
Invincible's: SUPERMAN

what if Kal-el was born in the invincible universe? will follow the comics and will deviate at certain points. there maybe a harem depending on feed back, however for now main ship is Kal and Anissa.

Thomas_Hodge · Anime & Comics
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46 Chs

The invasion edit

(clark)" Damn mark are you ok man what the hell happened to him?"

(mark)" I don't know mark I was with mom when Cecil sent someone to inform us that dad was in the hospital and now-"

(clark)" Wait a minute mark somethings wrong I gotta go. Get suited up NOW!"

Boom Boom I take off at the speed of light towards the cries. I Inform cecil and he tells me that invincible is on the way. I arrive before mark, and I attack the invaders they shoot me with their lasers as I notice mark arriving, however while I'm fighting I notice Marks panicking.

(clark)" INVINCIBLE SNAP OUT OF IT NOW!" I get to him and notice a woman is badly injured. Thankfully back up arrived in the form of the Teen Team.

(clark)" mark listen to me get the lady to a hospital fast!"

He takes off and I crack my neck

(clark)" Now then where were we oh yeah."

Boom I take off into the invaders crippling as many of them as possible before I notice them retreating.

(clark)"Oh man, but I was having fun oh well."

I suddenly remembered mark. Boom BOOM I take off towards the hospital I know mark is heading too.

(clark)"Damn it he just blacked out what the hell Mark? Hopefully that old lady is alright."

I walk in and- ch ch I see armed guards trying to stay invisible.

(clark)"You guys can stop hiding I have X-ray vision I can you see you and trust me when I say this those guns Really aren't gonna do anything other than piss me off."

(cecil)"Easy superman! stand down men this ones alright."

(clark)"Huh! Cecil! I need to speak to you fast, but first is invincible here?"

(cecil)"Yeah he's hear he just brought an old woman in not too long ago I think he's with his dad down the hall."

(clark)"Thanks cecil room 203 204 here we are 205."

knock knock come in I hear a feminie voice I walk in and I see Marks family all together.

(Debbie)"Mark who is this?'

(clark)"Hello Mrs. Grayson I'm a friend of marks from school It is a pleasure to meet you ma'am."

(debbie)"Aww he's sweet Mark why didn't you tell me you had a friend like this?"

(mark)"sorry Mom never thought to bring it up it has been pretty wild recently."

(clark)"Good to see you alive and well Mark you as well Mr. Grayson. What happened to you huh?"

(omniman)"none of your business!"

(debbie)"Whoa nolan take it easy he only wanted to know if you were ok,hi my name is debbie."

(clark)"nice to meet you ma'am I look forward to getting to know you guys more Mark I'll call you later ok man."


(clark)" Ok! Now then excuse me miss?

(nurse)"hmm yes how can i help you?"

(clark)" could you call cecil for me?"

(nurse)" yes give me one moment. Hello sir It's superman he says he needs to talk to you. Yes sir. Cecil says he can't speak today, but he'll contact you at a later date."

(clark)"Ok guess that settles my business here today. I'm heading home then later.

(clark)" Ok feels good to finally be home Jesus what long day time for a nap."

(martha)" Clark sweetie wake up honey you've been sleeping for awhile honey."

(clark)"oh hey ma guess I was more exhausted than I thought. Oh boy hey ma what's for dinner tonight."

(martha)"Oh how did I know that's what you were gonna ask for-"

(clark)" ma I don't feel so good ohhhh not again."

(martha)"Clark CLARK!"