
Invincible Billionaire Heir

The story revolves around the main character - Eugene Porter: At that time, because Eugene Porter's mother wanted to take control of the Porter family without regret letting him carry the crime of treason, he had to leave the family, becoming a son-in-law who was a useless being ridiculed by everyone in Domino's. Until his wife was bullied, he could not continue to suffer anymore, revealing his identity, taking revenge on everyone.

And_Wish_Hope · Urban
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61 Chs

Chapter 15: You're right, the head of this Cacaocha villa is flooded

Such an expensive necklace, how could it appear in Eugene Porter's hand?

Besides, wasn't the owner of the Cacaocha villa coming to greet her? Why Eugene Porter?

At this point, Maria Chambler has not been able to connect the fact that Eugene Porter and the owner of the Cacaocha villa are one.

Eugene Porter brought the Venus necklace, he prepared so long to make up for the shame that Maria Chambler endured over the years.

Maria Chambler saw Eugene Porter coming and subconsciously took two steps back.

"You… you don't come here, you explain to me first, what happened in the end? Eugene Porter, I know you want to make me happy, but you can't do anything illegal." Maria Chambler said a little nervously.

She suddenly became suspicious, saying maybe this rope was stolen by Eugene Porter.

Eugene Porter laughed, not expecting Maria Chambler to feel that he did something illegal to get this rope.

"I didn't do anything illegal, but I bought this rope with my own money, and this Cacaocha villa… is a friend of mine lent it to me, I used his name to create unexpected joy for you. " Eugene Porter spoke softly.

He was going to say that this Cacaocha villa is also his, but thinking that Maria Chambler might not accept it, he said this villa is his friend's.

"You don't have to lie to me, if you really did something illegal, you wouldn't be in this Cacaocha mansion." Eugene Porter added another sentence.

Maria Chambler is also not stupid, although she is a little bit skeptical of everything in front of her, feels that Eugene Porter is illegally using someone else's Cacaocha villa, but she can clearly see, this place has been arranged. meticulous, without the permission of the owner of the villa Cacaocha, surely Eugene Porter could not arrange.

Besides, the people at the Cacaocha villa brought her here, so the owner of this villa must know very well, what Eugene Porter did.

If these stories are true, then I'm afraid this Venus string was really bought by

Eugene Porter . Although she has been very cold towards Eugene Porter for the past few years, but having been together for so long, she understands his personality very well, knowing that he will not be stupid enough to do something illegal because of a necklace.

Thinking of this, Maria Chambler's heart was filled with complicated emotions.

It turned out that Eugene Porter was not as ineffective as she thought, just afraid that this person was intentionally appearing to be ineffective in front of others.

But because he did so, she suffered a lot of injustice. Over the years, she has always endured the cold eyes of others, and silently endured their criticism... Thinking of this, the injustice of injustice

. Maria Chambler 's heart suddenly burst out, her nose soured.

Tears filled the corners of her eyes, she bit her lip, making others feel pain for her.

Eugene Porter did not expect Maria Chambler to suddenly become like this, so he immediately panicked, he walked over to give her the Heart of Venus, that day saw her staring at this necklace, he knew for sure she would be very happy. when you get it.

Maria Chambler decisively pushed Eugene Porter away, tears falling uncontrollably.

" Eugene Porter, you always lied to me, didn't you? You're not as ineffective as everyone says, are you?" Maria Chambler questioned him.

Eugene Porter sighed, not denying it either.

"Do you know how much injustice I've suffered for you these past few years?"

"Do you know how upset I am when I hear those discussions behind my back?"

"Every day I have to face the cold eyes of others…"

Maria Chambler grew more and more agitated, all the emotions that had been suppressed for the past few years burst out.

Eugene Porter seriously listened to Maria Chambler's words, did not refute a sentence, but decisively stretched out his hand and pulled her into his lap.

Maria Chambler did not protest, but leaned on Eugene Porter's shoulder to cry.

"I promise you, in the future, I will definitely not let you suffer any more injustice, I once said, I will change for you." Eugene Porter said firmly.

Maria Chambler said nothing more, now she suddenly realized, she too had a shoulder to lean on.

After a while, Maria Chambler calmed down and looked at Eugene Porter with reproachful eyes.

Eugene Porter grinned at Maria Chambler, then walked behind her, slinging the Heart of Venus necklace around her neck.

At this moment, on the top of the two people's heads suddenly fell countless pale pink petals, Eugene Porter and Maria Chambler like a talented and beautiful couple, romantic as a picture.

"Do you like it?" Eugene Porter asked softly.

Maria Chambler stared at the 'Heart of Venus' necklace around her neck, her heart rising with a sense of satisfaction.

She never thought that this precious necklace would be hers.

"I love it."


In the flower garden of the Cacaocha villa , Cherry Chambler was extremely angry standing next to the lake, killing intent in his sharp eyes as if he could kill some fish in the lake.

"Hmph, I also thought that the owner of this Cacaocha villa was my future husband, I didn't expect to get the wrong person, but thinking about it, it's also true, any antique that my future husband gives me, can be bought special. This Cacaocha villa, the owner of this villa is completely incomparable to her future husband."

Cherry Chambler said firmly, now she can confirm that the person who gave the gift to the Chambler family is not the owner of the Cacaocha villa.

"Besides, the eyes of the owner of this Cacaocha villa are so poor, to have an eye on a married woman like Maria Chambler, she really has no eyes."

Because of losing face in Cacaocha villa today, Cherry Chambler has blacklisted the owner of this villa.

Maria Chambler is also on her blacklist, once she gets married to a powerful house, she will definitely teach those on her blacklist a lesson.

"You're right, the head of this Cacaocha villa is flooded, I don't know why he's going to treat Maria Chambler." Aaron Chambler, standing next to him, also said: "It seems that you guessed correctly that day, this Maria Chambler has an improper relationship with the owner of this villa, otherwise why would they be willing to lend this place."

"Hmph, no wonder today I didn't see that ineffectual Eugene Porter poke his head out, I'm afraid he already knew Maria Chambler cheated on him, so he definitely ran away, this idiot is also very weak, and yet could tolerate Maria Chambler cheating on her." Cherry Chambler said fiercely.