
Invincible System of Instant Kill

Wu Tian traversed into a different world and acquired a super-slaying system, where anyone blocking his path would be instantly killed! My goal is: "Ascend to the pinnacle of the different world, marry beauties from countless realms!" Genius? Slayed! Monster beasts? Slayed! Gods and demons? Slayed!

DaoistCpSqzt · Fantasy
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70 Chs

Chapter 19: Striking You Down with Elixirs

"Congratulations to player Wu Tian for crafting 20 premium healing elixirs and 5 superior healing elixirs."

Healing elixirs, though of yellow grade, varied in quality – lower, middle, upper, and superior. Astonishingly, Wu Tian not only crafted 20 upper-grade healing elixirs but also produced 5 superior ones. His luck was truly extraordinary.

A single upper-grade healing elixir was valued at two thousand silver taels, while the total cost of Wu Tian's medicinal herbs amounted to merely five hundred silver taels. With one upper-grade healing elixir, he could buy four times the amount of herbs. Currently possessing twenty upper-grade healing elixirs, he had earned eighty times the quantity of herbs. Additionally, with five superior healing elixirs, the value would be even higher. Despite spending the entire night, it was a worthwhile endeavor.

"Xiao Hui! I've succeeded, your young master has succeeded!" Wu Tian, overjoyed, embraced Xiao Hui and spun her around.

Feeling the warmth of Wu Tian's embrace, Xiao Hui blushed and felt a bit embarrassed but also strangely comfortable, reluctant to be put down.

"20 upper-grade healing elixirs, 5 superior healing elixirs – I've struck it rich, come, have one superior healing elixir!" Wu Tian released Xiao Hui and quickly presented a superior healing elixir to her.

Xiao Hui shook her head continuously. "Young Master, this is the result of your hard work overnight. Maybe you shouldn't give it to Xiao Hui. Besides, after resting overnight, Xiao Hui's injuries have already improved."

"Your face still has some swelling. Come on, eat it quickly to avoid any consequences; your young master cares about you!" Wu Tian intentionally frightened Xiao Hui.

Upon hearing about potential consequences, Xiao Hui quickly took the superior healing elixir. "Thank you, Young Master, I'll take it."

"Eat it, eat it quickly."

Xiao Hui nodded and swallowed the superior healing elixir. After ingesting it, a pure spiritual energy surged into Xiao Hui's body and spread through her meridians.

Subsequently, the swelling on Xiao Hui's face visibly receded, and fifteen minutes later, it completely disappeared.

"Impressive! This superior healing elixir's effect is remarkable. Although it's just a minor injury, the recovery speed is astonishing." Wu Tian marveled at Xiao Hui's normal cheeks.

Touching her face, Xiao Hui found no discomfort, looking at Wu Tian with admiring eyes. "Young Master, you're truly amazing."

"Haha! Of course!" Wu Tian laughed heartily, in an extremely good mood. Suddenly, he became serious. "By the way, I have an important matter to attend to today; I'll leave now."

"Young Master, take care."

Wu Tian's actual task was to confront the assistant at the medicine shop with the elixirs he had crafted. He arrived at the 'Ji Min Medicine Shop' gate with an imposing aura. The shop hadn't opened yet, so Wu Tian waited outside. Luckily, he only waited for a few minutes before the shop opened. The person who opened the door happened to be the assistant who had mocked Wu Tian yesterday.

Seeing the assistant, Wu Tian directly threw a premium healing elixir at him.


"Ouch! What is this thing?" The assistant's face stung as he covered it.

"What do you think?" Wu Tian calmly asked the assistant, then threw another premium healing elixir.

Smack! The elixir hit the assistant's face again.

"Damn! Are you that kid from yesterday? What are you trying to do here, causing trouble?" The assistant, dodging and pointing at Wu Tian, angrily shouted.

"I've said I would use crafted elixirs to strike you down, and today, I'm fulfilling that promise!"

Saying this, Wu Tian once again threw a premium healing elixir at the assistant.

"Wait!" The shop's owner hurriedly shouted at Wu Tian, stopping him. Wu Tian's action also abruptly ceased.

"Incredible... absolutely incredible! Is this even a healing elixir?" The assistant, furious and in pain, questioned.

"See for yourself!" Wu Tian shrugged and threw another elixir.

The assistant picked up the elixir from the ground. Seeing its quality and luster, his eyes widened. "This... this is a premium healing elixir! Is this really the one you crafted yesterday?"

"Otherwise, do you think I stole it?" Wu Tian raised an eyebrow, taking out another elixir, ready to throw.

"Wait! Please don't throw it. My goodness, can you stop wasting such expensive elixirs?" The assistant quickly stopped Wu Tian, partly out of fear of getting hit again and partly out of genuine concern. The value of these elixirs was comparable to throwing away precious stones.

"What do you suggest?" Wu Tian smirked, asking.

"Can I take a look at this elixir you crafted?" The assistant still seemed somewhat skeptical.

"Of course." Wu Tian tossed the elixir to the assistant.

The assistant held the superior healing elixir as if it were a treasure. Seeing this, Wu Tian rolled his eyes. It was just a superior healing elixir; he had three more in his system backpack, and he could craft more with the right ingredients.

At this moment, a middle-aged man in his fifties came out from behind. Seeing the ground covered with premium healing elixirs, his face changed immediately.

"What's going on? Why are there elixirs all over the floor?" The middle-aged man squatted down, picked up one elixir, and his expression turned even more serious. "This... this is a premium healing elixir, and judging by its quality, it's a top-notch one!"

"Wang, quickly pick up the premium healing elixirs on the ground, then serve tea and water. Treat this young sir well!" The middle-aged man was also an alchemist named Hu Gongfeng. Understanding the value and skills of an alchemist, he immediately instructed the assistant to attend to Wu Tian properly.

"Hu Gongfeng, this kid is probably not telling the truth. At his age, can he really craft premium healing elixirs?" The assistant still had a disbelieving expression, although his face was hurting.

"Damn! You still deserve a beating. Fine, I'll continue to strike you down!" Wu Tian immediately took out a superior healing elixir and prepared to throw it at the assistant.

"Wait!" Hu Gongfeng hurriedly stopped Wu Tian, freezing his actions.

"Incredible... simply incredible! Is this... is this a superior healing elixir of even higher quality than the premium ones?" Hu Gongfeng, trembling, walked up to Wu Tian and couldn't believe what he was seeing.

"You guessed it right. This is my uniquely crafted superior healing elixir. There is none like it in the world!" Wu Tian boasted confidently.

"Young sir, could you lend this superior healing elixir to me for examination?" Hu Gongfeng asked.

"Of course." Wu Tian tossed the elixir to Hu Gongfeng.

Hu Gong feng held the superior healing elixir as if it were a precious item. Seeing this, Wu Tian rolled his eyes again. It was just a superior healing elixir; he had three more in his system backpack, and he could craft more with the right ingredients.

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