
Invincible Summoning: All My Summons Are Beauties

No magic; No fighting spirit; Only summons; The protagonist's catchphrase: "Get lost, a divine beast is so impressive? Move aside, I only like beautiful female summons!"

Holking99 · Fantasy
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219 Chs

A Family Letter, Worth Thousands of Gold!

After realizing that the Bloody Queen was a Gold-level humanoid battle beast, Hessian couldn't stop crying. He claimed it was the first time in his life he had confessed his love to a girl, and the heartbreak was just too much for him. 

Eddie tried to console him: "Hessian, you've got so many girls crazy about you, each dying for your attention. You should focus on them instead of longing for what you can't have. Don't be too greedy!"

Hessian's response was even more dramatic, crying as if it was the end of the world. Everyone knew that no girl really liked Hessian; his claims of being adored by beautiful girls were just his wild fantasies.

After his outburst, Hessian suddenly declared his determination to defend his first love. He passionately stated that race was not a barrier to pure love. 

However, before he could finish his speech, Yehken and the Ly brothers dragged him behind the ancient oak tree and gave him a beating, feeling that Hessian was a disgrace to humanity.

Realizing his love for the Bloody Queen was a lost cause, Hessian quickly dropped the subject. He then announced, as their leader, he would set an example by contracting only powerful and beautiful female battle beasts in the future, preferably Gold-level or higher. 

His declaration was met with eye-rolls from everyone, and Yehken and the Ly brothers even gave him the middle finger—a gesture they had learned from Eddie. Hessian, unfazed by the gesture, continued with his grand plans.

He announced he would treat everyone to a lavish meal at the "Delicacy Pavilion," the most expensive place in town, and then take them to a beast store to pick out a Gold-level beast egg for him, insisting it must be a beautiful female beast.

 Inan rolled her eyes at Hessian's absurdity, and Sophia couldn't help but laugh at his unrealistic expectations.

Eddie was more lenient and didn't crush Hessian's dreams outright. 

Instead, he comforted Hessian, suggesting that his Bronze-level Ironskin Rhino might evolve into a Gold-level female rhino with enough effort.

 "As your leader, I'll fully support you spiritually!" he said, causing Inan and Sophia to giggle even more.

The scene was filled with laughter and teasing, with Hessian's unrealistic dreams providing comic relief. It was clear that, despite his fantasies, Hessian's chances of contracting a Gold-level female battle beast were slim to none. 

Yet, Eddie's playful encouragement and the lighthearted atmosphere made for a memorable and enjoyable moment under the ancient oak tree.

Knowing that the Bloody Queen was a Gold-level humanoid battle beast, Hessian remained inconsolable, claiming it was his first love confession, leading to an overwhelming heartbreak. 

Eddie comforted him: "Hessian, remember all those girls who are crazy about you? You should focus on them instead of longing for something unattainable. Don't be too greedy!"

This only made Hessian cry harder. Everyone knew his claims about being adored by girls were just his fantasies. 

After his crying spell, Hessian resolved to defend his first love. He firmly declared that race should not be a barrier to pure love. 

However, before he could finish, Yehken and the Ly brothers dragged him behind the ancient oak tree for a beating, feeling that he was disgracing humanity.

After being roughed up, Hessian dropped the subject of his first love. He then announced his determination to only contract powerful and beautiful female battle beasts, preferably Gold-level or higher. 

His declaration earned eye-rolls from everyone, and Yehken and the Ly brothers gave him the middle finger, a gesture they had learned from Eddie.

Despite Hessian's unrealistic aspirations, Eddie offered some encouragement, suggesting that his Bronze-level Ironskin Rhino might evolve into a Gold-level female rhino with enough effort. 

Inan and Sophia giggled at Eddie's playful response, while Yehken and the Ly brothers were more skeptical, finding it more likely to transform Hessian into a male rhino than his beast into a beautiful female.

Once Hessian and the others completed their task with the Heart of the Oak, a day passed. Sophia had learned 'Thorny Spikes' and 'Entangling Roots,' though she was still slow in deploying them. She could effectively ambush non-flying beast types.

Yehken and the Ly brothers' beasts had also leveled up after completing their task with the Heart of the Oak. 

Only Hessian's Ironskin Rhino remained at Bronze level two. However, the green light from the Heart of the Oak had some effect; the rhino's size increased slightly, and its horn seemed to grow a bit. 

Everyone agreed that, while it might not become a beautiful female beast, it could become a formidable war machine on the battlefield. If it reached Bronze level five or higher, its size and might would rival a War Kodo Beast.

Eddie saw potential in Hessian's White Rhino, recognizing it as a life guardian beast. He believed that there are no worthless talents or battle beasts, only people who fail to utilize them effectively. 

The Thorn Flower, deemed worthless by others, could become a devastating force in his hands. 

The War Treant, seemingly ineffective for others, could be a source of frustration for enemies in Sophia's hands.

Similarly, if Hessian could harness the Ironskin Rhino's water attribute and its other strengths, its power could increase significantly.

Upon returning to the Warrior's Guild, the two mercenary group leaders had already transported the bodies of the Demonic Blade Butcher, the flying dragon, and the demon generals to the warehouse specified by Lord Laura. They waited for Eddie's return to complete the task and report.

Knowing the Bloody Queen was a Gold-level humanoid battle beast, Hessian was heartbroken over his unrequited love. 

Eddie consoled him by reminding him of all the girls who supposedly adored him, though it was well known that Hessian's romantic claims were just fantasies.

Hessian then dramatically declared his commitment to his first love, asserting that differences between species couldn't hinder pure love. However, before he could finish, Yehken and the Ly brothers dragged him away for a beating, embarrassed by his ridiculous behavior.

After his emotional outburst, Hessian gave up on pursuing the Bloody Queen. 

Instead, he declared his intent to only contract powerful and beautiful female battle beasts in the future, preferably of Gold level. His declaration was met with skepticism and ridicule from the group.

When the mercenary group leaders finished their task and reported back, they expressed their desire to exchange their reward for the bodies of the evil spirits and harpies, which held great value for them. Eddie generously agreed to their request, earning their gratitude and respect.

The mercenary leaders even offered Eddie the demon cores extracted from a few demon giants, careful not to keep anything for themselves. 

The notary was also impressed by Eddie's generosity, offering to find the best leatherworkers and auctioneers to handle the dragon skins, which could be turned into valuable armor, food, and other items.

Eddie entrusted the notary with handling the dragon remains, promising additional reward if done

well. The notary was thrilled to serve such a generous and powerful individual, seeing it as an honor.

Confronted with the frozen bodies of the Demonic Blade Butcher, five dragons, and five demon generals in the warehouse, Yehken and the others were astonished. It took them a while to process the scene.

Shocked, everyone turned to Eddie, asking if he was responsible for these kills. Eddie quickly clarified that it was Lord Laura who had slain them, as she disliked corpses and preferred gardening. 

He playfully claimed that the Bloody Queen's scream had caused all the enemies to collapse, a statement met with skepticism from Hessian, who doubted the Bloody Queen's vocal abilities.

Despite Hessian's disbelief, Eddie's explanation and the presence of such formidable trophies underscored the incredible events that had transpired and the strength of the allies surrounding them. 

The group marveled at the power and influence they were witnessing, realizing the immense potential and opportunities that lay ahead in their journey with Eddie.

Inan believed Eddie's story about the Bloody Queen, explaining that as a banshee, her scream was naturally powerful and would become even more devastating when she was severely injured. 

Sophia and Yehken nodded in agreement, overlooking the fact that if the banshee's scream was so lethal to the demon generals, why was Eddie unharmed? Their unwavering trust in Eddie made them forget this detail.

Eddie planned to dispose of the dragons and offered the Demonic Blade Butcher's corpse to Yehken's group for their efforts, suggesting they could use it to feed their beasts. 

He also allowed them to take the demon generals' weapons and armor to boost their combat abilities, keeping the demons' corpses

for himself without revealing his intention to cultivate Thorn Flowers with them.

He handed several demon giant cores to Yehken for him to use at his discretion. 

As for Sophia and "Brother Inan," Eddie gave each a dragon core. 

Sophia gratefully accepted the gift, while Inan, slightly blushing, was hesitant to accept such a valuable item but kept it, recognizing its potential to enhance her little silver pegasus.

Soon after, a notary arrived with several craftsmen to handle the dragon remains. 

Two leatherworkers immediately began working on the dragon skins, focusing intently on their task and ignoring all else, including greetings. 

The notary then introduced Eddie to merchants and auctioneers interested in the dragon meat and bones.

After finalizing the arrangements, the notary presented Eddie with a letter from his mother, apologizing for the delay in delivering it. 

Eddie, concerned that something might have happened at home, quickly opened the letter. 

To his relief, he found it was a letter from his mother expressing her longing for him and Sophia, and asking about their well-being. 

The simplicity and warmth of the letter touched Eddie, revealing his mother's deep concern and love for her children.

The letter from home was a cherished reminder of the strong bond and affection within Eddie's family, reinforcing the importance of family ties and the comfort they bring, regardless of distance or circumstances.

Receiving the letter from his mother, Eddie felt a deep connection to the emotions that the poet Du Fu must have experienced centuries ago upon receiving letters from home. 

The knowledge that someone far away was constantly thinking of him, worrying about him, and wishing him well filled Eddie with a sense of warmth and comfort.

Sophia, after reading the letter, had slightly reddened eyes but held back her tears, resolutely nodding her head and softly saying to Eddie, "Brother, let's go home. The New Year is coming, and we should surprise Mom by returning!"

The thought of going home was heartwarming for Eddie, who finally felt he had a warm place to return to.

 In that small, cozy home awaited his gentle mother and the mischievous little sister, eagerly waiting for their return. 

What could be more important than reuniting with family, especially with the New Year approaching?

Eddie knew his mother would likely return to the Yew Family castle for the New Year to pay respects to the elders. 

Without him and Sophia by her side, she might face mistreatment. He felt a duty to return and stand up for her, to vent her frustrations and protect her. The Heaven-Reaching Tower and his training could wait. 

After the New Year, he planned to settle scores for his mother, vindicate her for being ousted from the Yew Family, and uncover the truth behind his father's tragic end.

Thinking of his mother's sacrifices, how she sold all her valuables, even her jewelry, to buy the Spirit Awakening Pill for his father, and how her hairpins were made of simple wood, Eddie was deeply moved. 

"Where else in the world could there be another woman like Mother Grace?"