
Invincible Billionaire Heir

The story revolves around the main character - Eugene Porter: At that time, because Eugene Porter's mother wanted to take control of the Porter family without regret letting him carry the crime of treason, he had to leave the family, becoming a son-in-law who was a useless being ridiculed by everyone in Domino's. Until his wife was bullied, he could not continue to suffer anymore, revealing his identity, taking revenge on everyone.

And_Wish_Hope · Urban
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61 Chs

Chapter 16: But this stupid Eugene Porter doesn't distinguish between good and bad

"Someone like Eugene Porter has long been known to be corrupt, even if Maria Chambler cheats on him, what can he do?" Aaron Chambler said. Cherry Chambler's

face is still not happy: "Today, I really let the other Maria Chambler excel, if it weren't for her, how could I have lost all face like that." A sinister smile appeared

on Aaron Chambler's face and said, "Don't worry, even if she becomes the focus today, I won't let her live comfortably."

"She is the curator of this exhibition, if she lost an antique, her grandfather would certainly not forgive her. I've already arranged the people, probably coming soon."

Outside the Cacaocha villa's enclosure wall, two thin small bodies were sneaking along the wall.

These two people were watching and listening around, and at a glance, they knew that the old man had experience in stealing.

These two are people Aaron Chambler borrowed from Bruno, the famous thief god in Domino, with a knack for stealing things.

"Brother, do you think this Cacaocha villa has a strict guard, although this time we went to steal antiques, there were also some people watching the exhibition as support, but I always have a bad feeling." The guy with a smaller build said.

"What's wrong with that, I haven't heard, this exhibition is curated by Maria Chambler of the Chambler family, her husband is a famous ineffectual in this Domino, they just opened one exhibition Personally, is it possible to invite someone useful to come?"

"Moreover, I suspect, they didn't expect that those antiques would be stolen, and at the same time, no one would come to help that famous ineffectual Eugene Porter, keep an eye on the antiques."

Hearing the other person say that, the person asking the question also nodded and said: "You are right, this Chambler family is not useful, now we are only afraid of the people under Ly Huynh Thai, with bravery. of the Chambler family, it's certainly impossible to invite someone with him, let alone an exhibition curated by the ineffectual Eugene Porter."

The two of them were not worried at all, gently flipped inside the Cacaocha villa , and then walked towards the exhibition.


Maria Chambler and Eugene Porter had lunch together in the villa, he intentionally invited the famous three-star Michelin chef in France to cook for two.

After eating, Maria Chambler decided to put away the 'Heart of Venus', no matter how expensive this rope was, she did not dare to wear it arbitrarily.

If you lose it, won't it lose 135 billion.

Moreover, Eugene Porter also told her not to publicize, not to expose her wealth to the outside.

Together, the two walked out of the villa and walked towards the flower garden.

To this day, Maria Chambler still feels like she's dreaming.

The two people just appeared in the flower garden, attracting the attention of many people.

"Hey, look, Maria Chambler has appeared."

"Why did that ineffectual Eugene Porter come, where is the owner of this Cacaocha mansion? Doesn't he intend to show his face?"

"Do you guys realize, it seems Maria Chambler just cried, why do I feel her eyes are a bit red?"

Cherry Chambler and Aaron Chambler also looked at Maria Chambler, quickly noticing the traces of crying on her face.

Cherry Chambler's eyes lit up immediately, seemingly seeing through everything.

"Surely this guy wanted to hug the owner of this Cacaocha villa, but he played around with it and kicked him out."

"I thought it was a good thing that the owner of the Cacaocha villa intentionally entertained her, but now it seems, I'm just afraid that people have turned their cards on her, looking at her appearance, it seems that she has been crying for a long time." Cherry Chambler said for sure.

"You are very reasonable, moreover, I feel certain that the owner of this Cacaocha villa, seeing the ineffectual Eugene Porter, released her, he has disappeared for half a day, and finally can't stand it anymore. Show your face, I don't know if he ruined Maria Chambler's good story, she will divorce him." Aaron Chambler also opened his mouth to speak.

They don't think the other way, but think the way they think they do.

After all, from their point of view, an ineffective guy like Eugene Porter could not possibly be related to the owner of the Cacaocha villa.

When Eugene Porter and Maria Chambler had a meal, Cherry Chambler told many bad stories about her, to make people suspect that she had an improper relationship with the owner of the Cacaocha villa.

Now seeing Maria Chambler cry, many people feel that the owner of this Cacaocha villa is just playing with her.

"It's so pitiful, I'm afraid Maria Chambler also wants to hug the owner of this Cacaocha villa, unfortunately she is already married to the ineffectual Eugene Porter.

"I heard that the same day the owner of this villa bought that 'Heart of Venus', I don't know who he gave it to."

"Perhaps it's not Maria Chambler, maybe she's crying because she wants that rope and people don't give it."


Cherry Chambler and Aaron Chambler walked towards Eugene Porter, she said in a strange way: "Oh, father, sister, you are crying, what's wrong, the owner of this Cacaocha villa hates you and the ineffective Eugene Porter, should I kick you out?"

Maria Chambler snorted coldly, paying no heed to her words.

Now that she knew, Eugene Porter wasn't what everyone thought, so no matter how others smeared him, she didn't feel sorry for herself.

On the contrary, she just found these people ridiculous.

"Maria Chambler, I will make you remember this day forever, because you are not only despised by the owner of the Cacaocha mansion, but your exhibition this time is also incomplete, your grandfather will soon kick you and the name. This ineffectual Eugene Porter just got out of the Chamblers."

Aaron Chambler looked at Maria Chambler with a sneer, his eyes filled with smugness.

He was very assured of Bruno's people, one of the three great kings in the Jiangbei underworld, and Bruno's reputation was not exaggerated.

As long as there are no people from Long Phi and Ly Huynh Thai this time, this will surely succeed.

Can Eugene Porter and Maria Chambler invite someone from Long Phi and Ly Huynh Thai?

Obviously it's impossible.

As soon as Aaron Chambler finished speaking, not far from the flower garden, there was a ruckus.

Everyone turned their heads in that direction.

"You, hurry up, we've been discovered, the people in here have already prepared, the two of us are not their opponents at all."

"Brother, didn't you say that the Chamblers didn't arrange for people to watch over these antiques, how could anyone see our purpose?"

"Fuck you ask me, I know who to ask! Ah… you… second brother, take it easy."

Ly Huynh Thai's men skillfully pressed these two antique thieves to the ground.

Everyone gathered around at the same time, looking curiously at the two people being pinned to the ground.

"Aren't these two famous thieves in Domino, why are they here?"

"And yet, of course, come to steal antiques."

"Didn't expect Maria Chambler to have such a great courage, intentionally arranging people to watch over these antiques."


After the Ly Huynh Thai people caught these two thieves, led them to Eugene Porter and Maria Chambler.

"Quickly be honest with me, if you move, I'll break your legs!" A large man shouted, then turned his head to look at Eugene Porter: "Brother Face, these two wanted to steal antiques, but we caught them, now what to do with them?"

This tall man named Chessi, one of the famous effective subordinates of Ly Huynh Thai, was also the leader of the people Ly Huynh Thai sent this time.

Eugene Porter stared at the two on the ground, then turned his head to look at Aaron Chambler, coldly asked: "You just said this exhibition will not be complete, are these two people sent by you?"

Aaron Chambler saw that Eugene Porter easily guessed that the other two were sent by him, and immediately became worried.

He fiercely glared at Eugene Porter, cursing loudly: "Eugene Porter, damn it, is your head stuck in the door? Do you have any proof that these two are sent by me?"

"Besides, this is my grandfather's exhibition, am I crazy to send someone to steal my grandfather's stuff?"

Everyone paid attention to the situation here, and gathered around to watch the excitement.

Louis Chambler came over, looked at the two stolen items on the ground, and asked coldly: "What is this?"

Maria Chambler was about to explain to Louis Chambler when Aaron Cambler immediately approached the old man, saying: "Grandpa, these two are thieves, just now I saw that they wanted to steal things, so I immediately asked someone to arrest them. they back."

"But this stupid Eugene Porter doesn't distinguish between good and bad, and falsely claims that the other two were sent by me. What is his purpose!"

Aaron Chambler's shameless bravery has been carefully tempered, not only not admitting that these two thieves were sent by him, but also falsely saying that these two people were caught by him.