
Invincible System of Instant Kill

Wu Tian traversed into a different world and acquired a super-slaying system, where anyone blocking his path would be instantly killed! My goal is: "Ascend to the pinnacle of the different world, marry beauties from countless realms!" Genius? Slayed! Monster beasts? Slayed! Gods and demons? Slayed!

DaoistCpSqzt · Fantasy
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70 Chs

Chapter 67: The Formidability of Nie Yuntian

"Assassin! Assassin!"

When Wu Tian dealt with Nie Huixiang, it immediately alarmed the guards of the Nie family, causing the entire Nie Mansion to erupt in turmoil.

"This Nie Mansion truly lives up to being one of the four major powers in Pingyang City. They responded so quickly. I must leave quickly, or I won't be able to escape!" Wu Tian, without hesitation, unleashed his fastest speed to escape.

However, as Wu Tian leaped onto the rooftops, a group of guards had already spotted him.

"There! The assassin is there! Quickly block his path!"

Then, more than a dozen guards leaped onto the rooftops, blocking Wu Tian's way.

"Since you're delivering experience to me, I won't show mercy!" Wu Tian smirked, a large iron knife appearing in his hand. This was also to conceal his identity; the Black Dragon Blade was too conspicuous, easily recognized by anyone who had seen it.

"Attack!" The guards roared angrily.

Swoosh! Wu Tian's figure moved like a phantom, weaving through the central area where a dozen guards were stationed, instantly ending their lives.


"Congratulations to player Wu Tian for killing Level 5 Martial Artist guards, gaining 1000 experience. Side quest 'Nie Family Terminator' completion progress: 36/200."

"Congratulations to player Wu Tian for killing Level 6 Martial Artist guards, gaining 1500 experience. Side quest 'Nie Family Terminator' completion progress: 37/200."

"Congratulations to player Wu Tian for killing Level 6 Martial Artist guards, gaining 1500 experience. Side quest 'Nie Family Terminator' completion progress: 38/200."


Wu Tian, with a determined face, dispatched twelve guards. Though their experience was not substantial, it brought Wu Tian closer to completing the side quest.

However, the number of Nie family guards kept increasing. Wu Tian, standing on the rooftop, glanced and saw nearly a hundred guards surging toward him. Additionally, elite guards and hidden experts of the Nie family were rapidly approaching. These hidden experts were all at the Martial Spirit level, and if besieged, Wu Tian would find it difficult to escape.

"The mission for today is accomplished; I won't linger with you!" After ending the life of one more Nie family guard, Wu Tian decided not to continue the fight, leaping away and swiftly leaving the Nie Mansion.

"Stop, don't run! You dared to intrude into the Nie Mansion and now wish to leave?" 

"Chase him! We must catch him!"

"Archers! Shoot him down!"

Along the way, guards obstructed Wu Tian's path. Wu Tian dealt with those he could quickly and evaded those he couldn't, without any unnecessary delays.

"Bold assassin, daring to intrude into my Nie Mansion. Your audacity is too great. Do you think the Nie family is a place you can enter and leave as you please?"

Suddenly, a figure landed in front of Wu Tian, blocking his way. Wu Tian took a closer look, and it turned out to be Nie Yuntian, the head of the Nie family, a seventh-level Martial Spirit shining with golden light.

Realizing he was not Nie Yuntian's match, Wu Tian turned around to escape without a second thought.

Nie Yuntian's expression changed abruptly. He angrily shouted, "Trying to escape? Seeking death!"

Swish! A sharp sound echoed behind Wu Tian. His face changed as he swiftly dodged to the side.

Boom! A violent sword energy pierced through the rooftop where Wu Tian had been standing. Had he not moved, he would have undoubtedly perished.

"Damn! That was close. The cultivation at the seventh level of Martial Spirit is truly formidable, almost got killed." Wu Tian, covered in cold sweat, murmured.

At the same time, a cold light flashed, and Nie Yuntian's long sword reached Wu Tian.

Ding ding! In an instant, Wu Tian and Nie Yuntian exchanged several moves. Nie Yuntian's powerful True Qi forced Wu Tian to retreat, sliding over a dozen meters on the rooftop before stopping.

"Can't use the Black Dragon Blade now; it would expose my identity. With the Black Dragon Blade in hand, my strength could increase several times." Wu Tian thought silently, maintaining a calm expression.

"Who are you? What do you want in my Nie Mansion? Tell me the truth, or I'll make you wish you were dead!" Clearly, Nie Yuntian was unaware that Wu Tian had already dealt with Nie Huixiang. Otherwise, he would have been furious and directly attacked Wu Tian without wasting words.

"It's nothing, really. I just got lost on the road of life and happened to arrive at the Nie Mansion. But now, I'm about to leave." Wu Tian smiled faintly.

"Hmph! Since you won't talk, I'll beat you half to death before making you speak!" Nie Yuntian shook the treasured sword in his hand, instantly disappearing and reappearing in front of Wu Tian.

Wu Tian was astonished by the speed. It was so fast that he could barely see Nie Yuntian's figure.

Ding ding ding!

Boom boom boom!

Fortunately, Wu Tian had the Wind Chasing Boots and the Night Cloak, both enhancing his speed. He barely withstood Nie Yuntian's attacks, but the buildings beneath their feet suffered. The violent True Qi from Wu Tian and Nie Yuntian wreaked havoc, leaving destruction in their wake.

Boom! Suddenly, Wu Tian was kicked to the ground by Nie Yuntian, creating a large pit in the ground. His health dropped by a quarter.

"Hmph! You dare to intrude into my Nie Mansion with such little skill. Your death is imminent." Nie Yuntian stood on the rooftop, coldly looking down at Wu Tian.

"Master! Master, something's wrong. Young Master Huixiang has been killed; he was killed just now!" At this moment, a guard shouted loudly.

"What? What did you say? Huixiang was killed?" Nie Yuntian's face changed dramatically, unbelievably asking.

"Master, Young Master Huixiang has been killed. An assassin penetrated the defensive array, and Young Master was killed."

"Ah! You actually killed Huixiang! I'll kill you!" Nie Yuntian instantly went crazy, roaring in anger. However, upon closer inspection, Wu Tian had disappeared from the spot.

Taking advantage of Nie Yuntian's momentary distraction, Wu Tian activated the skill 'Riding the Wind' of the Wind Chasing Boots and simultaneously used the skill 'Night Concealment' of the Night Cloak, disappearing into the night. His speed tripled, turning Wu Tian into a rapidly moving phantom.

"What?" Nie Yuntian's face changed. Although Wu Tian had disappeared, a faint aura still lingered. "Killing Huixiang and trying to escape? I won't let you get away!"

However, no matter how enraged Nie Yuntian was, Wu Tian's speed was too fast. Even a seventh-level Martial Spirit expert like Nie Yuntian couldn't keep up.

"Die!" Seeing that he couldn't catch up, Nie Yuntian furiously waved a sword energy towards Wu Tian.

Boom! The sword energy grazed Wu Tian's shoulder, narrowly missing him, but causing a severe explosion on the ground. Wu Tian staggered, enduring the intense pain in his shoulder, but without a moment's pause, he continued sprinting desperately. With both skills having limited duration, Wu Tian needed to escape from the Nie Mansion before the effects wore off.

"Find him! Search the entire city. Dig three feet into the ground if needed, but we must find this scoundrel!" After Wu Tian escaped the Nie Mansion, the furious roar of Nie Yuntian echoed throughout the mansion, audible to every corner.

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