
Invictus: Hero From The Shadow

The rare skill non-Combatant Job class meets the Legend Combatant Job class. I acquired a rare skill when I had the desire to fight for my second-time life. I don't want to stand by anymore watching the monsters with their various powers trying to destroy the place where my second life has just begun. I promise to risk my whole life for this new world even though I am unknown, abused, and also considered an enemy to the Hero and his allies. For me, the most important thing is her safety as well as the world I live in now. Fuck the others! I call myself Invictus. The one who will save the world from behind the shadows.

Ikrisnaw28 · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Chapter 4 Dragestva

A man seemed to yawn widely as he watched the frontline warriors pass before his eyes. They had returned from the battle in Zaker Forest which contained high-level monsters to penetrate the heart of the defenses of the monsters that had begun to attack the city of Aldheisna, the city that the man had lived in for the past year.

The man's name is Park Kaley. Exactly a year ago, he was successfully transferred to a new world and became the first generation of the project developed by almost all world leaders, Project Re: Life because of the fear of the extinction of the human race from the earth. Unfortunately, at that time the two people who claimed that they were both parents only allowed Park Kaley to get or choose a non-combatant job class.

"Unlucky! now I know being a non-combatant job class owner is really very boring. I wonder how exciting it is to fight on the frontlines," Kaley muttered.

Kaley who was focused on his daydream didn't notice that someone was approaching him. He was then startled when the figure tapped his shoulder.


The figure that surprised Kaley smiled quite broadly.

"What are you thinking? Is there a problem?"

Kaley stared at the figure, then he stammered slightly as the figure stood quite close to him.

"Ehh… Ahh… How long have you been here? Besides, why did you startle me like that, Hyun-ah?"

Exactly two years ago, when Park Kaley was still on earth and got a fatal accident that made his life completely destroyed, Lee Hyun-ah was also in the hospital to accompany and always take care of Kaley. Even now, Hyun-Ah, who also lives alone, gives up her body to follow Kaley into the new world.

The girl didn't want to be separated from Kaley anymore. When entering the new world, Lee Hyun Ah also promised Park Kaley's parents to always protect him. As if agreed by the universe, the girl was chosen to be one of the front liners who have above-average abilities. Supported by great fighting skills and also an appearance that catches the eyes of the new inhabitants of the new world, it doesn't take long for Hyun-ah to become one of the first generation prima donnas in Irentana, the name of the continent where fifty percent of the inhabitants are humans.

The new world they live in is called Dragestva. A world that has hundreds of races, including humans. It is said that this world is run by a smart AI system from Re: Life that can operate without human intervention anymore. The Smart Ai system from RE: Life that runs Dragestva is called God here, he is called Aventda. Aventda is a figure who is claimed to regulate all the order that exists in Dragestva although there are some creatures who claim that Aventda does not exist.

Dragestya is divided into five continents, Irentana being at the center of the map. It has the same four seasons as in some parts of the earth. This continent contains half humans who were transferred via soul transfer from the earth, several smart ai in the form of humans that were bred through the Re: Life smart system, and the same unique monsters, plants, and animals absolutely nothing on earth.

On the north side of the world map, there is a continent called Orkhandus, an area containing steep mountains and hot deserts, this area does not experience rain and the days are much longer than the nights. The weather is very hot in the morning and afternoon and in the afternoon the weather immediately turns very cold at night, it is said that in that place the monsters and plants that have resistance to heat and low fluids live.

In the southern part of the world map, Ficoar is covered by a thick layer of ice. No sunlight seemed to illuminate the continent. From morning to noon it is always cloudy, and the night without stars always decorates the sky. The residents there have to adapt to the really extreme weather. Even though there were humans, on average they had different physiques from the humans living in Irentana.

In the western part of the world map, there is a continent called Hellbera. As the name implies, no one believes there are creatures that can live there. No one knows how the weather is there, because the fire is always burning, making the ground there very hot and the land never goes out. Even one of the biggest fires there, Vortane can be seen from the city of Aldheisna.

The last continent on Dragestva was Illus. The continent was the place where the demon and dragon races lived. There are rumors that believe that the Demons and Dragons cannot attack other continents because Aventda made a gate that locks the Illus continent so that its inhabitants cannot get out of there.

These five continents are separated by a sea called Malacca. Crossing Malacca is also not easy, it takes a job class in the marine field and high courage and must bring adventurers or front liners to fight sea monsters.

Kaley shook his head as he tried to answer Hyun-Ah's question.

"You know very well that nothing can weigh me down. I'm not someone as busy as you, Hyun-Ah. After all, I should be the one asking you. Are you thinking about something else? You look lethargic."

Hyun-ah is surprised to find Kaley knowing what happened to her even though the girl has tried to hide the feelings that are bothering her.

When Kaley looked at Hyun-ah's face deeply because it seemed that Hyun-ah wanted to keep her problems a secret, the man said a sentence that made Hyun-ah feel sorry for Kaley.

"Well… I'm not really a combatant like you. So, do you also think that I can't lighten your load a little by telling me a little about your problems?"

"Okay... Don't put on a gloomy face like that. I'll tell you when we both get home," replied Hyun-ah who then grabbed Kaley's hand and took him home.

Kaley let out a heavy breath. Suddenly, he thought about what happened to the frontliners. The faces they looked at also felt heavy.

"Did they get a defeat this time? They're not usually like this. If only I were a combatant, I would definitely be able to help Hyun-ah on the front lines. It wasn't like this, only being able to give her a support with skill wasn't very profitable for her.

For Kaley, he has a sense of guilt that he can't stand right next to Hyun-ah when she needs his help. According to him, the right position for him now is to stand tall to help Hyun-ah on the front lines, not just help forge and add buffs to Hyun-ah's armor and weapons which only he can do as of now.

Unbeknownst to Kaley, something had changed inside of him.

"Requirements met"

"User unlocks a rare skill"

"User unlocks a combatant class"

"User is selected to get a rare job class"