
Invincible Summoning: All My Summons Are Beauties

No magic; No fighting spirit; Only summons; The protagonist's catchphrase: "Get lost, a divine beast is so impressive? Move aside, I only like beautiful female summons!"

Holking99 · Fantasy
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219 Chs

Beauty's Kiss

Eddie, armed with the ancient knowledge from the Bronze Codex, understood the enigmatic allure of the Heaven-Reaching Tower.

Nestled at the heart of the Dragon-Treading Continent, it was an enigmatic spire that pierced the heavens, said to be a divine artifact left by ancient deities for mortals seeking ascension.

Each level was a step closer to the divine, with portals leading to otherworldly realms for those brave enough to tread this celestial path.

His mother fretted over Sophia's upcoming trial at the tower's first level. Despite being the initial and least dangerous phase, her maternal instincts couldn't be swayed by logic or statistics.

Sophia's solitary disposition and lack of camaraderie at the academy only heightened her concerns. In the face of danger, Sophia was likely to face it alone, a lone warrior in the vast expanses of the unknown.

"Don't worry, Mom. Sophia's stronger than we think," Eddie assured her, his voice a blend of confidence and concern. The Heaven-Reaching Tower's initial levels posed little threat to life, with real peril lying in wait beyond the third level. Yet, the memory of a recent tragedy, where a young man met his end on the seemingly safe second level, loomed in the back of his mind, reminding him of the unpredictable nature of such trials.

As his mother's skilled hands faltered, pricked by the needle she wielded with usually unerring precision, Eddie's resolve deepened. The sight of blood on her fingers was a stark reminder of the fragility of life.

Determined to protect his sister and soothe his mother's worries, Eddie made a silent vow to explore the depths of the Bronze Codex's wisdom further. He would seek out methods to safeguard them against the unseen dangers of their world, reinforcing their defenses against the myriad uncertainties that lay ahead on their journey.

Eddie's mind was ablaze with the notion that his enigmatic black jade necklace might just necessitate a blood oath to unleash its hidden powers. Ordinarily mundane in daylight, the necklace's true essence was elusive.

Perplexed by the disparity between the overwhelming energy he sensed in dreams and its daytime dormancy, he contemplated the possibility of a blood pact, a trope he'd seen spun in countless fantasy tales.

With a mix of skepticism and an adventurous spirit, Eddie allowed a droplet of his blood to kiss the surface of the necklace. Yet, as seconds stretched into minutes with no sign of change, he inwardly chuckled at his gullibility, chiding himself for buying into fantastical clichés.

As he moved to re-clasp the necklace, an extraordinary event unfolded. A minuscule black spot on its surface burgeoned into an all-consuming void, pulling him into an abyss with a force beyond resistance.

For a fleeting moment, Eddie thought he was meeting his end, his very essence shredding under the black hole's immense pull. But then, as if sparked by an internal phoenix flame, a sense of rebirth enveloped him, bringing a peculiar tranquility amid the chaos. Far from perishing, he found himself adrift in the serene eye of the black hole, shrouded in impenetrable darkness.

As he grappled with his astonishing situation, pondering over an escape from this dark enigma, a voice, both melodic and incredulous, pierced the silence. "Oh? You're not dead? What an odd little human boy you are... and nascent, no less? Such youth coupled with untapped potential." 

Before he could gather his wits, an irresistible force hoisted him upward, culminating in the soft, fragrant press of lips against his own.

In that bewildering moment, Eddie realized his journey into the unknown had only just commenced. 

The mysterious black jade necklace had catapulted him into a realm far beyond his most imaginative daydreams. Now, amidst the enveloping darkness, his first encounter wasn't with peril but with an enigmatic entity that had just stolen a kiss. 

This was the beginning of an unforeseen adventure, one that promised to unfurl the mysteries of the necklace and perhaps, of himself.

Eddie is thrilled at the prospect of receiving a kiss from a beautiful woman. However, his joy quickly turns to horror when he realizes that the 'beauty' passionately kissing him is a terrifying vampire, fervently draining his life energy.

In a mere few seconds, the spiritual energy he cultivated for a month in the second realm is completely absorbed. If not for her finally releasing him, he's convinced he would have turned into a desiccated corpse!

Breathing heavily, he hears her delightedly sigh in the darkness, expressing satisfaction over the quality of his energy, despite its scant amount. Eddie, weakened to his core, can barely stand and feels dizzy.

However, he soon discovers he can see clearly in the darkness, noticing his own body stark naked, as if ready for a streaking run. Before him stands a majestic beauty over two meters tall, her breathtaking features luminous even in the shadow.

She has golden hair cascading down like a waterfall, barely covering her prominent features, and her eyes, like deep sapphires, gaze at him with surprise and curiosity.

Despite the dire situation, Eddie can't help but admire the supernatural beauty in front of him, from her perfect skin to her statuesque figure, a work of art beyond human capabilities.

But as he looks further down, his shock returns - instead of legs, the beautiful woman has a serpent's tail! She laughs at his shock, her beauty radiating like a galaxy, and with six arms gracefully moving behind her, she teasingly lifts his chin with one hand.

She reveals herself as the Serpent Queen, a different being from him, and asks if he doesn't find her snake tail charming too.

This reimagined encounter blends horror with allure, presenting a supernatural meeting that leaves the man between terror and fascination.