
Invincible! This person has lived for a billion years

Overpowered Protagonist: Yes,Strength of the Protagonist's Superpowers: ∞,Protagonist's Age: ???,Characters with Diverse Personalities: Yes,Interesting Antagonist: Yes Five of the world's wealthiest tycoons descended upon a poverty-stricken district simultaneously, astonishingly just to visit a 20-year-old young man. This young man was their master fifty years ago. Initially, these magnates only acquired some rudimentary knowledge from William Johnson, but that was enough to make them leaders in their respective fields. However, they were stunned by William's ageless visage when they saw him again, as they were unaware that William Johnson had lived for a billion years. He not only established different religions all over the world, but even Alexander the Great was once his student. Yet, after dispersing the tycoons fifty years ago, he chose a long slumber. But now, William Johnson has awakened... --------------------------- Update Schedule: Update daily. Minimum of two chapters per day. If I get drunk, I might update four chapters, haha. Please show your support if you enjoy the story! [50 power stones = 1 bonus chapter] [200 Power stones = 2 bonus chapters] [400 power stones = 3 bonus chapters] ... [300 golden tickets =??? ] Bonus release will drop the following week! Psst, a little secret for the eagle-eyed readers – there are hidden treasures sprinkled throughout the chapters! Keep your eyes peeled for these sneaky surprises and enjoy the bonus rewards they bring!

IvyWoods · Fantasy
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854 Chs

I don't just sleep with women casually.

After the door to the private room closed, Bella slowly stood up and looked William up and down.

It was undeniable that this young man had a unique charm about him. She had learned from Emily that William seemed to have some expertise in ancient scripts.

At such a young age, he had even managed to have the former dean of Hudson University willingly become his student.

"What are you looking at?" William interrupted her thoughts and firmly said, "Miss Bell, just to let you know, I don't just sleep with anyone."


Bella almost spat in his face, taken aback by his audacity.

"Pretend to be my boyfriend for a while, accompany me to a few meals, and then we can end things claiming it didn't work out between us," Bella, suppressing her urge to smack William, proposed. "As for compensation, name your price. As long as it's reasonable, it's fine."