
Invincible System of Instant Kill

Wu Tian traversed into a different world and acquired a super-slaying system, where anyone blocking his path would be instantly killed! My goal is: "Ascend to the pinnacle of the different world, marry beauties from countless realms!" Genius? Slayed! Monster beasts? Slayed! Gods and demons? Slayed!

DaoistCpSqzt · Fantasy
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70 Chs

Chapter 50: One Against Thirty

As Long Zhan's body was repelled, Wu Tian observed a conspicuous crimson number, -2000, flashing above his opponent's head. Witnessing this spectacle, Wu Tian was astounded; Long Zhan had fallen victim to the Black Bear Armor's skill, "Defense Reflection," suffering a critical blow that depleted half of his health. Wu Tian couldn't help but acknowledge Long Zhan's incredibly good fortune.

The spectators surrounding the arena were utterly dumbfounded by this scene.

"What's happening? Didn't Wu Tian make a move? Why was Long Zhan repelled and seemingly injured by his own attack?" Some disciples wore bewildered expressions.

"It seems that a defensive shield appeared in front of Wu Tian for an instant, deflecting Long Zhan away."


While the crowd buzzed with discussions, Long Zhan, filled with fury, believed Wu Tian resorted to cheating. He accused, "Referee, I protest! This scoundrel is cheating, using some form of talisman or artifact!"

The referee shook his head and replied, "As long as external assistance is not involved, using items is allowed. Therefore, your protest is invalid!"

Upon hearing the referee's dismissal of his protest, Long Zhan grew even more infuriated. Glaring at Wu Tian, he bellowed, "Wu Tian, have the courage to face me without resorting to such despicable tactics! Fight me with honor!"

"I am acting within the bounds of fairness. Of course, if you insist on framing it that way, I have no objection," Wu Tian shrugged.

"Damn it! Even if you cheat, I will still crush you under my feet today!" Long Zhan, gripping his longsword tightly, swiftly approached Wu Tian.

However, when he reached Wu Tian, Long Zhan suddenly halted, casting a cautious glance around, fearing a repeat of the previous incident.

Swish! Instead of a close-quarters attack, Long Zhan unleashed a sword energy wave.

With a soft sound, Wu Tian's Black Dragon Blade easily blocked Long Zhan's sword energy. When the energy dissipated, Long Zhan instantly appeared behind Wu Tian.

"Wu Tian, meet your end!" Long Zhan's longsword viciously thrust toward Wu Tian's neck.

Wu Tian smirked with disdain. Although Long Zhan had reached the eighth-level martial artist realm, Wu Tian had advanced to the first-level Martial Spirit realm. In Wu Tian's eyes, Long Zhan's attacks were child's play.

"Overestimating your abilities! It's time for you to lie down!" Wu Tian sneered and swung his Black Dragon Blade towards Long Zhan.

Long Zhan's expression changed as Wu Tian's speed proved too fast. Unable to attack, Long Zhan had no choice but to shift to a defensive stance.

Boom! The clash between Wu Tian's Black Dragon Blade and Long Zhan's longsword resulted in a powerful explosion of their respective energies. Long Zhan was once again sent flying.

Crash! After being flung into the air, Long Zhan's body bounced several times before finally coming to a stop. At this moment, he appeared exceptionally disheveled, panting heavily.

"Wow!" A collective gasp echoed around the arena.

If Long Zhan's rebound earlier could be suspected of cheating, Wu Tian's counterattack now was undoubtedly based on genuine strength. The shock among the disciples was evident.

"So formidable! A single move repelled Long Zhan. What level of cultivation has Wu Tian truly reached?" Some disciples expressed their astonishment.

"Long Zhan has reached the eighth-level martial artist realm. Could Wu Tian have already achieved the ninth level?" Others were left in disbelief.

"This waste... when did he recover his strength, and he seems even stronger than before!"

In the eyes of everyone present, Wu Tian was no longer the waste with a shattered dantian. He had transformed into a powerful figure, one whom they all admired.

Liu Qingxu, unable to remain seated, widened her eyes and stared at Wu Tian in the center of the arena. She exclaimed, "Such violent Qi! Wu Tian's cultivation has undoubtedly reached the Martial Master level, perhaps even higher. His recovery is truly astonishing, surpassing the talents of many at the main headquarters!"

"Indeed surprising. Based on the recent events, Wu Tian seems to be the strongest on the arena," acknowledged Master Ye, somewhat taken aback.


After being repelled by Wu Tian once again, Long Zhan felt internal injuries creeping in. His eyes widened with shock, and he stared at Wu Tian, questioning, "Wu Tian, why... why are you so powerful? Your dantian was shattered; why?!"

"No reason. Simply because you're too weak!" Wu Tian sneered.

"No! Impossible! I'm not the weak one. Wu Tian, you're the waste. Why are you always stronger than me? Today, I must defeat you, even at any cost!" Long Zhan roared with red eyes.

He stood up and shouted to the other disciples on the arena, "Listen, all of you! If anyone helps me eliminate this waste Wu Tian today, you will become my brothers. I swear to the true gods, in the future, when entering the Qitian Sect headquarters, my brothers won't be treated unfairly. I will ensure they receive peak strength!"

Immediately, the ongoing battles on the arena ceased. Long Zhan's followers naturally sided with him. Among the 38 participants, nearly half were now aligning with Long Zhan. The remaining neutral disciples, influenced by Long Zhan's words, also stopped fighting.

"This is outrageous! What should we do now, Boss? Long Zhan has so many people with him, almost half of the participants have joined him," Niu Wuji approached, speechless. Long Zhan was shameless, planning a group attack.

"Quantity means nothing. It's perfect; I didn't want any trouble. Resolving this together is even better!" Wu Tian rubbed his wrist, a look of excitement on his face. He couldn't wait to secure the first position.

Seeing the majority of people joining his side, Long Zhan felt triumphant. In a loud voice, he declared, "Brothers, now is your chance to show your loyalty. Let's join forces and defeat Wu Tian!"

"A bunch of presumptuous fools. Since that's the case, I'll take care of all of you at once!" Wu Tian grasped the Black Dragon Blade, took a deep breath, and infused his entire body with Qi. The pitch-black blade seemed to emit a dragon's roar.

"Black Dragon Blade Art, First Form: Surging Winds and Rolling Clouds!"

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