
Invincible Kungfu Healer

In his past lifetime, he was an exceptional prodigy who practiced both medicine and martial arts. In this lifetime, on earth, he used his superb medical expertise and extreme martial arts achievements from his past lifetime to excel in the medical field and the ancient martial arts world. He moved his way towards the pinnacle! A fine youngster, who had been frequently looked down upon due to his poverty, had gone through the cold and warmth of this world to lament laughingly that life was merely so. However, he accidentally awakened the memory of his past lifetime. Since then, for three incarnations, he enjoyed prosperity.

Azuresky · Urban
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1081 Chs

Low Profile Monk

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

The architecture of the inner city was very different from that of the outer city. Many of the buildings here had special functions. For example, Mo Wen had faintly sensed a mysterious power fluctuating in the square at the very center of the inner city where the goddess statue stood.

His first impression of the inner city was that it was very dangerous. A slight mistake and he would probably end up being buried here. However, he was not flustered. Since the Huatian Palace had chosen to organize the Martial Arts Circle Convention in the inner city, they would certainly guarantee the safety of all.

Today was the registration day for the Three List Tournament. The first step was to audition.

The auditions were held to select those who were qualified to participate in the Three List Tournament. The three lists were the Heaven List, Earth List, and Man List respectively.