
Invincible System of Instant Kill

Wu Tian traversed into a different world and acquired a super-slaying system, where anyone blocking his path would be instantly killed! My goal is: "Ascend to the pinnacle of the different world, marry beauties from countless realms!" Genius? Slayed! Monster beasts? Slayed! Gods and demons? Slayed!

DaoistCpSqzt · Fantasy
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70 Chs

Chapter 55: A Bountiful Harvest

"Congratulations to player Wu Tian for defeating the Level 3 Martial Spirit Realm mini-boss He Jiang, gaining 30,000 experience points, 20,000 silver taels, a bonus to instakill count by +1, and obtaining the 'Spatial Ring.' Additionally, a letter was found, increasing the main quest completion by 1/10. Due to completing 1/10 of the main quest, the system rewards extra bonuses."

"Congratulations to player Wu Tian for receiving extra system rewards: 100,000 experience points, 10,000 silver taels, +50 instakill count, and +10 to the system's shop exchange value."

Wu Tian's mind was filled with a series of system notification sounds, all representing the rewards he had gained. It was truly exhilarating to obtain such benefits from defeating the seemingly insignificant He Jiang. The experience and silver were notable, but the total increase in instakill count by 51 points, along with the additional shop exchange value of 10 points, was particularly satisfying.

Wu Tian quickly opened the Spatial Ring, and to his surprise, he discovered a vast array of items inside—equipment, demonic cores, elixirs, and even some valuable items like earth-tier equipment and fourth-level demonic cores. Wu Tian made a rough estimate, realizing that the contents of the Spatial Ring were worth at least several million silver taels.

"Killing He Jiang was a jackpot. Selling these items from the Spatial Ring could fetch me millions of silver taels. Since most of these items hold no use for me, except for the Spatial Ring, which could be handy to alleviate the burden on my system backpack as it currently increases the weight when I store items."

While enjoying his newfound wealth from the Spatial Ring, Wu Tian noticed a letter that had been included in the loot.

"Elder He, Wu Tian has already recovered his cultivation. I've dispatched sixteen guards from the Nie family to assist you in eliminating Wu Tian. This individual must not be spared, as it could jeopardize my grand plan. Ensure success this time and remember to burn this letter after reading."

It was evident that this letter was sent by someone from the Nie family, and He Jiang's overconfidence led him to neglect burning the letter, ultimately leading it into Wu Tian's hands.

Wu Tian placed the letter into his system backpack and then addressed Qin Long, "Qin Long, return to your position as if nothing has happened."

"Yes, Master!" Qin Long replied and stepped back.

Glancing at He Jiang's gradually fading corpse, Wu Tian swiftly left the scene, wary that someone might notice the commotion.

"Master! I have avenged you by sending that old scoundrel He Jiang to hell. However, Nie family is still scheming, and there are even greater forces behind them. Master, I will gradually investigate and ensure your peace in the afterlife!"


Nie family's patriarch, Nie Yuntian, had a foreboding sense of unease. In the late hours of the night, he paced restlessly in his room.

Suddenly, a dark figure flashed in front of his door.


Nie Yuntian waved his hand, and the room's large door instantly swung open, allowing the shadow to enter.

"Report to the patriarch! Something significant has occurred. The sixteen guards we sent and He Jiang have all gone missing. We have no idea of their whereabouts!" The cloaked figure knelt and reported to Nie Yuntian.

Nie Yuntian's expression changed abruptly, asking, "Where exactly did they go missing?"

"According to He Jiang's plan, he lured Wu Tian to the western woods of the city. However, when I arrived, there was no sign of anyone. Instead, I found traces of a struggle near the woods, but there was no body, not even a corpse. It's extremely strange!"

Nie Yuntian frowned, and a look of astonishment filled his eyes. "There are signs of a struggle, but no one can be found? Could they all have perished, and the bodies destroyed without a trace?"

"It's highly possible."

"Eight fifth-level martial artists, three sixth-level martial artists, three seventh-level martial artists, and even two eighth-level martial artists, along with He Jiang, a third-level martial spirit, all killed? Who could possess such formidable strength?" Nie Yuntian expressed his amazement.

"I'm certain it wasn't Wu Tian's doing. Although he does have some strength, he is still young. While he might be capable of killing guards, eliminating He Jiang, who is a third-level martial spirit, would be impossible. There must be someone else with significant prowess involved," analyzed Nie Yuntian's subordinate.

"If it wasn't Wu Tian, then who? Could it be that Wu Tian has a powerful ally assisting him?" Nie Yuntian mused, rubbing his chin in thought. "If that's the case, it complicates matters. We failed to eliminate him last time, and now, with a powerful ally, it becomes even more challenging."

"Patriarch, there's one more thing I need to report. He Jiang previously offered a reward to the Shura Sect to assassinate Wu Tian. Unfortunately, the Shura Sect failed in their attempt. As you are aware, they won't give up easily. We may not need to take action; Wu Tian might meet his end at the hands of the relentless Shura Sect!"

"Unyielding Shura Sect? I didn't expect He Jiang to play this card. Well, excellent! If he has incurred the wrath of the Shura Sect, then unless he has incredible abilities, he's doomed. You're right; we don't need to act. Let's just wait. Wu Tian will meet his end sooner or later at the hands of the Shura Sect!" Nie Yuntian concluded with determination.

"However, you must closely monitor Wu Tian's movements and report any developments immediately!"

"Yes, Patriarch!"


While Nie family plotted against Wu Tian, Wu Tian harbored his own intentions to deal with the Nie family. However, he wasn't foolish enough to launch an attack on Nie family right away. Despite his confidence, the Nie family boasted formidable experts, particularly their patriarch, Nie Yuntian, whose cultivation was undoubtedly beyond the sixth-level martial spirit—something Wu Tian currently couldn't contend with.

Wu Tian was presently engaged in selling the items obtained from He Jiang's Spatial Ring. The buyer, naturally, was the Ji Min Medicine Shop, affiliated with the Shun Feng Trading Company, which could easily handle the items Wu Tian brought.

"Wu old friend, where did you acquire all these items? Weapons, elixirs, demonic cores, talismans, and even spirit stones and medicinal herbs—all kinds of things. Are you sure you want to sell them?" Hu Gongfeng asked in astonishment, observing Wu Tian presenting a large pile of items.

"These are items I've collected over the years. Since they are of no use to me, I thought I might as well sell them. Give me an estimate of their value," Wu Tian said casually, his face betraying no excitement.

"You wait a moment. I'll call a few people to sort these items. Then, I can provide you with an appraisal. After all, these items aren't priced solely based on weight," Hu Gongfeng replied.

"Sure, but you must brew me several

 pots of Qi Gathering Tea while I wait. I need something to pass the time," Wu Tian grinned.

Hu Gongfeng rolled his eyes, then instructed someone to prepare a large pot of Qi Gathering Tea for Wu Tian while they worked on assessing the value of the items.

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