
Invincible: Beerus, Son of Thragg

Beerus was born into a world of chaos and conflict, inheriting the bloodline of Thragg, one of the most fearsome Viltrumites to have ever lived in the Invincible Universe. Raised in the shadow of his father's legacy, he grew up with the weight of expectation heavy on his shoulders. The Viltrumite society, known for its strict hierarchy and warrior ethos, demanded nothing less than perfection from its offspring, especially those directly descended from legendary figures like Thragg. Disclaimer: I don't own Invincible or any other associated properties.

aka_jarrett · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Chapter 5: No Lights, No Cameras, Action

Hi guys, so I edited my previous chapters. I wanted my character to stand out more even though I added that he was a part of stolen Unopan genetic science. SOOOO, I added heat vision and I swear that's the last extra power... (hopefully) because if it's not then it's going to be hell to edit so anyways for the foreseeable future no additional powers other than heat vision. With that said, enjoy.

Chapter 5: No Lights, No Cameras, Action

"All warfare is based on deception." - Sun Tzu

As Beerus and Nolan stepped into the Grayson household, they were greeted by the comforting aroma of home-cooked food wafting through the air. Debbie bustled about, setting the dinner table with care, while Mark sat eagerly at the table, Beerus mentally noting a hint of anticipation in Mark's eyes.

"Hi, boys! Get cleaned up and come take your seats. I've prepared some delicious roast chicken and heated some authentic German bratwursts, flown in today," Debbie announced with a warm smile. "Also, Mark has something special he'd like to share with us."

Beerus and Nolan both nodded in acknowledgment. With a sense of intrigue, they made their way to the table, interested to hear what Mark had to say.

As they sat down, Mark revealed the news, "Guess who's finally getting his powers," he announced, his eyes shining with unbridled enthusiasm. The declaration hung in the air, momentarily silencing the room as Nolan and Beerus exchanged surprised glances until a gentle nudge reminded Nolan to respond, "Oh, that's great, son. Just great. If you're up for it, I'll make some time tomorrow for training."

Debbie joined in, expressing her excitement, "This is so exciting." Nolan added, "Bright and early tomorrow, Mark."

"Congratulations, cousin," Beerus chimed in, offering his sincere congratulations at the awakening of a new Viltrumite. "Thanks, Beerus. I've been waiting for this day for as long as I can remember," Mark replied with a beaming smile. The rest of the night was filled with excitement and joy as they chatted about their days, enjoying the anticipation of what the future held.

*Later that night*

As the night wore on, Beerus was lounging in the guest room admiring the comforts of humanity's beds when he heard a sharp knock on the door. Curious, he got up to answer it and was surprised to see Omni-Man standing there in his signature uniform, his face an unreadable mask. "Yes, Nolan?" Beerus asked him, wondering what brought him here at this hour.

"Get ready," Nolan said without preamble, his voice low. "We're taking out the Guardians tonight."

Excitement surged through Beerus at the prospect of action. "Finally," he exclaimed eagerly, his adrenaline already pumping. Hastily, he prepared himself, donning his Viltrumite uniform with a sense of anticipation to join Nolan in their mission.

Once both were ready, they soared towards the headquarters of the Guardians of the Globe. As they were flying, Nolan started explaining the plan, "I have told Cecil Stedman that I have taken a small vacation across the galaxy to throw him off our trail and that I will be back by the morning. It's why I haven't been doing hero work lately to sell the story."

"Cecil?" Beerus interrupted, seeking clarification.

"A controlling human with a scar on his face," Nolan explained shortly, dismissing any authority Cecil might hold over them.

"Hmm," he responded, internally scoffing at the idea of taking orders from such a feeble controlling human.

"I'll signal the Guardians to gather at their Headquarters. You'll cut the power at the side of the building, then assist me in eliminating them," Nolan instructed, turning to Beerus with a raised eyebrow. "I trust you've familiarized yourself with the abilities of the Guardians?"

"I am struggling to come up with a way to deal with the Green Ghost," the less experienced agent commented. "Could she not turn intangible and invisible and run away if she knew that you and an unknown were attacking her comrades?"

"You caught that, didn't you, clever." Nolan was slightly impressed at Beerus's attention to detail. He expected no less from the son of the leader of Viltrum.

"That is a valid concern, but based on what I have gathered about her personality, it is unlikely that she would run for help when she could save her friends for them to be alive. In any case, keep an eye on her and track her if she does flee," Nolan ordered. "If you must, fling one of the Guardians in her general direction and spear them both. She is the least useful in direct combat so she will support the others in case things go awry."

"I see," Beerus commented, "and who shall I set my focus on?"

"I'll handle Red Rush, Darkwing, the Immortal, and War Woman," Nolan decided after a brief consideration. "The rest are yours. Ensure none survive."

"Affirmative," Beerus responded, his resolve firm as they waited for their opposition.

Nolan surveyed the area, his gaze sharp and calculating, before pressing a button on a device that called the Guardians while pointing at the side of the building where the power source was located. "There's the power source. As soon as you spot the first guardian, silently neutralize it. When you hear the first signs of combat, regroup," he ordered with a deep tone.

Beerus glanced over at the power source of the building, emitting a low grunt of acknowledgment. His eyes flickered with anticipation, an unconscious glow of the eyes, hinting at his readiness, an instinctual response that didn't escape Nolan's notice and prepared to confront the young Viltrumite about. However, before he could, the Immortal, the first Guardian, appeared in his peripheral vision flying far below them. "Go, now," Nolan commanded sharply before darting away, his thoughts preoccupied with the rising threat level posed by his charge.

As Beerus spotted the Immortal, his eyes unconsciously returned to normal. He then disappeared and reappeared, hovering over the power source. With closed eyes, he felt every subtle shift in the atmosphere became palpable to him, his heightened perception attuned to the faintest whisper of impending conflict.

A few minutes later, the unmistakable sound of a heavy object hitting the ground echoed through the air. Beerus's eyes snapped open, and he swiftly flew inside the building. As he entered the scene of the battle, cries of anguish reached his ears, evidence of the fallen comrades lying nearby. Floating calmly into view, Beerus commanded the attention of everyone present. Omni-Man, upon seeing his comrade's arrival, couldn't hide a small smirk creeping onto his bloodied face.

"Is that a child?" War Woman questioned, her tone laced with disbelief and confusion.

"KID, get out of here! Omni-Man is trying to kill us. Go to safety and get help," exclaimed the Immortal urgently, "Call 911 and get Cecil Stedman on the line and tell him it's Code O." (AN: I just made that up idk wtf code O is, it's irrelevant to the story, also, incoming Thanos quote here cuz those lines were amazing)

Beerus's face remained impassive as he materialized behind Aquarius, his grip tightening around the sea creature's throat with a calculated, merciless force. With each feeble beat of Aquarius's flippers against his chest, the grip only tightened further, the life draining from the helpless fish as the horrified Guardians could only watch in silent horror, paralyzed by the chilling display of cruelty before them. Utilizing the momentary respite granted by his partner, Nolan slowly recovered from Red Rush's relentless assault on his chest and seized the opportunity to not only catch his breath but also to keenly observe the tactics and prowess of the young Viltrumite, recognizing the potential threat the man posed.

"KID! What are you doing?" demanded the Immortal, his voice laced with urgency and disbelief.

"Omni-Man may have manipulated him into joining his side. For now, let's focus on surviving this battle and seek answers later," War Woman suggested, her tone tinged with concern.

"I know what it's like to lose," Beerus ominously intoned, his voice carrying the weight of impending doom as he slowly floated towards the Guardians. "To feel so desperately that you're right, yet to fail nonetheless." Aquarius's eyes dimmed, his feeble attempts at resistance faltering under Beerus's overwhelming grip. But, the young conqueror didn't want his amusement to die down and intentionally loosened his grip, prolonging the Guardians' agony. "It's frightening. Turns the legs to jelly. I ask you to what end?" A sense of dread permeated the air, thickening with each syllable. "Dread it. Run from it. Destiny arrives all the same. And now it's here, or should I say, I am." An ominous hum filled the air, resonating with the intensity of Beerus's red-glowing eyes, pulsating with excitement and anticipation of the inevitable.

Aquarius gathered the energy to speak for the first time, "You talk too much." he weakly said.

"Surrender, or the King Fish's head," Beerus commanded, his voice carrying the weight of an inevitable outcome. "Choose wisely. I assume you have a preference." As Beerus issued his ultimatum, Omni-Man seized the opportunity amidst the chaos, ruthlessly tearing Martian-Man apart. Capitalizing on the distraction caused by the grim scene unfolding around them, the others remained oblivious to his assassination.

"Don't listen to him. Get help. My life is worthless," Aquarius pleadingly said.

Beerus, seeing the resolve on the Guardian's faces, internally smiled and with a chilling calmness, he addressed the King of the Seas, his voice dripping with disdain. "Indeed, your life is as worthless as your feeble resistance," he uttered, his words laced with contempt. With a swift and merciless motion, he thrust his remaining hand into the King's chest, ripping out his still-beating heart without a hint of remorse.

"NOOOOO!" The cry of anguish reverberated through the chamber, a haunting echo of despair as the Guardians grappled with the horrifying scene unfolding before them. "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?" War Woman's voice sliced through the tension like a knife, her words laced with a mixture of shock and disbelief as she confronted the grim reality of the situation, her eyes wide with horror and incredulity.

Beerus callously discarded the still-beating heart, letting it thud onto the ground with a sickening plop. With a flick of his wrist, he flung the lifeless body of the King of the Sea towards the not-so-elusive Green Ghost, who instinctively caught the corpse of her fallen comrade, her tangible form unable to conceal the horror etched across her face. "Oh no!" were her last words before the Viltrumite went through her and Aqarius' bodies with his own. (AN: picture the scene where Anissa flew through the sea serpent's body) With death looming in their gaze, War Woman and Immortal lunged at the young man with primal roars that echoed through the air. Oblivious to their impending assault, Beerus, now drenched in crimson, stood amidst the chaos, his senses consumed by the feeling of blood coating him as he spotted Omni-Man soaring toward the Immortal to intercept him.

A thunderous impact reverberated through the air as a mace mercilessly collided with Beerus's chest, propelling him backward into a solid pillar. Agony surged through his body, but it was swiftly overshadowed by a menacing transformation. With a snarl of pain, Beerus's eyes ignited with a crimson glow, a harbinger of unleashed wrath.

In a swift and violent retaliation, Beerus unleashed a torrent of intense red beams from his eyes, a manifestation of his seething rage. War Woman, caught off guard by the fact that the boy appeared uninjured, was engulfed by the scorching heat, her armor melting under the merciless assault. Her agonized screams echoed through the air, a haunting symphony of suffering as she writhed on the ground, consumed by the searing pain inflicted upon her. The beams died down, leaving a haunting silence in their wake. War Woman panted heavily, her body trembling with the aftershocks of pain and shock. Beerus, his own shock palpable, initially raised his hands to his face in disbelief. But then, a steely resolve hardened his expression, and he slowly lowered his hands. With deliberate movements, he floated towards the nearly unconscious woman and pressed a single digit onto her temple, his touch ominous and foreboding. As his finger made contact, the ground beneath her began to crack and splinter.

"HOLLY!" Immortal's cry pierced the air, laden with anguish and desperation, before it was abruptly cut short by the sickening sound of flesh being impaled. A guttural roar tore from his lips as Omni-Man's hand pierced through his stomach, leaving behind a gaping wound. "WHY!" Immortal's voice cracked with agony and betrayal, his question echoing unanswered in the chaos. Nolan's expression remained impassive as he panted heavily, his hand moving with swift and brutal efficiency to sever Immortal's head from his body, the gruesome act leaving behind nothing, but a chilling silence punctuated by the stench of death and bloodshed.

A few tense moments passed; the air thick with the aftermath of their intense battle. Suddenly, Nolan's demeanor shifted, his eyes narrowing as he swiftly moved to confront Beerus, pushing him against the wall with a commanding force. "What. Was. That?" he demanded, his voice sharp with authority.

Beerus met Nolan's gaze evenly, his expression composed. "A result of Viltrumite and Unopan technology. Above your clearance, I'm afraid," he responded calmly.

Nolan continued to glare, his scrutiny unrelenting, but then his gaze softened slightly as he released his grip on Beerus. "I apologize. It was not my intention to intimidate you like that. But the fact remains that I didn't know about your unique power, and it angered me," he admitted, his tone tinged with frustration.

Beerus nodded in understanding, wiping away some of the blood from his clothes. "I understand. I would have reacted the same way. Moving on, how do you propose we take care of this... mess?"

Nolan considered for a moment before issuing his orders. "Use your new power to clear out the blood splatters. Leave their bodies here. After that, dash out of the atmosphere to burn out the blood and return to my house. I will return in the morning to keep up my cover story," he instructed, his voice firm and decisive.

"Understood," he replied, his voice steady despite the gravity of the situation. With a nod of acknowledgment, Nolan broke the sound barrier and vanished from sight, leaving Beerus to attend to the aftermath alone.

Without further hesitation, Beerus set to work, harnessing the power he had recently discovered within himself—'a force he dubbed 'heat vision—he began the meticulous process of clearing away the blood splatters with unwavering precision and efficiency.

As the last vestiges of blood were vaporized into nothingness, Beerus took a moment to survey his handiwork, a sense of solemn satisfaction settling over him. The bodies remained, silent witnesses to the carnage that had unfolded, but the evidence of their demise was no longer visible.

With a final glance around the chamber, Beerus nodded once more, ensuring that no evidence of the confrontation remained. Without a word, he launched himself into the sky, streaking through the atmosphere. His mission was far from over, but for now, he would return to Nolan's house and prepare his next move. School.