
Invincible Colorless Butler

After defeating the fallen god-king in divine war, Ziel Grisel (Ken Nijisaki) is cursed by his opponent and loses all his emotions. Ken feels the emptiness in his life and decides to create reincarnation magic by using his innate ability to dispel the curse. Nine hundred years have passed, and Ken has been successfully reincarnated. Unfortunately, the curse cannot be removed, and Ken is forced to live in that era without his emotions. After learning that fact, Ken is determined to live a quiet and peaceful life as... a butler?

Nzr150cc · Fantasy
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351 Chs

Chapter 2

The time for selecting servants for the nobles and the royal family had finally arrived. All the servants had gathered and prepared at their places. What will be seen from a servant is the ability of service, attitude, and appearance. If the servants had other abilities such as swordsmanship or magic, it became their plus point, and it would be the consideration of the nobles or the royal family to choose them.

When the time came, the nobles of the Argaint Kingdom came one after another. A count, a viscount, a marquis, and a duke came to get a new servant. The servants would show their best serviceability to impress the nobles. Why did they have to be like that? After becoming a servant of a noble family, their life and safety will be guaranteed. The higher the nobility they served, the higher their social status.

The nobles who came to the event were immediately confronted by the servants standing in a row to greet them, and the nobles could see the appearance of the servants. The servants immediately gave their most beautiful smile, polite attitude, and best serviceability. But none of the nobles took a glance at Ziel because no one wanted to hire a servant who wore a mask. Ziel just stood in a corner without anyone noticing, and he purposely isolated himself from others using magic.

"I knew it would turn out like this. But I can't refuse Anna's words. The seal that locks my power is starting to stabilize. Once it's completely stabilized, I don't need this mask anymore." Ziel said quietly while stroking his mask.

Ziel had to seal his powers because his powers became strange after he was cursed. Every time he unleashed his full power, there would be dangerous natural phenomena. Therefore he had to seal his power. But since his seal and body weren't strong enough to lock in his power, the side effect was that magic circles and aura seals were imprinted on his face like burns.

"I just want to live a quiet and peaceful life in this era." Ziel muttered under his breath without anyone listening to him.

As Ziel was deep in thought, he heard a loud noise coming from the direction of the entrance. He saw two girls his age and a little girl. The first girl had beautiful long silver hair decorated with a snowflake pattern hairpin. She was wearing a blue dress which looked very elegant and luxurious. The other girl has long golden hair with a tiara adorning it. She was in a white dress and was no less beautiful than the girl next to her. The latter was a silver-haired little girl who looked similar to the former. Ziel could tell just by looking that the little girl was the family of the silver-haired girl.

The two girls are undeniably breathtakingly beautiful. Even the young servants held their breath at the beautiful sight. The three girls were escorted by knights who looked strong. One knight was female, and the other was male. The identities of the three girls could already be seen from the treatment of the guardian knights. They are the first Princess of the Argaint Kingdom and the Aurelia Kingdom.

Ziel looked at the two Princesses, and he narrowed his eyes. Not because of their beauty but because one of the Princesses had unstable mana and seemed to be running amok.

"An incredible amount of mana. Too bad it can't be controlled. It will be excruciating if the mana keeps rage like that. Especially at night. Well, that's none of my business either." After looking at it for a while, Ziel turned his face away from them.

Ziel was lost in thought again in the corner of the banquet hall without anyone noticing him. When other people didn't pay attention to him, he didn't need to pay attention to them either. Ziel didn't care and didn't want to be bothered by such an event from the start. Or so he thought until a little girl's voice interrupted him and brought him back to his senses.

"Excuse me, are you the servant who joined this event as well?" A little girl with short silver hair called out to him while he was standing still in the corner of the banquet hall.

"Yes, I'm participating in this event too. Is there anything I can help you with, miss?" Ziel spoke with a slight bow and placed his right hand on his chest. It was the courtesy of a servant that Ziel learned. The little girl smiled widely when called 'miss' by Ziel.

"Hehehe... no one has called me that before. Ah, I forgot to introduce myself. I'm the second princess of the Argaint Kingdom, and my name is Elise Argaint." Elise introduced herself while pinching the hem of the dress she was wearing. Even though she looks immature, her movements are exquisite.

"I apologize to Her Highness Princess Elise for my rudeness. And if any of my words offend you, I ask for your forgiveness." Ziel said while lowering his head.

Zel thought of something as he lowered his head. He used magic to isolate himself, but this little girl still found him. Even though Ziel could only use two-circle spells due to his sealed power, the spell should have tremendous effectiveness in his hands. But still, the little girl was able to find him.

"Ah no, I should be the one apologizing. I accidentally saw you wearing a mask and standing alone in a corner. Hey, can I see your face behind that mask?" Princess Elise asked curiously.

"Sorry, I can't open it, Princess Elise. The burn marks on my face are so unsightly. It will only scare and disgust you." Ziel lowered his head and tried to decline her request politely.

"I'm fine with that! So can you show me your face?" Princess Elise kept urging Ziel.

Ziel was at a loss about responding to this little Princess's request. At the same time, he heard a melodious voice rebuking Princess Elise.

"Elise, what are you doing? Are you disturbing others again? Quickly apologize to her."

The one who reprimanded Princess Elise was a girl with the same hair color but looked more mature and prettier. She wore an elegant blue dress and a snowflake hairpin in her long silver hair. She looks very charming. Before Princess Elise could answer, a male knight shouted at Ziel first.

"Hey, servant! How dare you to act so boldly to Princess Elise!?"

(This is troublesome)

Ziel sighed heavily in his heart after thinking about what might happen later.