
Invincible’s Older Brother: Eternal

Warning! Spoilers! Obviously! Nolan was sent to Earth alone on a mission, but what if he wasn’t actually alone? What if he had taken his newborn son with him from Viltrum? Nolan took his newborn son in a space pod to Earth. He carried the pod all the way. He had to raise his son while also trying to blend in. Nolan met a man named Cecile Stedman who set him up as Omni-Man, Earth’s newest and mightiest hero. Meanwhile he met a woman named Debbie, who he would eventually marry. Debbie would give birth to Nolan’s second son. They named the youngest child Mark Grayson. The eldest, Jayden Grayson. Jay for short. Debbie was a great mother to both Mark and Jay and raised them the same. She was a great mother to her sons and wife to her husband. Jay was six years older than Mark and enjoyed his role of being the big brother. Mark was the typical little brother. He loved Jay, but he would get jealous or angry at him for being older. But as they grew up they didn’t drift apart and stayed close. Even after Jay got his powers, Mark would pray that he got his soon. But they never came. Mark watched as Jay became a superhero along with their dad and helped save people. Jay’s superhero name was: Eternal Not really by choice, but it grew on him. It was kinda just stuck to him randomly one day in his early active superhero days. And that’s all for now. You’ll have to read for more. —————— I don’t own anything! Except for the MC and OC. I don’t own Invincible or any photos I may use. Repeat! I only own MC or OCs

Quade_The_Unknown · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

Ch. 1 Beginnings

"Wow. At least nobody can say they don't work well together" A 'relatively' young man wearing jogging clothes says as he floats high in the sky.

This is Jayden Grayson, but he likes Jay better.

He is watching two blue idiots get slapped around by THE Superhero's.

The Guardians of the Globe.

The blue idiots are the 'Mauler Twins'

Jay gets bored because the hero's almost always win, even if there are casualties.

Plus his dad was there to save the day. Omni-Man was unbeatable after all. It's a shame he doesn't get recognized more. Especially with his 'spectacular' mustache.

Jay was just going for his routine fly before going back to his parent's house to get his little bro ,Mark, to school.

Jay is 23 already but his parents still treat him like he's 10. And Mark has it worse as well, and he's almost 18.

After seeing his dad catch some people out of the air Jay got bored so he just flew to his parent's home. It only took seconds with his speed.

After landing in the backyard gently he went to their back door and slid the door open.

"Guess I'm a bit early?" Jay says to himself as he walks in and closes the door behind him.

The house is your average two story house that is giant for no reason and the stairs can kill you if you fell down them. But it wasn't too giant. Just giant enough.

"Mo- What?!"

Jay hears his brother shout after some knocks on a door. 'RIP little brother' He knows that his mom is about to just walk right on into the bathroom. That's a reason why Jay has his own place as soon as he turned 18.


Mark was sitting on the toilet reading a comic when he heard knocking on the door. "Mo- What?!" He lowers the comic and looks towards the door frustrated. "I'll be out in a minute" He says as he goes back to reading the comic.

The door opens and Mark covers his junk with the comic reflexively. His mom, Debbie, walks in and opens up the cabinet beneath the sink.

"I don't have a minute. My bathrooms out of soap" She rummages around looking for extra soap.

"Mom~!" Mark complains

"Oh get over yourself" Debbie says to her son. She stands up and looks at the bar of soap in her hand. "I used to change you AND your brother's diapers kid. There's nothing going on down there I haven't seen before"

Mark points to the hallway. "Just! Get! Out!"

Debbie walks out and closes the door behind her.


She walks down to the first floor and sees her other son is back. "Good morning Jayden"

Jay was sitting on the couch with his feet kicked up as he stared into space. He had already changed out of his sweats and into jeans and a long sleeve shirt. "Why must you mock me so? Mother?" He leans his head back so he looks upside down at his mom. "And you're wearing a bathrobe…."

He's just glad he doesn't have x-ray vision. God, his hearing already makes him suffer enough.

"This is my house and I can walk around it wearing whatever I please. And I'm not mocking you. I'm just saying good morning to my son, and if he doesn't like his full name? That's just a bonus" Debbie walks to the laundry room and grabs a basket of clothes, she then goes back up the stairs without a word.

"Bonus my right ass cheek" Jay mutters to himself as he goes back to staring at nothing.

He was thinking about his date the previous night. It was going good. He liked her and she wasn't bad looking at all. But when the place was attacked by mutant fish it kinda ruined the mood.

Jay cursed his luck that the one time he went to get sushi it gets attacked by mutant fish with human legs that had scales on them. Like da'fuck was he going to do after killing them? Serve them to his date? De-leg and de-scale them?

She ran out of there faster than he could have.

Obviously not, but still. She just bolted and left him there to save everyone. And she didn't return his calls either.

Normally that would hurt someone's feelings. But Jay has had worse happen.

Like Samantha? Fuck that one was bad. He's still having to look over his shoulder to make sure the stalker isn't there.

Exaggeration? Of course! But she really was a stalker.

It was a shame. She was pretty and seemed normal. He even almost banged her. But luckily he found out she was crazy before he did.

Don't stick your dock in crazy.

Jay lived by this rule. It's a shame he has a bad track record of doing exactly that.

Why is it that the prettier they are the crazier they are? But the sex was definitely great, almost worth it. Almost.



Jay looks behind him and sees his little brother Mark waving his hand in the air while he holds a bowl in his other. "Watch the hair will you?"

Mark looks at his now red hand. "I keep forgetting you are like a damn brick wall. And I've been trying to talk to you for a few minutes but you were off in the clouds" Mark walks around the couch and sits next to him. "And your hair wasn't even styled so you can't complain"

Jay looks at his brothers hairstyle and shakes his head. Mark and Nolan like to keep their hair slicked back. Jay doesn't mind it, but he lets it down more often than not. Mostly when he isn't suited up.

Mark turns the tv on and the news starts playing.

It shows the White House on fire and a fight going on.

Debbie walks down the stairs dressed for her work.

Mark moves his spoon around his bowl lazily. "Looks like the dad is saving the White House~" He says lazily.

Debbie stops walking towards the kitchen and looks at the tv. "Alone?"

"Guardians are there too" Mark responds.

Debbie puts the back of her hands on hide hips. "Who are they fighting?" She asks with interest. She sees two big blue guys and quickly loses interest. "Ugh. Mauler Twins. Looks like we won't be getting breakfast together this morning. Bummer" She shrugs like it's the billionth time.

"What? Awwww man~" Jay sarcastically responds.

Debbie just ignores his antics as she continues her walk towards the kitchen.

Mark gestures towards the tv. "Cmon, it's the White House mom. It's kinda important?"

"Oh, they rebuild that twice a year at this point" She waves it off.

Jay holds up 3 fingers. "Thrice a year actually. And technically this will be the fourth"

"Ok smarty pants" Mark mocks his brother as he eats a spoonful of whatever sugary cereal he chose for the day.

"If it's not them it's the Lizard League, the Doctrine, or someone else. I doubt the president still lives there" She says to herself.


The back door slides open and in walks Omni-Man himself. Also known as Nolan Grayson.

He quickly steps inside and shuts the door behind him. "I'm not too late!" He announces. He pints to the upper floor with his thumb as he walks past his wife. "I'm gonna shower"

"Not so fast~!" Debbie stops Nolan. "Come here first"

She walks up to him and kisses him deeply. Nolan puts his arms around her back and waist as he enjoys the kiss. "Mmm"

Mark and Jay only glance at their parents before drowning and looking back at the tv.

Mark dangles the spoon from his fingertips. "Don't make me get the spray bottle"

"I think there was a newspaper around here somewhere" Jay looks around the couch.

The couple breaks the kiss and gives a look to their sons. Then Debbie grabs Nolan's hand and leads him towards the stairs. "Now, let's get you out of that costume" She gives him a vixen smirk.

Nolan smiles as he obediently follows, anticipating what happens next.

Mark and Jay both cringe at that.

"Mom! You know that the suit keeps the sweat and funk inside right?" Jay looks at Debbie and Nolan.

Debbie walks her fingers up Nolan's chest. "Seals in the flavor"

"Huugh!" Jay wretches. "I think I'm gonna be sick"

"Boundaries people!" Mark complains and puts his bowl to the side as he stands up. "Bathroom doors are closed for a reason. And parents should never ever talk about sex! in front of their kids!" Mark walks past his parents and goes up tue stairs to his bedroom.

Debbie looks at mark from the side of her eye. "You! Should be overjoyed to see your parents, passionately expressing their love for eachother"

Nolan puts his arm around Debbies shoulder and holds her close to his chest. She leans on him and plays with his mustache before putting her hand on his chest. "Now stop griping. Go to school"

Mark marches up the stairs with his shoulders slumped. "Couldn't you guys have waited until I left the house….. for college!"

"Oh yeah! 'This' is why I left" Jay says to himself as he stands up and walks out the front door.

Debbie and Nolan smirk evilly and happily at eachother for terrorizing their kids with their love. It makes their day.

"What we're you thinking?" Debbie asks. "Paris?"

Nolan wraps his arms around his wife and looks down into her beautiful eyes. "Actually I was kinda pulling for that little cafe down in Berlin" He puts his forehead on his wife's head as he closes his eyes. "Been jonesing for those little sausages"

Mark leans on the railing. "Awe man! You guys are going to Bestwersts? I love that place" He complains and his shoulders slump.

"Mom was going to get a little sausage in a minute anyway" Jay complains as he was about to shut the door.

"I heard that" Nolan points at Jay.

"You were meant to! That's the whole point of me saying it!" Jay states.

Debbie chuckles and looks up at Mark. Nolan does the same as his wife but points at Mark now. "And you. You have school. When your powers kick in you can go on your own"

Mark frowns. "Salt on the wound dad" He marches the rest of the way up the stairs.

Nolan sighs. "They've gotta be due any day now son. Even the latest bloomers on Viltrum would get their powers before what would be their 18th birthday. You'll see"

Debbie puts her hand higher on his chest. "Dont get his hopes up" She whispers.

Nolan looks up to where Mark left his view.

"And this is where I leave" Jay whispers and closes the front door.

Jay walks to his black and red convertible and jumps over the door. "Oh I've missed you baby. At least you aren't crazy AND you won't leave me" He caresses the steering wheel. "Although I think I might be going crazy? Oh the things you do to me"

"Why are you molesting your poor car again?"

"Again?" Jay looks in his rear view mirror and sees their neighbor. She was as old as him. She actually owned the house herself.

Her name was Suzu Mitsu. Very mature looking. She's been friends with Jay since childhood, and by extension Mark. Her long silvery white hair seemed to be perfect every time Jay saw her. And her fashion sense was great as well. Her black pencil-skirt, her tucked in sweater shirt thingy, and her red jacket was an amazing and stunning combination.

She always made Jay feel underdressed.

"Hey Suzy. What brings you here?" Jay asks as he turns around in his seat.

"Not your sweet talk, that's for sure. I just saw you and wanted to catch up. You're always busy or making lame excuses to ditch me" Suzu states.

"Awwww. You almost sound like you missed me" Jay gives her a charming smile.

"You wish. Your just the only person who doesn't bother me about every little detail" Suzu give a lazy answer.

"Riiiight. Anyway, I'll be free after I'm done at the school this afternoon, you?" Jay gets his phone out and checks the date.

"After work I should be free. I'll text you, maybe you can respond this time?" She glares at him.

Jay scratches the back of his head and nervously laughs. "Hehe. Maybe….." He looks at her and noticed the not so nice look she is giving him. "It was a joke! I'm just bad about losing or breaking my phone! You know this!"

Suzu shakes her head and walks over to her car. "I know. Still doesn't help that you are so social and anti-social at the same time"

"What can I say? I'm the best of both worlds" Jay shrugs.

"More like the worst. You ignore others and when you meet them in person you act like you just came back from a bathroom break and want to continue a conversation" Suzu opens her door.

"You know me so well! I can't wait to catch up, I'll let you go!" Jay waves her off.

She shakes her head and gets in her car and exits her driveway.

Man did he used to have the biggest crush on her back in high school. Even middle school. But they were friends and he didn't want to ruin what they had. Then she dated some dick who he might have accidentally sent to the hospital after the guy tried to pick on him and Mark.

Jay wasn't one to resort to violence but when he was forced to he wasn't a pushover.

When the nice guy loses his patience, The Devil shivers.

Jay is taken out of his thoughts when the front door opens and he realizes he was looking down an empty street.

"Bye~! Have fun~!" Marks shouts into the house as he closes the door. "I'll just be going to school…. with my brother…. a counselor that everyone loves…. fun" He mutters to himself as he walks to the passenger side.

He sees his dad fly away from their backyard. Mark looks at his fist and clenches it. He slowly raises his hand into the air and then jumps with everything he has. "Hah! Hup! Hngh! Come! On! Hyah!" Mark repeatedly jumps with his fist in the air.

He stops when he notices a mailman staring at him like he is insane. "Hehe, just trying to break in these new shoes" He grabbed his right ankle and pointed at his shoe. But he slips and falls right on his ass.

Feet over his head and everything. "Ooof!"

"'Ooof!' Is right Mark, now stop jerkin around and hop in. Don't wanna be late do we?" Jay points with his thumb at the empty seat next to him.

Mark jumps in after he takes his backpack off.

"Chin up bud, your powers will get here soon. Until then, enjoy being normal. You'll miss it when the time comes" Jay starts the engine.

"Miss being normal? No way! I've been normal all my life Jay! And it sucks! There's no way I'll miss this" Mark declares.

"Whatever you say little man" Jay backs out of the driveway.

"Shut up Sasquatch. Not my fault I'm a handsome 5'11" guy and you're…" Mark looks at his big brother.

"What? I'm handsome-er? 6'4"? Built like an Olympic god of sorts? Or is it that my hair doesn't take an hour to get right?" Jay lists off.

"Ok, ok! Stop with the narcissism" Mark pouts.

"Oh don't worry little bro, the ladies love your type too. I know a few that would eat you right up!" Jay turns onto a major street and speeds up.

"No thanks! And that's rich coming from you! How did your last date go?" Mark asks with a triumphant grin.

"Oh stuff it would you?! I get it! I'm absolutely amazing, yet I can't keep a girlfriend for more than a few weeks! Hilarious!" Jay says with more than a pinch of bitterness.

"And the last one wasn't my fault! Damn mutated fish attacked the sushi place we went to on our first date. She bailed faster than I could blink man…. You still single?" He glances at Marks face.

Mark sighs and leans his elbow on the arm rest. "Yep! Still single~. Just like every other time you ask"

"Hey man, I only ask because one of these times you might actually have one. Right? Did you lose your V-card yet?" He asks in a more interested tone. He likes a bit of gossip, and it bugs the hell out of mark.

"Dude! Personal!" Mark then slouches further into his seat. "And no. Still holding that one loosely in my back pocket"

"I'd be careful with your words there. But hey, is Grayson's have that special charm. Dad somehow got with mom, we have a way better chance than him...."

"Don't you dare say it Jay. Don't you dare" Mark doesn't want to hear it again.

"…. Maybe it's the mustache" Jay says in a deep tone.

"Come on! I asked you not to say it!"

Jay laughs. "Hahaha! But I'm serious! Did you see how mom was about to braid it? Or how when she kissed him… ok I'm done. But seriously though, I can't pull a mustache off but I can pull a full beard probably. What do you say? Think I could pull one off?"

Mark looks dead on at Jay. "If you can manage to pull off ANY facial hair, I'd be-"


2953 words

I’m shooting for around 3,000 words per chapter and it sucks I was so close. But hey, I liked where it ended.

Hope you enjoyed the first Chapter!

Quade_The_Unknowncreators' thoughts