
Invincible, Dragon Kin

Sometimes, Death is a Royal Bitch.... She lives and breathes making people dance to her tune. My life was great.. until I tested her patience with me. Now, I'm a Dragon Kin, in the world of Prandis, a place of magic and where the sword is what dictates who you are. One catch, I'm not a demi human, or Human. I am the a Child of the Dragon Lord. Like I said, Royal Bitch.

DerpyChan69 · Sci-fi
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4 Chs

The Black Hand is Back

I didn't expect her to say that. I honestly thought she would say no. Denesaria surprised me. "The binding ritual will hurt you more, my son. She is your only weakness." I tried to move, but her answer floored me. "Be sure about this, because we will be in agony when we do this. I have to put my mark on you with Abyssal magic and you must do the same to me."

"Is Mother telling you this? I am not as powerful as you." I should have known. "Once bound to me, you will share in my power. As I will yours. This will hurt a lot." Denesaria searched my eyes looking for a lie in them. I couldn't lie to her. "If I do this, I'll be as invincible as you, won't I?"

"Yes, I can't be killed, and so it stands to reason that you will be just as powerful." Denesaria squared her shoulders. "I have all the information I need. I will do it. I don't want you to be alone anymore." I didn't give her time to change her mind. I built a fire in my palm. I took one claw and sliced her tunic enough to expose the curve of her neck. "Breathe slowly, keep your eyes on me." She relaxed slowly, her silver eyes steady on me. "I am honored that my journey led me to you, Zane." I placed my palm on her neck and kissed her at the same time. She put her hand on my jawline, I could feel the searing pain of her magic. Bahamut shuddered in my mind. I saw white light and felt it's burn but the pain slowly slipped away. I felt whole, like the emptiness Death left me in was gone. Her hand moved down to my neck and then around to my back. She deepened the kiss, I never felt anything quite like this. I pulled her closer with my other arm and slid my hand up to grip her hair, careful not to cut her with my claws. The moment seemed to go on forever. Just the two of us, but a pounding on the door broke us apart. "Send out the Elf, Hunter! We know she is here!" Denesaria gave me one terrified look. I knew I would never give her up. My one weakness. "Put your cloak back on and do not make a sound." I whispered softly to her. Denesaria obeyed without question. I tugged my long coat back on and made sure my wings were able to function. I pulled her flush against my chest. "Hold on tight." I stared at the door for a moment, removing the safeguards and it burst open. Elven soldiers rushed in. "Oh Gods, an Abyssal Dragon! My Lady, we are here to save you!"

"Try again, boys. Lady Denesaria Bahamut is my Mate. touch her and die." I shoved off the ground and smashed out the window taking us up to the sky. "I hope you enjoyed your time as an Elven Princess, Denesaria, because now, you are my Queen."

She laughed openly. "I am not sure what you mean Zane, but I can see your memories of you first life. You are not as good as the Dragons believe."

I grimaced. "No, I am not. I would have chosen to remain dead, to keep one less bad guy off the world for people like you, beautiful, full of the light. But Death had other ideas for me. I am still a bad guy, just not human."

"No, you are not a bad guy Zane, you were a famous man then too."

"I stole money, from the innocent. I will admit no one ever died on one of my missions but that doesn't mean I am good." We landed on the bank of a river.

"No, I said 'you are not as good as the Dragons believe'. I didn't say you were bad, just not as good."

Her eyes shined with truth. "Denesaria, make no illusions about me, I am what men fear most, I have killed and will continue to do so. There is a city on top of a mountain full of the wingless ones I saved, and half of them wish I hadn't."

"Then they do not understand what you did for them. They see only their suffering, they don't hear Mother anymore." It made sense when she said it like that. My time as the Black Hand taught me everything on how to be undetectable, my life as a Dragon is teaching me how to be invincible, now with Denesaria, I am beyond all weaknesses. I can't be killed. "We can use your skills as this Black Hand, to save more than just the Dragons. Humans have done this to all of the magical races. Tell Mother it's worse than what she knows now."

"Child of the Elves, I can speak to you through my Son. You are now a part of the same power as he is. I see your worries, I will not sit back any longer. Zane of my blood. Go to my place, only an Abyssal Dragon can free me from this holy prison. With your Lightbringer mate, I can be freed to help my children remember their Mother."

Well, Shit just got real. Denesaria looked both shocked and afraid of Mother's voice. "She never left me when I came to her. Her guidance saved my life and many others." Denesaria nodded and rubbed her hand down my chest. I knew she just needed to feel my heart beating, I could feel hers through my mark.

"Be sure of what you ask Denesaria, I was the best, but I can be the worst."

"I am sure, Zane. Your skills are what make you the best. I will keep your soul safe."

The lady as spoken, I am the Black Hand again.