
Invincible Godly Conqueror: Empowered By Mother's Great Blessings

[Notice: Before you delve in, this is a book with a super-strong, Overpowered MC. But his domineering powers and tendencies will surface at later chapters with understandably good reasons for them. So, if you like all-conquering, dominating MCs, you can jump right in] _ In a world where Blessed Candidates—prodigious individuals or outstanding characters who are highly favored by Priests and Priestesses to possess certain powers, was a young boy called Aeden, better known as Glade Gelthorr Gaelvenmore. He possessed countless Blessings—myriad, absolutely rare powers and abilities that he could be seen or perceived as an otherworldly anomaly in their expansive universe. But, Aeden's possession of these numerous Blessings was essentially due to his mother who committed a certain action out of deep love and ardent maternal affection for him. ... "Only a maximum of six Blessings can be allowed to be given to a favored individual or candidate? My son will have more than that. In fact, he will have much more than a hundred!" "For this great and unforgivable crime they committed against my family, I will defy the rules set by the Ancients and make my child the ultimately blessed champion and strongest contender in the entire universe!" "He will single-handedly confront all of them for the grievances they committed against us, as well as wreak absolute ruination in their impregnable lairs and fortress-like dens. I will make my son immensely capable of slapping and breaking the heads of Ancients with spiteful ease!" These, were the thoughts of Aeden's mother before carrying on with the incredibly selfless action borne out of deep motherly love, guidance and protection for her youngling. So, with the Blessings imbued upon him by his mother, watch how Glade will disdainfully suppress all nigh-insurmountable odds, overcome daunting and near-unconquerable adversities, defeat or viciously annihilate astronomically powerful, super-strong beings—primordial powerhouses that will appear in his path of relentless vengeful retribution for the blatant evil done to his family, or would go against his unbound, annihilative fury and unwavering determination to abolish or upturn every government ruled from the shadows by Ancients—really powerful and god-like, supreme world-quaking existences that have been existing for countless epochs. To know more, Join Aeden in his persistent and unrelenting, really arduous journey to the peak of power and glory. In his absolutely difficult climb to this realm where he will exist without an equal, he will contend with fierce Blessed foes and immensely Favored adversaries who will try to stop him from achieving his objectives, which include ruining those that exterminated his family, obliterating corrupt, avaricious, and evil, tremendously powerful entities that ruled the governments of many nations and kingdoms from sinister shadowy realms, and become a grand, supernal powerhouse—a great and fearsome sovereign that will exude immense captivating glory that will awe all beings and bathe all creations in the light of his blinding, superior brilliance. Glade will face and endure a lot, including betrayals, blackmails, backstabbing, and many brutal near-death experiences by assemblies or groups of furious, vengeful, and relentless foes, which include legions and hordes of highly-skilled warriors, covens of powerful and overbearing anomalies, Priests and Priestesses of war that are driven by ardent retributive wrath, and sky-quaking phenomenal existences that will emerge from the shadows in all their fury, splendidness and majesty to contend with him. He will however take charge of these unending, annihilatory events and turn them into something that will awaken more profound and extraordinary Blessings within him, giving him the power to grasp more control over his own destiny and fate! — To know where the story ends, add to your library and find out. Thanks for reading!

koladeizdavid · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Chapter 3 - Rich Couple

Chapter 3 - Rich Couple

Therefore, in their attuned states of alignment and total harmonization with one another, their powers had been unknowingly called down upon Aeden in the form of Blessings, which then collectively took the form of a knife to indicate that it was one really designed for the annihilation and obliteration of all entities; a boundlessly sharp force with unlimited penetrative power that will cut or pierce through absolutely everything in its path.

However, not all their powers were evoked, only certain ones—based on Evolrrhia's Blessings for Aeden, and were twenty in number, were unwittingly conjured. These included the Mandate of Destruction, Great-Legions-Overwhelming Titanic Strength, Annihilation, Invincibility, Luck and Endless Fortuitous Encounters, Death Defiance, Fatality Immunity, Slaughter, Conquest and Dominion, Unending Soaring Prosperity, Formidable Combat Prowess, Gods and Behemoths Suppression, Complete Invulnerability, Luminary Ascendance, Paragon Transformation, Divine Glory and Majesty Evocation, Desolation Wreak, and lastly, Absolutely-Rare-Abilities Possession—one that would near-limitlessly bestow him with really fascinating and frightening, bizarre powers!


Many moments ago...

A rich couple, seated in a grand luxurious carriage that was conveying them to their massive, imposing mansion, had their carriage instantly shatter into smithereens when a mysterious form of pressure suddenly exuded from the colossal knife that abruptly manifested in the sky.

But shockingly, nothing happened to them. Except that they crashed really hard to the ground from their six-foot-tall, engine-powered deluxe carriage.

However, just as they didn't sustain any form of serious injury—except crashing to the ground from a great height and having many bruises and cuts all over their bodies, numerous thousands in the immense region whose buildings were affected by the inexplicable pressure, also didn't receive injuries. Yet, the entire earth—for thousands of square kilometers, had developed seemingly countless wide and deep cracks all over its solid surface. Same went for buildings. Countless tall and short structures became marred with uncountable cracks, invoking the feeling in anyone that sets eyes on them that they might collapse to the ground anytime soon as heaps of rubbles.

So, the shocking pressure that suddenly descended was both mysterious and indescribable, since it only affected structures and not the humans that were housed within them.

The rich couple who were thoroughly amazed and deeply terrified at the same time, walked carefully on the wide and deeply cracked earth for sometime till they arrived before a small unaffected area where a weaved wooden basket with a young, beautiful woman whose garment was soaked fully in blood, lied by the side with a satisfied smile on her blood-stained lips.

"Villaria, let's get out of here. Immediately! That's a Priestess! A dead, top-rank Priestess. Just witnessing her dead body alone has brought us absolute doom." The man shouted in both fear and horror while the woman called Villaria, strugglingly calmed herself, ignoring her husband. Then she walked forward, after gathering a lot of courage and determination to look at what was in the basket.

Then her eyes abruptly widened in shock.

"A b-b-baby?" She asked in a stuttering manner.

Immediately, she bent down to pick the baby up. Then a beautiful smiling expression instantly carved itself onto her face.

The husband saw the baby gently lifted in his wife's arms and couldn't help but have his eyes shine with both shock and alarm.

Quickly, he said as he looked around in fear, "Villaria, drop that thing and let us leave here once. That baby will bring nothing but misfortune to us! It will bring destruction to our lineage."

"There is no way I am leaving this baby here. I am taking him with me, whether you agree to it or not. And if you can't stand it, then you can be on your way. I will join up with you later." Villaria said angrily, while her husband—Horeldon by name, shook his head. He felt his wife didn't know or understand the really terrifying thing they were about to put their hands into.

"I hope you know this is the male born of a murdered Priestess. Perhaps she was killed for treachery or something like that. If we take him with us, we are inviting disaster upon our household." Horeldon said pleadingly, while Villaria adamantly shook her head.

"I really don't care. I have taken an instant, deep liking to this baby and he is therefore coming with us! That's final. If you cannot stand it, you can immediately be on your way. I will meet you at home." Villaria said in a really determined manner, while Horeldon shook his head and sighed.

"Alright, alright. Just take it easy, love. Besides, why would I leave you and walk away, just because you want to take the Priestess' baby with us? I am not that kind of person. I am just worried about our entire family being wiped out because of this fruit of a Priestess." Holderon said while Villaria subtly nodded her head in understanding.

He then said further, "I think we should leave now. We have stayed for too long."

Villaria nodded her head.

With the baby gently clutched in her arms, she bowed to Evolrrhia's bloodied corpse three times and said with a smile of unwavering confidence on her face, "Great Supreme Priestess, be rest assured that your beloved baby is in good hands. He won't face any maltreatment from us. He will be loved and fully taken care of as our other kids. And I, being a woman of great wealth and resources, will spend lavishly on him. He will wear and own the best things, go to the best elite academy, make wonderful friends and eat the best things. He won't suffer or beg for anything from his peers."

Once Villaria finished saying that, she bowed again and said with a respectful tone in her voice, "You can rest easy, our beloved Priestess. We don't know what really happened, which put you in this sad and sorrowful state, but I believe this event occurred for a much greater cause. We won't ever forget your benevolence, kindness, and generosity in the lives of numerous people. And we will never stop singing beautiful, melodious praises about you to your son, whom I see as a gift from you, a goddess, to us peasants and commoners. We'll take our leave now. Farewell, Priestess."

Immediately after she said that, she turned around and walked towards her husband who patiently waited for her as she paid her last and final homage to the Priestess. Then together, they began to walk really fast, entering certain dark and really silent corners to avoid eyes that may be focused on them.

Although Villaria was really excited about the baby, since he was the offspring of a top-level Priestess, she was however scared. Scared because she didn't know what might happen weeks or month after this incidence. Still, she was really excited about the baby's future. She had two kids who were pretty ordinary since they couldn't be blessed by Priests and Priestesses—they weren't favored by them. So, now that she had one that was the direct descendant of a really popular, powerful Priestess, she couldn't help but feel fulfilled.

It had always been her dream to have an offspring or adopted one that would be blessed or favored by Priests or Priestesses. And now that she got one—a direct descendant of the strongest and most powerful Priestess in their region, she was tremendously delighted and happy. It was this great feeling of elation that rocked her heart and entire being and made her easily ward off every thought of destruction and ruination that might accompany this kind of deadly venture—one of defiance against really powerful and murderous, sinister clandestine forces.

But well, nothing in this life came without risk. The more important the thing, the bigger the risk. And this, which seemed like the biggest risk ever, she was ready to take it. And if gruesome death and total destruction followed next, then so be it!