st grade and his name was Zed.

After two more students took the test, now it was finally Arthur's turn.

He stepped towards the stone platform with a serious expression while inwardly he was thinking, 'I have to learn to lower my strength.'

He didn't think about keeping a low profile forever, but he didn't think this was a suitable place to make an overly flashy debut.


He sighed before starting to run to show his speed. The moment he arrived in front of the wall, he did nothing and immediately turned to leave.

[Speed: 1.0 Second]

Even though he lowered his speed, he was only 0.2 seconds slower than Zed. People were still looking at him with a nod of their heads.

After the test was over, everyone gathered again in front of Dale. He said, "You all passed the evaluation, from now on, you will join the Warrior/Mage class. As students in this area, the school will provide you with dormitories and guarantee your meals. Later one of the student council members will give you the keys to your dorms. But before that, I want to show you all something, come with me."

He walks to a door in the building, people stare at him in bewilderment as they follow him.

It was a little dark behind the door, but upon entering, Arthur realized it was a movie theater.

"Sit down," Dale said, he pulled out a remote and pointed it at the screen.

The screen started to light up, showing the view inside the city in the Desolate Land from above.

Dale continued, "You may have been to the Desolate Land, but you've only been to its cities. In the city, there were many dungeons, but they were nothing more than dens of small monsters. Well, I'll show you what's outside the city walls. Videos showing things there are almost non-existent because we can't record with cameras, we can only record with special abilities. Most of you probably never saw them. The giant monsters, the titans, here you will see their ferocity."

The students narrowed their eyes, Arthur also showed a serious expression. Like most people, he had only heard stories about them, but never seen them. People who have seen them always say that they are very vicious.

The footage moves towards the outskirts of the city, it's a vast city, many times wider than the most expansive city on earth.

The city was surrounded by a very high wall, maybe about 500 meters.

Arthur thought, 'this should be recorded through the eyes. And the person who recorded this can fly, that means he is one of the mighty creatures.'

The person is always looking down, so the record only shows what is below. Slowly, it passed through the city wall, extremely terrifying roars then sounded from below.

Soon after that the footage showed the scene outside the city wall.

There was a very large forest, the trees were over 50 meters tall and they got taller as they got further away from the city.

A very large group of humans came out of the forest and tried to climb the wall. Their average height ranges from 10 meters to 30 meters, and they do not wear any clothes. Their skin was pale while their expressions were blank like zombies. Every time they moved, they would roar into the sky as if they were furious.

"Titan," said the students, they could tell right away even though it was their first time seeing creatures called titans.

"All you guys see are low level titans, they occasionally attack cities. Far beyond the city, there are many bigger titans with more ferocious strength," Dale explained.

*Roar* *Roar*

Different roars came from behind, from within the forest, a group of beasts jumped out. They are of various types, one thing they have in common is that they are as large as the titans.

They then lunged at the titans and began to fight with them.

"The titans are always trying to attack our territory, the monsters, on the other hand, only attack us when they see us. Whenever they see a titan, they will attack them too. You can say there is a battle of three factions in this world."


Suddenly there was a rumbling sound of thunder. After that, countless bolts of lightning descended towards the titans and monsters.

Their bodies instantly exploded to ashes the moment the lightning bolt hit them.

The recording stops there.

"Titans and monsters are very strong, but with hard training, we can also become stronger than them, so try hard," Dale said before turning off the screen.

The students looked at each other in surprise.

Of course, they understood, the figure attacking them was extremely powerful. But if one of those titans or monsters came to this school, even the strongest students' cooperation might not be able to stop it.

Arthur and the others came out of the cinema, they were greeted by a student council member who gave them their dorm key and Warrior/Mage ID card. Their student cards were also updated.

Seeing those two things, Arthur sighed.

On the key was written the address of the dormitory, it was not far from the school.

As he exited the building, he saw Toni standing like he was waiting for someone. He waved him hand at him as he saw him, "Arthur, how did it go?" he asked.

"I did it," Arthur replied, showing him the key he got.

"Wow, let me see your address," said Toni, looking at the key.

After that, he nodded. "Well, looks like we were meant to be, this is the same dorm as me. Then, let's go to class, the class for Warrior/Mage is different from the usual class. There, we will be taught many things, from techniques, how to fight, etc."

"No need," Arthur waved his hand in response.

"I have other business, I'm not going to class," he said before walking away, leaving Toni with a confused expression.

"What's with him?" He wondered.

Arthur didn't want to waste time at school. Things that happen in a Warrior/Mage class are nothing more than a bunch of talented students showing off their talents and bullying the non-talented ones. To him, it was an insignificant stupid thing. Right now, all he wanted was to get stronger as quickly as possible.

He would go to the Desolate Land, join a team of adventurers, then explore the dungeons in the city.

Amongst the mighty beings, which of them spent most of their time at school, they all mostly went to the wilderness of the Desolate Land, fighting life and death battles every day before reaching their current level.

He quickly left the school grounds.

About 300 meters from the school, there was a black building. It was not tall but very wide, almost the size of a football field.