
Invincible Godly Conqueror: Empowered By Mother's Great Blessings

[Notice: Before you delve in, this is a book with a super-strong, Overpowered MC. But his domineering powers and tendencies will surface at later chapters with understandably good reasons for them. So, if you like all-conquering, dominating MCs, you can jump right in] _ In a world where Blessed Candidates—prodigious individuals or outstanding characters who are highly favored by Priests and Priestesses to possess certain powers, was a young boy called Aeden, better known as Glade Gelthorr Gaelvenmore. He possessed countless Blessings—myriad, absolutely rare powers and abilities that he could be seen or perceived as an otherworldly anomaly in their expansive universe. But, Aeden's possession of these numerous Blessings was essentially due to his mother who committed a certain action out of deep love and ardent maternal affection for him. ... "Only a maximum of six Blessings can be allowed to be given to a favored individual or candidate? My son will have more than that. In fact, he will have much more than a hundred!" "For this great and unforgivable crime they committed against my family, I will defy the rules set by the Ancients and make my child the ultimately blessed champion and strongest contender in the entire universe!" "He will single-handedly confront all of them for the grievances they committed against us, as well as wreak absolute ruination in their impregnable lairs and fortress-like dens. I will make my son immensely capable of slapping and breaking the heads of Ancients with spiteful ease!" These, were the thoughts of Aeden's mother before carrying on with the incredibly selfless action borne out of deep motherly love, guidance and protection for her youngling. So, with the Blessings imbued upon him by his mother, watch how Glade will disdainfully suppress all nigh-insurmountable odds, overcome daunting and near-unconquerable adversities, defeat or viciously annihilate astronomically powerful, super-strong beings—primordial powerhouses that will appear in his path of relentless vengeful retribution for the blatant evil done to his family, or would go against his unbound, annihilative fury and unwavering determination to abolish or upturn every government ruled from the shadows by Ancients—really powerful and god-like, supreme world-quaking existences that have been existing for countless epochs. To know more, Join Aeden in his persistent and unrelenting, really arduous journey to the peak of power and glory. In his absolutely difficult climb to this realm where he will exist without an equal, he will contend with fierce Blessed foes and immensely Favored adversaries who will try to stop him from achieving his objectives, which include ruining those that exterminated his family, obliterating corrupt, avaricious, and evil, tremendously powerful entities that ruled the governments of many nations and kingdoms from sinister shadowy realms, and become a grand, supernal powerhouse—a great and fearsome sovereign that will exude immense captivating glory that will awe all beings and bathe all creations in the light of his blinding, superior brilliance. Glade will face and endure a lot, including betrayals, blackmails, backstabbing, and many brutal near-death experiences by assemblies or groups of furious, vengeful, and relentless foes, which include legions and hordes of highly-skilled warriors, covens of powerful and overbearing anomalies, Priests and Priestesses of war that are driven by ardent retributive wrath, and sky-quaking phenomenal existences that will emerge from the shadows in all their fury, splendidness and majesty to contend with him. He will however take charge of these unending, annihilatory events and turn them into something that will awaken more profound and extraordinary Blessings within him, giving him the power to grasp more control over his own destiny and fate! — To know where the story ends, add to your library and find out. Thanks for reading!

koladeizdavid · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Chapter 19 - Mother's fear

Chapter 19 - Mother's fear

After turning to face them, with the aura of savagery and ferocity continuing to emit from his figure, he looked at the horrified mother and daughter duo and immediately mustered both the will and strength to fight off the overpowering intent of carnage and savageness that swirled ferociously and fiercely around him.

Though the blood-red aura of unbound maleficence that seethed violently around him didn't want to give in to his domineering will, it however became docile in the end once Glade brought up the dazzling images of his mother and big sister—Thorrhia.

The way they appeared in his mind, was like bright and intensely dazzling golden beings full of grace, love, benevolence and virtue.

So, once they appeared in his mind overtaken by a darkness so thick that the rays of the sun wouldn't be able to illuminate it, and was completely run over by dark and vicious, hideous beasts that growled and snarled, the brilliant golden light that radiated from their glowing majestic figures, immediately lit up the darkness-shrouded world in his mind, chasing away the snarling, carnage-lusting primal beasts back to the abyss they emerged from. Actually, this is only a figurative narration to show how the overwhelming bloodlust that ruled in his mind like it were a despotic, blood-spills-loving emperor, was immediately conquered by the two wonderful and alluring females in his life.

Then he said to them with his usual voice, "No one is going to hurt you. You can leave now and return home."

Once he said that, with the terrifying, rusty red aura that emanated from him like a tremendously violent tide fully retracted in—causing him to look friendly, handsome, and totally approachable, unlike his previous chilling, cold-face expression, foreboding demeanor, and overwhelming sinister gaze, the woman nodded her head and said with a really grateful heart, "Thank you so much. Thank you so much for coming to our aid. If it wasn't for you, I and my daughter will be doomed by now. I really appreciate it."

"Nah. It's okay." Glade said and nodded his head with a smile appearing on his face.

He then squatted to look at the young girl before asking, "What's your name?"

"Lyrriah." The girl responded.

"Hmm. Alright, Lyrriah. Make sure to take good care of yourself and your mother. Okay?" Glade said while the girl nodded her head.

"I will." The little girl called Lyrriah stated. Then she walked forward by a step to embrace Glade who was squatted right before her.

Glade smiled and embraced her. Then he detached from the embrace a moment later and said, "You should leave now with your mom. It's getting dark already."

"Okay." Lyrriah nodded and went to meet her mom who held her by the hand and immediately turned around to leave where they were.

Glade maintained the confident smile on his face as the mother and daughter duo walked away.

Once they were gone, the smile instantly disappeared to be replaced by a look of shock and intense disbelief.

"I actually killed people..." He said within himself with an indecipherable expression appearing on his face.

He couldn't help but think about the harrowing things he did. However, the now-docile currents of bloodlust and savagery that circulated within him, waiting to erupt once again in great ferocity and tyranny, caused him to actually like and love the devilish feeling.

The thought of ripping apart people with bare hands, blasting their hearts and other organs out of their ruptured backs as innard pastes, punching their heads into mists of blood, as well as their bodies into fogs of bright crimson fluid, caused him to have a certain kind of malevolence-bound elation he couldn't explain.

But this was due to the currents of viciousness that circulated within him. So, he wasn't as psychologically impacted as one would expect. In fact, he immediately recovered it from it that he wouldn't mind doing the same to any other bastard that would try to oppose or challenge him.

With eyes shining with unparalleled, concealed brutality and fiendishness, he walked further to find a vehicle that would take him home. He was already wasting too much time in this place. He just had to get home before his mom, who wouldn't take shit from him would arrive. Though she was really strict towards him, all she ever did spoke of true affection and genuine motherly love.

However, what he didn't know was that she was only putting up a false strict front because of what he was—the Blessed son of a high-ranking priestess who would surely grow into a tall and dashing young man that would be frighteningly strong and horrifyingly, immensely powerful.

So, she had to be strict towards him so that he wouldn't become a savage monster in her hands. She couldn't imagine that for her son. Therefore, she continuously imparted good morals into him that when she was gone–dead due to old age, the morals would follow him everywhere he went and prevent him from doing something utterly evil or malicious.

If not for this line of thinking, she would so pamper him that he would be tremendously spoilt, frustratingly entitled, and would rage if things weren't given to him or done in the way that he wanted it. She couldn't afford to spoil him by giving in to his requests and making him feel that that was how the world operated. For if she was gone and he went out there into the world, he would cause deaths, ruinations, and destructions using his really vast array of Blessings.

Like, everywhere would be set on fire and burn, and out of these ravaging infernos, would the deafening cries, shrieks, and shrills of lots of brutalized or dying innocent people sorrowfully ring out from. And since the world would totally reject his gloomy, devilish existence, he would be vengefully and furiously chased with only one thought in mind: gruesome extermination.

However, she did still spoil him, by getting him the best of things that she wanted him to have in his possession.


As Glade calmly walked to find a vehicle that would ply the road where he currently was and would convey him home, he suddenly recalled the Blessings that he exhibited. The shadow-like telekinesis one that he used to pull people towards him using only their shadows, and then the superhuman strength one—as he could rip people into half using his bare arms. To carry out such a harrowing, shocking physical feat, could only be done or executed when one possessed a great level of strength.

Then he tried to use the Blessings, summoning them by thinking about and visualizing them. However, he discovered to his dismay that he couldn't. After trying for a few more times, he simply shook his head and continued to walk forward, waiting for a vehicle to arrive and lift him to their grand and stately residence.