

A boy reincarnated into one the most bloodiest universes. Thinking he had no powers to survive it. There will be spoilers from the comics.

1Shadow_Monarch1 · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 01: Change

Kyle's pov

In this life, my name is Kyle Grayson. Yes, I said this life, meaning that I was reincarnated eighteen years ago, just like all those fanfics I used to read. My past life was rather mundane; like some teenagers, I too used to watch anime, movies, and tv series and read comics, manga, light novels, and a few fanfics.

But ever since the day I realized that this wasn't a dream, and I was indeed reincarnated in the Invincible universe, I haven't been able to relax and enjoy those things. And yes, you heard right that same Invincible where Mark was used as a human shield that ironically enough killed a whole train of humans by his father nonetheless.

If that wasn't worst, I'm the half-brother of Mark, and no, it's not the good half. Meaning I'm not some half-human, half-alien who'll get stronger, faster, and be able to fly as I get older. From what I pieced together over the years, something happened that led mom, Debbie, to be unfaithful to Nolan for a few years, and the outcome of that was me.

Trust me, my stepdad, Nolan, wasn't thrilled about it. I could tell by the hatred I saw in his eyes ever since I was a year old, and he wasn't a bit concern about letting me know either. The only time he concealed his hate was when Debbie and Mark are around. As for Debbie, she tried to treat us both equally and with as much love as she could. Though deep down, I knew that she would choose Mark over me if it came down to it.

{AN: That's true. I can tell from experience I have five siblings, all older than me, and I can confidently say my parents favor me out of all six of us. And if you have siblings, you should know this as well; if you think your parents love all of you equally, that's just being naive.}

As for Mark treats me like every other younger brother would treat their older brother with utter hate, not that I blame him ever since he was born seventeen years ago. I've made sure that has been a tragedy.

And my biological father, oh, he sends me a good amount of money each week. On weekends we go fishing, camping, and some other random stuff...as if neither mom nor I have heard from him since before I was even born, the only thing I have from is a black pendant. Though I doubt he's still alive, Nolan probably killed him, and I can't do anything if he did.



"Ah, is that your famous Chocolate-stuffed pancakes with caramelised banana; I smell honey?" A black-haired, brown-eyed woman at around 5'8" tall came walking into the kitchen with a sweet smile on her face.

"Oh, mom, you're up." This woman was Debborah Grayson, mother of both Kyle and Mark Grayson and wife of Nolan Grayson.

"Not that I'm complaining but, why are you making breakfast. It was Nolan's turn to do it." Debbie asked the black-haired, blue-eyed, 6'1" teen with a jawline that could undoubtedly cut through a diamond.

"Well, he seemed busy." Kyle pointed at the tv that showed a man dressed in a red and white costume battling a blue dragon.

"*Sigh* Go get your brother for me, will you."

"Yeah, sure, where is he?"

"Think he's still in the bathroom."

'Oh, is he now?' Kyle thought as a smile graced his face. "Don't cause any trouble, Kyle." Debbie reprimanded him, knowing how he was to his brother.

"C'mon, mom, when have I ever!?" Kyle shouted as he went upstairs.

When he reached the bathroom door, he didn't even think about knocking and just opened the door.

"HUH!?" Mark, a black-haired youth with grey eyes, sat on the toilet with a dumbfounded expression with his legs hurriedly closed together and his hands on his lap with his phone in them.

"Stop jerking off in there and come get ready for school, or I'm leaving you behind," Kyle said to his brother with his head peeking around the door.

"DUDE, WHAT THE FUCK!!" Mark threw his phone at Kyle's face, who closed the door allowing the phone to hit it instead.

"DAMNIT! MY PHONES CRACKED!" Mark shouted behind the door in distress.

"Hahaha, you shouldn't have thrown it at me. And what were you even trying to hide? Nothings even there, you might have well been born a girl."

"Kyle, just go! I'll be down in a minute."

"Yeah, just hurry up, or you'll have to walk to school. Oh, and I made pancakes." If Kyle could see Mark's face, he'd noticed the change of delight on it.

"Y-y-your Chocolate-stuffed pancakes with caramelized banana?"

"Yup." Kyle walked off when he answered him.

'Shit! I gotta get down before mom eats them all again.' Mark thought as he hurried to get out of the bathroom.

"Hmm, where is he?" Debbie asked Kyle, who just arrived in the kitchen.

"He should be down any minute now."


"Mom, please tell me you didn't eat off the pancakes again." Mark came rushing into the kitchen with his bag on his back.

"No, I didn't; what do you take me for some glutton? And what were you doing in the bathroom for so long?"

"He was just jerking a Weiner," Kyle answered his mother for Mark, who didn't seem to appreciate his brother's kindness.

"No, I was not!" Mark shouted as he took a plate of pancakes and sat down on the couch.

"Kyle, stop bothering your brother."

"Hmm, yeah, Nah," Kyle answered Debbie as he went to sit beside Mark and put his hand around his shoulder.

"C'mon, let go of me, Kyle."

"I'm hurt by your rejection, little brother. Don't you want the world to see our brotherly love!" Kyle dramatically shouted while standing atop the couch. Mark just proceeded to ignore his brother's dramatics.

"Anyway, where's dad?"


"Are you blind?" Kyle slapped him in the back of the head and pointed at the 75-inch tv.

"…Using a dragon-like monster to enslave a portion of Taiwan. News reporters reveal the blurred figure seen in this amateur photograph as none other than Omni-Man, a defender of democracy. Eyewitness reports are that the battle has been raging for nearly ten hours, destroying portions of the town in its wake. Stay tuned to channel six, action news for any further information."

"Hope he brings back something nice for me. Especially after he missed breakfast." Debbie said as she watched the news, not having even a slight doubt that Nolan would come out victorious.

"C'mon, or I'm gonna leave you behind. And I can bet that that special friend of yours is waiting for you." Kyle pulled Mark to the door, not sparing even a glance at the news report.

"Special friend? Do you have a girlfriend, Mark?"

"HAHA! Only if he was even half as good-looking as me. I'm talking about his gay best friend that follows him everywhere he goes and knows everything about him. Come to think about it, are you sure you don't have something to tell us, Mark?"

"*Sigh* Dude, please shut the hell up," Mark said as he places his head in his hands from embarrassment.

"You know these days it's ok being different, Mark, so you can tell m-" Debbie tried consoling the troubled boy.

"Mom, we're leaving. AND I AM NOT GAY!"


Mark shouted as he slammed the house door.

Kyle went to the garage, where he drove out a white dodge charger. Most would wonder where he would get money to buy a car. Well, it's pretty simple being the star quarterback at his school. He would bet on his matches with the opposite teams and anyone else who felt like losing their money.

And with him being a reincarnated person, especially someone who's gone through high school already with relatively good grades. It wasn't hard for him to reach the top of the school in grades. Rich kids' parents paid him to do their projects along with tutoring them.

"Idiot, get in." He said as he pulled up to Mark's foot. Mark got in the car and pulled out his phone immediately, not even putting his seat belt on.

"So, ready for another day at hell?" Kyle asked as he turned on the music and drove off.


After six hours of hellish torture in a classroom, the boys were finally released.

"Hey Kyle, can you drop by the Burger Mart," Mark asked as he checked his watch and approached his brother.

"Ah, sorry Mark, I got training right about now. So see you later tonight."

"Oh, ok. See ya later then." Mark walked off for the exit of the school when a brown-haired boy ran after him.

"Hey Mark, wait up…."

Taking his attention from his brother Kyle went off to the boys' locker room to get change. After opening the door, his ears were immediately assaulted by a wave of boisterous sounds. "Yo, if it isn't our captain and star quarterback. Wassup, man, ready to kick some ass next week?" Derek, a dark-skinned six feet tallboy, asked as he greeted Kyle.

"Nah, no way that's a question. Of course, our main man is ready." Alex, a fair-skinned boy an inch or so shorter than Derek, replied as he shut his locker.


"Arrgh!" Kyle groaned as a loud ringing sound reverberated through his head, making him stumble a bit.

"Hey, are you good?" Derek asked as he held up Kyle by his hand.

"Yeah, I'm fine, just a little headache, and Alex, don't slam the locker so hard, man." Alex, as well as the other boys, looked confused at this.

"I didn't even shut it that hard, though."

"Are you sure you're good for training today? I mean, we won't kill you if you pull out today." Derek asked with concern. Considering that Kyle is his best friend, it was warranted.

"Told you I'm good. So go ahead, I'll be right behind you." When all the players left, Kyle opened his locker, went into his bag, took out a small bottle labeled naproxen, and took two pills. Contrary to what Kyle told them about it being a slight headache, it was far from that. For as long as he could remember, he's been having these insane migraines, and they just kept getting worst by the day.

He chalked all this up to something to do with his reincarnation and memories. He had no idea how right he was while these headaches were because of his birth; it had nothing to do with his memories.


An hour later, the team practiced playing a practice match; Kyle had the ball in his hands, trying to find an opening to throw it to Derek, the receiver. When he didn't see any, he decided to run with it, but just before, an intense pain assaulted his ears and head causing him to lose focus and stumble. Taking this as an opening, both the defense tackled him simultaneously to the ground.


"YEAH!" Both the defense got up and chest bumped. After all, it's not all the time you get to take down the best quarterback this school or any other has seen.

"Arrgh!" Their celebration was cut short when Kyle broke out in a shout of pain.

"What the hell did you two idiots do!?" Derek shouted as he and the rest of the players ran up to where they were. The expression on both the defense faces' immediately turned grim after all; no one wanted to injure the captain and the best player on their team.

"W-we just tackled him. We didn't even hit him that hard."

"Damnit, Kyle, you good?" Derek asked as he held out his hand for Kyle to grab.

"Ah, y-yeah, I'm fine, just another headache," Kyle said as he grabbed Derek's hand and pulled himself up.

"Not with that shit again, man; there's something wrong with you here. I think you should pull out of practice today."

"I said I'm fine! Just a bit of water and my headache will stop," Kyle said a bit forcefully, not only trying to convince Derek but himself as well. That's when a six feet three inches tall bald black man came walking up to them.

"Kyle, Derek is right; you're obviously ill. You should head home for now."

"But coach, I said I'm goi-"

"I don't want to hear it. As the captain, you have a responsibility not only to yourself but to the team as well. And if you stay here, it will just slow down the team's training and make your injuries worst in the long run. This isn't the type of example you should be setting for the group as the leader. Now go home." The coach said without room for any refusal.

"Yeah, you're right." Kyle finally gave up and got up to leave.

"Are you sure you can get home safely? I can drop today's training and drive your car for you." Derek offered, but without even wasting a second, Kyle answered.

"Nah, I'm good. I can at least drive myself home. See you guys tomorrow."

"Make sure to call me up when you reach home, got it," Derek told him.

"Yeah, will do."



A few minutes later, Kyle was driving home with his head still aching. "ARRGGH!" All of a sudden, millions of loud noises started bombarding his ears all at the same time, causing him to release the steering wheel. Simultaneously his body and eyes began heating up, and his eyes began glowing red.


A massive blast of red hot energy came blasting out of Kyle's eyes, instantly melting through the car glass. Immediately the swerving of the car began worsening, causing it to turn over.

*Bang!* *Bang!* *Bang!* *Bang!* *CRAAASH!*

It crashed into a tree on its side, completely wrecking it; even then, the red energy didn't cease; eventually, it reached the gas tank.


The car immediately went up in an explosion of flames incinerating everything around its immediate area.


Meanwhile, Mark just exited out of Burger Mart, struggling with a large bag of garbage in his hands. He tried lifting it up to throw it in the dumpster, but nothing happened despite putting all his strength in it. After giving up for a few seconds, Mark held the bag with one hand moved to throw it into the dumpster. And he did so without any effort to him. It felt like he was just lifting a paper.

"Huh? It's about time."


"Where's your brother?" Debbie asked Mark, who was sitting around the dinner table.

"Kyle said he had practice today, so he'll probably be home later tonight," Mark answered as he reached to take some food.

"Let's go ahead and start. It doesn't look like your father will be home any time soon, and as you said, Kyle has practice.

"Mom, you won't believe the day I ha—"


I an extraordinary display of speed, Nolan appeared around the dining table without no even seeing him. "Sorry, I'm late. There was an enchanted flood in Egypt I had to deal with on the way over." Nolan apologizes as he began digging into his wife's cooking.

"Did you take care of that dragon?" Debbie questioned, referring to the blue dragon on tv earlier today."

"Yeah, once I found out who was controlling…." Nolan and Debbie talked about his Superheroing day and the next book that he's writing. Finally, after minutes of speaking, Debbie asked Mark about his day.

"So… how was your day, Mark?"

Finally getting a chance to speak, Mark answered quickly. "It was great. I think I'm finally getting my superpowers." For a few minutes, everyone froze after what Mark said. "Wow, don't get too excited."

"Oh…I'm sorry, Mark. You see, somewhere deep down, I was hoping you wouldn't get them." Debbie woke from her stupor, shocking Mark while Nolan had a slight look of understanding that he quickly covered.

"What do you mean by that, mom? You know I've been waiting years for this." Mark said, obviously hurt by what his mother said.

"No, you don't understand honey, I was hoping that there wouldn't be anything that would separate you two. After all, you two grew up practically as twins, and if one got powers and the other wouldn't, I knew it would break your bond." Debbie said solemnly and looked up at her son, who also realized this, albeit somewhere deep down, he knew this as well. "But I'm still proud of you. So is your father, right Nolan?"

Debbie said as she looked at her husband, who nodded in agreement. "Uh, yes, well, with your new powers now, you'll start training to control them tomorrow. And I wouldn't worry too much about Kyle. He's a tough kid."


Later in the night, Mark was standing atop his roof. "Ok,…dad says it's a reflex… do if I can fly… it should just happen when I jump off. As long as I have my invulnerability, it shouldn't hurt even if I hit the ground. Here goes nothing." Mark hyped himself to jump off the roof, and when he did, to his surprise, he didn't fall flat on his face.


"Holy shit! AWESOME!" Mark shouted as he flew off into the night sky.


At the site of a horrible accident, a loud sound was made.

*BAM!* *THUD!*

The door of the car flew off just by that one hit. The person who came out of the vehicle was Kyle with all his clothes burnt away, exposing his well-built muscles and six-pack. But something was weird for someone coming out of a horrific accident like that; he had no injuries. The only mark on him was the soot from the fire.

"What the hell is happening to me," Kyle said as he looked at his hands. Though what he was seeing wasn't flesh, it was his very bone.