
Invictus: A Naruto Insert.

When I died, I never thought I'd get a second chance at life, let alone another chance as the protagonist of an anime. Getting another chance in a world with Snake pedos, heart thieves, and peepers with doomsday capabilities wasn't a part of the memo. But I ain't selling my life cheap, that's for damn sure. Male OC NarutoInsert. Chapters 1-4 prologue.

Raging_Smurf · Anime & Comics
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78 Chs

I Hate Sand part 1

A new chapter is here and I hope y'all enjoy the chapter name.

I'll be using an OC for a third member of the Genin team from Kumo, mainly because I couldn't find a third person the same age as Karui and Omoi.

This chapter involves an absolute fustercluck that occurs with Team 7. It's brought on by each of the three dealing with some personal stuff exacerbated by the others making it worse.

Anyway, let's get on with this, guys and gals.


I was walking through Konoha with Hinata right next to me as the sun shown in our faces, the Hyuga girl looking extremely tense and agitated.

Kakashi had taken her aside, tomorrow being when the exams would begin, and told her how Kumo was sending their own genin team to compete, something that had me sighing and resigning myself to.

Enough years had passed where events would begin to change, something I hadn't foreseen would happen in this particular manner.

Hinata ended up being more agitated about it, and Sasuke was being a little bitch about Kakashi talking to him.

Kakashi, and I don't know what the actual hell possessed him to do it, told Sasuke about Danzo's eye thief shit right after he told Hinata about Kumo showing up. Rin had wanted to spar some and Sasuke had been itching to fight, probably to try and clear his thoughts.

What happened next was explained to me by Hinata, who looked ashamed of it.

Hinata had sparred some with Rin, then did some with Sasuke. Hinata, being in a rare bad mood, had landed several painful Juken hits on Sasuke, unnecessary ones at that. She then asked him if he was feeling up to fighting today, spotting how he seemed to have gaps in his taijutsu from impulsive attacks.

He ended up almost breaking her arm and punched her in the face, causing her eye to swell up and look more pinkish coloured than the normal pale lavender.

A shouting match had started between the two, and Rin had tried to calm them down, surprisingly. Sasuke had then yelled something about none of them understanding and stormed off, not wanting to talk with anyone.

Rin had followed him and Hinata went to me, spotting where I was off training lightly, having finished all my plans that I could in preparation for the exams.

After a couple days of non-stop experiments, I'd managed to get the masking tag for explosives completed, ensuring that anybody who had that seal on them was safe from my exploding tags. I'd gone the extra mile and had the tags themselves not explode around people that had similar chakra to mine in the hopes that Karin's chakra had a similarity to mine and Rin's.

Nothing else could be done to protect my friends or tip the odds against Orochimaru without it being traced back to me.

I pulled myself from my thoughts and looked at Hinata with a soft smile, the girl looking away.

"Hinata," I said softly, noticing some of the villagers walking about avoiding us, likely me, "I know you feel bad about being angry, but Sasuke was out of line with not taking it as a light-hearted spar."

Sasuke was basically two extremes of the emotional spectrum, either being completely unmoved by something, or showed ferocious anger about a subject, especially when it concerned his clan.

"But I s-still hit him with a juken s-strike when his guard was down," Her stutter came to the surface from her emotions, which I could almost feel bleeding into her chakra signature, "And I enjoyed it." She added with a shudder.

"And I enjoyed comparing him to his brother," I replied, my voice completely serious, "I enjoyed making him hurt in a way that nobody could match." I then sighed heavily and stopped our walk, gesturing for her to follow me into an alley so we weren't overheard.

I still thought about what I did to Sasuke, stabbing him in the festuring wound that was his clan dying.

The amount of shame I felt wasn't small. I could've tried to be his friend early on and helped him as a friend should, instead of manipulating him.

I made my bed, so I needed to sleep in it.

After we got there, I turned towards her and dragged a hand through my hair.

"He's angry because someone was discovered to have harvested Sharingan eyes from his clan's corpses," I sighed, seeing her face turn a shade of green, "that's why he was angry."

"How do you know this?" She asked quietly, still looking horrified by what I had said.

"Kakashi told me," I mumbled, rolling my eyes, "And he decided to tell Sasuke before I was there to keep him from having a bitch attack."

"Don't say that about Sasuke," Hinata scolded me, her eyes narrowing, "You can use a better term than that, Naruto-kun."

'Spazz attack, whining, moaning, acting like a chick, several inaccurate and shitty things I can call it.' I thought to myself, hearing Kurama huff in the back of my mind.

I didn't really blame Sasuke, but this wasn't something I wanted to deal with, but needed to.

'Nice of you to join me.' I thought to him, hearing him grumble some.

"Your sister told me to 'Fuck off' since she's talking with Uchiha-chan," He snickered at the last part, "She didn't appreciate my advice on how to soothe an emo's heart."

'Did you say something about her taking her shirt off?' I asked, knowing the fox was a bigger dick than what Anko was at times in pissing off Rin.

Kurama's chuckle was the only answer I needed, making me ignore him and focus on Hinata's face again.

"He hates it when I say that," I didn't bother defending myself, "He's better than what he was months ago, but being a friend to him isn't going to magically fix what happened to him."

Hinata's eyes seemed to dim at the reminder, the two of us being uniquely equipped to think of what Itachi did from a different perspective.

Hinata is the clan heiress for the Hyuga and adores Hanabi, much like how I love and care for Rin, combined with me being the heir of a soon to be recognized clan. Hinata was equally as horrified as I was at hurting her little sister, making her dynamic with Sasuke much more understanding and patient.

"Why do you do that to Sasuke instead of being kind to him?" She asked, her expression shifting back to the sharper one from before.

"Believe me, I tried being kind to him after what happened." I replied, shrugging my shoulders, "But I... I don't know. I ask myself that. I was patient and understanding with you when we first became friends, but I didn't do that with Sasuke."

Hinata shook her head and didn't drop her expectant look.

"Remember the bell test?" I raised a brow, noticing her eyes narrow into slits, "He's not the same as he was, thank Kami for that, but it's not like I enjoyed having to do it. He stopped being an ass after I was an even worse one to him."

Hinata seemed resigned to the answer and switched back to Sasuke.

"What exactly did Kakashi-sensei explain to you about what happened?"

I explained most of the important stuff, obviously leaving out the things concerning ROOT and other security sensitive things, but the stuff Kakashi likely shared with Sasuke was given.

Hinata's already pale complexion paled further after I'd finished, her hand ghosting towards her eyes.

"You don't know how important our eyes are to us, Naruto," She whispered, swallowing visibly from trying to speak, "It's what sets us apart. It's what shows us that we're family."

I never thought of it that way. Even if the Hyuga had an uncommon level of shared features, even among those who weren't closely related, their eyes always stood out.

"Hanabi and I have always been warned about someone targeting us for our dojutsu," Hinata whispered, a tear sprouting from her eye, "And Sasuke just found out the worst fear of either of our clans happened."

Hinata is letting it go. I thought, tilting my head slightly in surprise.

"You're going to let it go," I said slowly, wanting to make sure I understood, "Right after he aimed a cheap shot at you, because he was having a shitty moment?"

Hinata seemed to notice what I was really asking and nodded resolutely, looking directly into my eyes.

"I'm not going to let a mistake made in anger cloud my judgement of Sasuke," She replied, "If he doesn't apologize and mean it, I can make sure he remembers not to cross me."

Even if she had more of a backbone than she would have had, I still raised a brow in a 'Really' look.

She frowned at me and lifted her right hand, pulsing chakra into the tips of her fingers, a visible blue glow coming from the digits.

"Ah, yes," I tried to inject sarcasm to help with the rather somber conversation, "Keep poking the emo with your chakra until he's nice and happy like you are."

Again, the ease in which Hinata could let go of her anger made me reflect on my own rage and hatred that had me not helping Sasuke after he rebuffed me at the Academy.

Hinata tried to keep frowning at me, but she wasn't like Hiashi, Neji, or hell even Hanabi in being able to hide any amusement. She cracked a smile, then began giggling, dropping her hand back to her waist.

"You're incorrigible." She managed to get out between her soft laughter, looking much lighter than just a few minutes ago.

"You love me for it." I said in a excited tone, meaning nothing by it.

Hinata ended up flinching almost imperceptibly, which caused me to almost kick myself in aggravation.

"I think she likes what she's seen," Kurama snickered, having listened to the conversation, "That Yamanaka girl also seems to like you."

'Will you stop being a dick about that?' I growled in my mind, 'I don't need you giving me that crap right now.'

"I think the Hyuga girl would be preferable," Kurama hummed, ignoring me completely, "She's flexible and those eyes are a sight to die for."

'Shut up, perverted fox.' I growled in my mind, cutting off the connection and feeling the mortification catch up to me.

Hinata looked at me strangely when I scowled for no apparent reason.

"It's nothing," I shook my head, giving her a reassuring smile, "Just thinking of something."

I hope Kurama got cut off by Rin and is stewing in silence after the little comment he made. I thought Kakashi and especially Anko was bad about screwing with me, but I can at least avoid them if I get overdramatic about it.

Jinchuriki can't run from their Bijuu.

I leaned to the left to check and see if anyone was looking down the alley because we'd been here for a little while. I didn't need Hiashi hearing idiotic rumours about his daughter and me disappearing down an alleyway.

Spotting nobody, I still decided the conversation was about as cleared up as it could be. I gave Hinata a reassuring look.

"If you can get past it, I'll try too." I finally said, starting to walk out of the alley, Hinata following me.

"Since tomorrow is the exams, do you want to relax? Get something to eat?" I asked, wanting to get my mind off of how Kakashi unintentionally dropped a mess in my lap that I was going to have to fix tonight.

"Hmnn," Hinata mumbled, thinking to herself, "That sounds lovely, Naruto-kun."

"I'm thinking of a different place than ramen," I said aloud, walking through the street with a slight spring in my step, "Any recommendations?" I raised a brow at her in question.

Before Hinata could answer me, I heard a rustle behind me, a rather familiar one at that.

"I sense something," I gasped with as much seriousness as I could muster, keeping my face hardened to mess with Hinata, "A presence I've not felt since..."

I kept character and drew my sword from the sheath I managed to fix to my shoulder, spinning around and seeing a square rock.

"Stand and unfold yourself, fell beast!" I shouted, my blade at the ready, "Stand behind me, Hinata, I'll protect you." I moved my other arm in a protective position in front of Hinata, who was trying to understand what was going on.

Konohamaru flipped the box and looked at me with a defeated look.

"How do you keep knowing we're here, boss?" He asked, voicing what Udon and Moegi thought, based on their identical looks of defeatism.

"How does Hanabi-chan know where you are?" I asked rhetorically, grinning when a tick mark formed at his temple.

"You don't have eyes like her though," He pointed at Hinata, who seemed to finally gather herself from the theatrics I pulled out of left field, "And don't call her Hanabi-chan." He added with a grumble.

"Jealous?" I asked sweetly, relishing the glare the little gaki sent me, "You don't want someone else calling your girlfriend 'chan'?"

"She's not my girlfriend!" He shouted, stomping his foot.

"What would your grandfather say about you stomping like a little toddler?" I asked, Henging as Hiruzen in a time honoured tradition of aggravating the three male Sarutobis I was around often, "Now, my grandson, I will show you how to woo the ladies, just as I wooed your grandmother." I felt my face muscles ache from keeping my face straight at the look of disgust on Konohamaru's face.

Konohamaru let out a war cry and charged me, the other two gakis joining along a moment later.

I dropped the Henge, let out a laugh, and started running, ignoring the shouts of surprise by the villagers when they saw one of the village's Jinchuriki running from the Sandaime's grandson.

I realized Hinata wouldn't exactly be happy with the detour, but she'd understand after a little bit.

"Run, run. Fast as you can. You can't stop me, I'm the gingerbread man!" I shouted, turning around and running backwards, blowing a raspberry at Konohamaru.

I then made a clone as I was running, making a hand seal to switch with a trashcan, managing to get behind the three chasing me.

After a few minutes of them chasing my clone, it turned around and blew a raspberry, popping right after.

The three skidded to a halt and looked around, Udon spotting me behind them first.

"You have fallen into my trap, my apprentice!" I shouted with elation, making a couple hand seals.

Pulling back on my chakra hard, I sent a weak water jutsu at them, one of the ones Kakashi taught as an easy one.

The small wave of water went towards them, Konohamaru shouting in surprise and running away in a dead sprint. What happened seconds later was something I wouldn't forget.

I pushed out my sensing to feel for him and almost staggered at the nauseating level of Killing Intent in the air. I could almost taste it, it was that strong.

Konohamaru smashed into someone that was a little bit older than me, someone that I recognized in the split second I paused and stared.

Dressed in all black, purple paint on his face. To his left was a girl that was a couple years older than me, with sandy blonde hair done up in four pigtails and a large war fan strapped to her back.

I saw Konohamaru get picked up by his scarf and heard Kankuro threaten him for not looking where he was going.

'Wrong move.' I clenched my fist, a mask of cold determination sliding onto my face.

Pulsing chakra into my legs, I Shunshined forward and drew my sword, seeing everyone moving in slow motion.

Temari seemed to catch a glimpse of me right as a flipped over Kankuro and tapped his shoulder with the flat of my blade, giving him a feral grin.

Kankuro's head jerked to me, his whole body going rigid in shock at not even seeing me move.

"I'd drop the kid," I leaned forward, resting the sword against the arm that was holding Konohamaru, "Before I drop the pointy end."

I felt Hinata's chakra close in and she stopped just a couple yards away, looking ready for a fight.

Kankuro slowly set Konohamaru down, letting him go.

"I was just playing." He said, eying the sword that was still resting on his arm.

I responded by flicking the side of his head with the flat end.

"And so am I." I said, pulling the sword back and sheathing it, not taking my eyes off him.

"It would serve you well to not manhandle the Hokage's grandson inside of Konoha." I remarked nonchalantly, my lips twitching at the sound of Temari's intake of breath at her brother's possible screw up.

"He's-" Kankuro managed to stutter out, looking at the shortstack Sarutobi.

Konohamaru tried his best intimidation pose, which looked absolutely adorable.

"I'm Sarutobi Konohamaru," He planted his hands on his hips, wind swishing his scarf like a cape, "And my Ni-chan is gonna kick your butt."

"Brother?" Kankuro looked back at me slowly, looking at where my sword was in worry.

"Not by blood," I admitted, "But the kid has grown on me." I then turned to look at Temari, who was trying and failing to discreetly mold her chakra in preparation of needing to use a jutsu to help her brother out, "Don't do that, it won't look good if you attack a Konoha Shinobi, with a clan heiress right here," I jerked my thumb at Hinata, who had her eyes activated and was glaring at Temari with her hands up in a juken guard, "And after threatening a kid."

I went on talking though.

"And who is releasing such a delicious flavour of Killing Intent?" I asked with false wonder, smacking my lips like I tasted something sweet, "Something so delectable could only ever come from a fellow redhead. Hmnn," I put a hand on my chin, wetting my index with my tongue and lifted it up like I was testing the wind, "I spy, with my little eye, something...RED!" I pointed at where I could sense a unique chakra signature that was hanging from a tree.

The show did no justice in describing Gaara, whether it be physical or his chakra.

I heard Hinata gasp from behind me, likely from seeing how screwed up his chakra was.

I couldn't see it, but I could feel how much of a shit job the seal was doing in keeping his and Shukaku's chakra separate. I couldn't imagine what the hell it looked like from a Hyuga's point of view.

He dropped from the tree and walked straight to us, looking straight at Kankuro.

"G-gaara." Kankuro said, before being interrupted.

"You're an embarrassment. Stop before I kill you." Gaara said with almost no emotion, but his chakra kept frothing like something toxic.

I felt the hair on my neck stand up at the sensation, causing me to decide to rein in my sensing.

Gaara then turned to me, his green eyes looking at mine, the colour standing out even more from the shadows under his eyes.

"My apologies for my brother, he is foolish."

'Keep it together. Keep it together.'

Gaara's chakra was stained by Shikaku's, and the feeling of Bijuu chakra was enough to set me on edge.

"I'll just chalk it up to you guys being nervous about being in a new village, away from home and all that." I offered an olive branch to keep everything running smoothly.

I signaled for Konohamaru to get the hell away from here, which he thankfully clued in and turned to leave with his friends.

Gaara remained silent for a few moments, before asking me a question.

"What is your name?"

"Uzumaki Naruto." I replied, not breaking eye contact, and loosening the grip I had on my chakra some.

Gaara gave me a predatory look when my chakra spiked and turned to Hinata.

"And your friend's name?"

I wasn't letting Hinata get in his sights, not when he was an unhinged lunatic.

"Her name doesn't matter." I whispered, letting my chakra out even more in challenge, stepping a little closer to Gaara.

The three onlookers were glancing at us two redheads sizing each other up, Temari and Kankuro looking in fear.

Gaara looked like Christmas came early and had a near manic grin on his face.

"Mother wants your blood. Your death will prove my existence."

I just laughed at that, seeing him look puzzled for a moment.

"Be dramatic about it then," I then turned to Temari, since she was the eldest, "Does it get tiring dealing with brothers that like wearing your make up and another that is such a drama queen?"

"It's not make up, it's war paint!" Kankuro shouted, probably hearing it before.

"You sure you didn't get it from your sister's room?" I snickered, enjoying the ease in which I was aggravating him.

Temari stifled a laugh at her brother getting worked up over the joke and looked at me differently.

"I assume you're here for the Chunin exams?" I changed the subject to a more serious one, ignoring Gaara's spiking chakra from me not paying attention to him.

"Yes," Temari was the one that answered, "Didn't this give it away?" She pointed at her Hitai-ate with her brow raised.

"No," I responded sarcastically, "I assumed you were just playing dress up because no Suna nin would try and start a fight in an allied village." I gave a pointed look at Kankuro.

Temari grimaced, but gave me a smile to cover it up.

"Sorry about that," Temari tried to smooth things over, "Like you said, it's been a long day and we just got here a couple days ago."

"Well," I put my hands in my pocket, whistling for a moment, "I don't want to be a terrible emissary for you guys, so I'll treat you to an unmatched delicacy that isn't often seen in Suna."

"And what is that?" Temari asked, looking curious.

"Ice cream." I said simply, still being surprised by Temari and Kankuro looking at me with confused looks.

"What is ice cream?" Gaara asked quietly behind me, causing me to turn around.

"My red haired compatriot doesn't know what ice cream is?" I asked dramatically, gasping in mock despair, "Well I know where we're all going."

I made a quick shadow clone, who began talking with the three, Temari blinking and shaking her head to probably digest what just happened.

I backed up and signaled for Hinata to come closer to me, which she did.

"Why are you doing this?" Hinata asked quietly, "The boy our age doesn't look right, you feel it, don't you?"

"He's absolutely crazy, but I need to gauge how much of a threat he is," I whispered back, "You need to avoid him in the exams."

Gaara wasn't going to shape up until he got a swift ass kicking, and I wasn't putting any of my friends in the cross fire.

"You wanting to get ice cream?" I asked her, "I know it's a bit of a change, but I'm wanting to do recon on these guys. They look fairly skilled."

Hinata's face shifted in realization, before nodding her acceptance.

"Good," I smiled, turning back towards the three, "Follow me, I'll walk you to there." I popped the clone and walked towards the chosen destination, formulating a plan.


"Sasuke," He heard Rin say his name, "Stop brooding and just talk to me, please." She walked over to where he was sitting after he kept walking away.

"I don't want to talk." He said simply, his anger already just under the surface.

Kakashi had just told him earlier today of how a man named Shimura Danzo had died days ago and had several Sharingan in his possession. Kakashi looked uncomfortable as he was explaining it, almost like he was leaving out a detail.

"I'm tired of you acting like an idiot every time you're having a bad day. You're my teammate and friend." She sat down next to him, leaning towards him and putting her hand on his shoulder.

"It's none of your business." He looked away from her, hearing her growl under her breath.

"It is my business when I have to deal with your whining." She spat the last word out.

Sasuke turned and got directly into her face, his Sharingan activating from his anger.

"I get enough of that from Naruto," He snapped, "I don't need it from you too."

"Tell me what happened that got you all pissy, and I'll drop it."

Sasuke made a conscious effort to deactivate his Sharingan and took a couple deep breaths.

'It's not her fault. Focus.'

"Someone stole the eyes of my clan." He muttered, expecting to hear Rin react with surprise.

She didn't.

"You knew?" He asked, his anger getting stoked again, "How?!"

"Kakashi-sensei told me," She said irritably, "And please stop yelling at me."

Sasuke couldn't believe Kakashi would let Rin know something that was that private concerning his clan.

'You would have told her anyway. Quit it. You're an Uchiha, not an impulsive idiot.'

"Why did he tell you?" He asked with forced calm.

"Because he knew you'd react this way," She gestured towards him, "He knows me and Naruto can talk with you about this, even Hinata could have if she wasn't having a bad day too."

"She wouldn't know what a bad day was if it snuck up and grabbed her." Sasuke said darkly, scoffing at the thought.

He didn't expect the slap from Rin.

He felt his head jerk to the right from the impact, Rin then grabbing ahold of his shirt.

"Don't you ever say that again," She said firmly, her hair shifting slightly as her chakra flared, "Kakashi-sensei just told her how Kumo sent their own genin team here, the same damn village that kidnapped her from her bed." He flinched when he saw her eyes flash to a darker shade.

Sasuke tried to pry her grip off his shirt, but she wasn't letting go.

"She was reminded of when she was kidnapped and you just had to be a jerk about it."

"She started it," Sasuke said, pointing at the bruises on his forearms, "She still hasn't opened my tenketsu back up in my arms and it hurts."

Hinata wasn't supposed to use the Juken in spars right before a mission, the exams being tomorrow counted.

But he also shouldn't have been hitting to hurt her, even if he had the reasoning of visualizing a shadowy, cloaked figure walking from body to body, removing eyes.

"I didn't know about Kumo sending anyone," Sasuke admitted, honestly not knowing that, "I shouldn't have upped the fight."

Rin's chakra stopped flaring and she let him go, backing up some.

"You ready to talk now?" Rin asked with a kinder tone, "Or do you want to talk with Naruto?"

Sasuke didn't want to talk with Naruto, especially after the last few days. Not only was he taking the exams on his own, just like Itachi, he had made an off hand comment about joining the ANBU for some more action. He didn't know if it was a joke or not, but it was something he couldn't get out of his head.

Skilled, thirteen, older brother, taking the Chunin exams alone, and far stronger than him.

"I'd rather talk with you." He eventually said, sitting down and sighing.

Rin sat down next to him putting her hand on his shoulder reassuringly.

"Take your time."

Sasuke managed to force himself to open up some about the feeling of hatred towards Danzo for what he did, but also anger at himself for not being able to kill the man.

"Would killing him have brought your clan back?" Rin asked him, her tone of voice matching Naruto's.

Sasuke averted his eyes from hers, hating that he couldn't answer with an immediate yes.

She kept reminding him of how Naruto caused him to have doubts about killing Itachi, on whether him being the one to kill him was that important.

The mission in Nami, and how Naruto directly disobeyed orders to save innocent people, was something that he didn't think would have him questioning his motives for killing Itachi. He'd seen it as justice to kill him, but after talking with Naruto, he started to realize that he was just wanting to kill him because he took from him.

"What is going to be done about the eyes?" Rin asked him, causing him to shudder.

The eyes were being preserved until he came to the decision on what to do with them. He had almost instinctively told Kakashi to have them destroyed, but the thought of those eyes being all that was left of his clan refused to be driven from his mind.

"I don't know." He said quietly, eyes downcast.

"No one will judge you on what you decide," Rin leaned forward to look at his eyes, "Don't feel pressured by anyone on what to do."

Sasuke smiled softly at her, thankful she was trying to help him.

"What a team we are," He mumbled to himself, "Hinata almost got kidnapped, you and Naruto are all that's left of your clan, and I'm the last Uchiha here."

That didn't even count the latest shouting match between him and Hinata. He was almost impressed that he managed to anger the kind-hearted girl enough to get her to hurt him and raise her voice.

"It would've been worse if Naruto was on team 7 instead of me or Hinata." Rin admitted, giggling at the visual.

Sasuke couldn't help but chuckle lightly at the thought. "I would have probably become a missing nin just to escape him."

"And he would have chased after you." Rin kept snickering, "Just to haunt you."

Sasuke could see it playing out just like that.

"Sasuke, you can't run away from your problems, and especially me." He'd say, and he'd add on "your best friend." as a whisper.

"We are going to look back on this memory fondly."

'And I'd probably say something like, "I regret knowing you every day of my life."'

Sasuke cracked a smile at visualizing that, knowing it wasn't far off.

"He'd be harassing me all the way."

"Then you'll know how I feel all the time." Rin said flatly, "I have to live with him."

"I'm not taking him in." Sasuke grinned, "I don't allow wild animals in my house."

"You make it sound like he's a stray cat." Rin laughed, grabbing at her stomach as she kept laughing.

"More like a fox." Sasuke snickered, Rin abruptly getting quiet.

Sasuke tilted his head in confusion.

"What was that?" Sasuke asked inquisitively, noticing what Rin did.


"Why did you stop laughing?" He asked, looking at Rin speculatively, "What is it with foxes that has you and Naruto quiet about it?"

Rin seemed to shrink into herself and looked away from him.

"It's private." She mumbled.

"I shared things with you about me, can't you do the same?" He asked, genuinely curious on why Rin and Naruto were different.

He fought the urge to flinch when she looked at him with fear and apprehension.

"Sasuke," She said quietly, swallowing and standing up, "I-I just can't." She then began to walk away.

"Rin," He reached for her arm, feeling her jerk at the contact, "Please. Why do the villagers hate you two?"

He needed to know why they were hated. They were his friends. If he could find a way to use the pity the village had for him to get them to lay off the two, he'd do it. But he needed to know the details.

"Sasuke, I can't." Rin's face was paler than he'd ever seen, "I can't tell you."

Why was she turning away from him? He wanted to help her.

"Can't or won't?" He asked, not accepting no for an answer.

"Sasuke." She warned, but he didn't care. He wanted to help.

"Naruto kept hounding me to open up, so I'm returning the favour." He said firmly, "Let me help."

Rin looked down at the grip he had on her sleeve, her head slowly tilted back upward.

"Let. Me. Go." She said softly, but he could hear the steeliness underneath.

"Rin." He gazed into her violet eyes, refusing to let go, "I'm tired of screwing up, ok? I hate that I couldn't stop from getting angry at Hinata, that I hesitated during the bell test," His breath caught as he thought of what he was going to say next, "That I didn't see what Itachi was going to do."

Every mistake he made in training, everytime he lost to Naruto in a spar, every time that little voice in his head told him to give in, it reminded him of what Itachi said that night.

'Run, run and cling to your pitiful life.'

He wasn't going to run, even if Rin threatened to break his arm.

"You are my friend, and I know I'm able to help, even if you don't want it."

Rin stared at him for several seconds, not saying a word.

She broke the silence with words that were nearly as cold as ice.

"I will talk with Naruto. He will give details if he wants to. Now, let go." She pulled her arm away as a reminder.

Sasuke let his grip loosen and let his hand drop to his side, feeling cold at having forced an uncomfortable situation.

"Rin." He tried to say, wanting to clear up why he felt the need to put her on the spot.

"We'll talk later." Was her terse reply, the blonde girl turning on her heel and leaving, heading towards the village.

"Where are you going?" He sped up his stride to try and catch up.

"I'm getting something to eat," She scrunched her shoulders and didn't look back, "You can go on a date with Sakura-chan for all I care."

'She's pissed if she mentions that.' Sasuke thought, knowing how much Rin hated Sakura's behavior, even after she'd taken her training seriously.

"What do you want me to say," He almost demanded, the two of them reaching the village, "That I'm sorry for asking you about that? Well sorry, but I'm not sorry. I'm your friend and I'm not going to just let you hurt yourself by keeping secrets."

He was a couple feet behind her and she flipped him off, ignoring him.

He heard muttering from some of the villagers and shot them a hateful look, more than one shocked by the anger visible.

"I'm tired of not knowing what's bothering my friends." He lunged forward and pulled her arm to turn her around.

He realized it wasn't the best of ideas when he saw her eyes seemingly flash to a red colour and felt an open palm smash into his face.

He almost fell over and threw his arm out to steady himself, shocked by the reaction.

"Ugh," He groaned under his breath, almost yelping when he felt two hands grab his shirt and pull him up.

Rin pulled his face to just inches away from her own, her eyes definitely being a deep reddish purple.

"Stop digging, Sasuke," She gripped his shirt, their faces almost touching, "I hate it when Naruto does it, so don't think you can act like him."

Even if he wasn't a sensor, he could feel her chakra against his skin from how close they were, and it wasn't a pleasant feeling.

"I'm going to have to talk with Hinata after all this. Just give me space." She let him fall to the ground, his backside hitting the street.

Sasuke was about to give up and turn and leave with what dignity he had left after getting manhandled by a girl in the middle of the street, but he heard a voice behind him that made him feel like he was at death's door for some reason.

"You heard what the lady said, get out or you'll wish you're dead." A deep voice sounded out behind him.

He saw Rin's eyes shoot to whoever was behind him, looking at the man with a surprised look.

Sasuke slowly turned around as he fought the unknown fear that seemed to creep up on him. Getting a view of the man, he realized he wasn't some trash talking civilian that didn't recognize him as the Uchiha heir.

The guy was as tall as Asuma, had dark skin, pale blonde hair, several swords strapped to him, sunglasses, and a Hitai-ate with the symbol for Kumogakure on it.

'This guy is a monster.: He thought, trying to fight the slight shaking of his frame at the sight of the man.

Sasuke found out the guy's name when a blonde woman with an identical Hitai-ate ran towards them, almost shouting.

"B, what did I say about wondering off?" She nearly skidded to a stop.

"Hmph," The now named B huffed petulantly, almost exactly how Naruto did when he wanted to screw with people, "You don't see, you can't contain the will of Killer B!" He rapped, busting out a few dance moves.

'Oh, Kami, please kill me.' Sasuke prayed, not wanting to have to deal with someone more insane than Naruto.

"I can't babysit you and your students, B, you know what your brother's orders are." The blonde woman said, before her head perked up and she turned to him and Rin.

"Sorry about that, kids," She laughed a little, rubbing the back of her head sheepishly, "My companion here is a little exuberant when he's in new areas."

Rin was the first to recover and walked towards Sasuke and helped pick him up.

"It's alright," Rin said, Sasuke flinching when he felt her nails dig into his arms, "Isn't it, Sasuke?" She whispered in his ear, her breath warm against the side of his face.

He couldn't hide his body shivering at the pain promised in her voice, cursing himself for pushing her.

"Yeah," He managed to say, looking at the two Kumo Jonin, "We were just having a bit of an argument, nothing else."

Sasuke saw the blonde nod her understanding, but the look B was giving them had him on guard.

He could tell when someone was on guard, and this Kumo nin had his posture screaming it as he looked at Rin.

Sasuke felt Rin tense against him, the sound of her sniffing the air catching him by surprise, before she backed away, whispering something under her breath that he couldn't understand.

"I guess you're here for the exams?" Sasuke asked, trying to ignore whatever it was Rin just did.

The female Jonin seemed to give B a look of warning, almost like an owner scolding a puppy for misbehaving.

"Yes," She turned back to him, "We're the escorts for a genin team to take part in the exams, as we were invited by the Hokage, Uchiha-san." She added the last part dismissively.

Sasuke felt his eye twitch at the tone used, not liking it.

'Naruto would fit in with the two of them.' He thought irritably, the insanity of B and the woman's dismissive tone almost the same as Naruto.

"How did you know I was an Uchiha, Ms.?" He asked, the undertone of demand lurking under the surface.

He had to fight turning around to check on Rin, as he thought he kept hearing her talk to herself.

"Nii Yugito, kid," She said simply, turning to Bee, "How would you explain us knowing he's an Uchiha brat, B?" The woman asked the man Sasuke was tempted to start calling 'Kumo Naruto'.

"Black hair, smell of shit permeates the air." B started rapping again, making Sasuke want to stab himself in the head repeatedly, "No doubt, you are the heir!" B then grabbed a notebook and a pencil, scribbling down notes.

"I said explain, not antagonize." Yugito rolled her eyes at the man.

'Kami, again, if you're listening, kill me.' Sasuke prayed, wanting the day to end already, even if it wasn't even late afternoon.

Rin finally seemed to snap out of whatever the hell she was doing and grabbed Sasuke's arm with a tight grip, pulling him along.

"Nice to meet you guys," She gave a smile that Sasuke could tell was forced, "But we need to get going. Preparation for tomorrow and all. Later!" He eventually stopped fighting her and followed her double pace to wherever.


It wasn't enough that the Kyuubi kept being a dick to her constantly about anything that would rile her up, nor was it Sasuke being a complete dick about pressing her about private things, she had to deal with hearing her brother's voice shouting in her head with the help of the connection with the Kyuubi.

"WHAT DOES THE FOX SAY?! Ring-ding-ding-ding-dingeringeding!"

"Shut up!" She shouted in her head, hearing the Kyuubi grumble it's displeasure.

"Will you two monkeys stop screeching? You're annoying enough."

"Vulpine, you weren't opening up a connection, and I'm already having trouble using your chakra without breaking a table, so give me a break." Naruto's disembodied voice sounded out.

"What do you want?" She requested from her brother, "I hate talking like this."

Naruto was the one that convinced her to try and talk telepathically, where it couldn't be traced. It would have been fine, if only it wasn't for the fox being a pervert and constantly acting out the night she and Naruto were conceived through voice acting their tousan and kaasan.

"You got a minute?" Naruto asked, his worry bleeding into her mind.

She shivered at the feeling, hating when she felt his emotions.

"I'm dealing with Sasuke digging for personal things, and I'm watching him get humiliated by some people." She giggled at Sasuke being put down by the Kumo nin.

"What personal stuff?" Naruto asked.

"Things related to foxes."

Naruto sighed audibly.

"I can give him a reason that isn't the truth, if you don't want him to actually know. I don't like keeping this from our friends."

"You said we'll tell them when I'm ready." She reminded him.

That wasn't a pleasant conversation when they had it.

"Fine," He sighed, "but I need to say something, it's bad." Naruto said seriously, giving her a spike of worry.

"What is it?"

"I'm going to out and say it." Her brother took a deep breath, "Suna's Jinchuriki is here, and he's a homicidal lunatic."

Rin managed to keep from audibly reacting, but she knew she probably looked weird in the middle of a street, looking like she was listening to voices in her head.

"How do you know?" She asked weakly, trying to wrap her mind around it.

"His chakra feels worse than mine ever was. I can almost taste the bloodlust. He's killed, and not in a combat situation."

A murderer was what Naruto was saying, and one who enjoyed it.

"What are we going to do?" She asked, being at a complete loss.

"I'm letting all the other rookies know." Naruto said without hesitation, his resolve felt.

"You're not going to say he's a Jinchuriki, are you?" She asked frantically, astounded by Naruto's proclamation, her emotions then shifting to being more accusatory, "You're going to tell them about us, aren't you!?"

"No, I'm not." Naruto scowled, her eyes almost picking up a silhouette of him as he did something with his chakra.

"I'll give them some song and dance crap about me being a sensor and skilled at seals, even Shikamaru will probably buy it. "

"Ah, seals," The Kyuubi huffed, "The bane of my existence, and the only reason you're hated by everyone."

"Bite me." Naruto said sharply, going back to what he was saying.

"If I had to proclaim that we're both Jinchuriki to all our friends to save them, I'd do it. But I don't need to, I'll just send a bunshin to all of them and explain what a Jinchuriki is and how their chakra feels. Like I said, it's believable for a sensor with sealing knowledge to know this."

Rin didn't miss what Naruto had said at the beginning, about telling everyone their secret. He never even asked her about it, he just said he would do it.

She didn't blame him though, she'd do it as well.

"I'm with his team at an ice cream shop. Hinata's right next to me. Tell Sasuke to not beat himself up over what happened, Hinata feels guilty about it too."

That was at least a relief, knowing she wasn't going to have to play peacemaker between the two in a weird turn of events.

"And also, who's humiliating Sasuke?" Naruto asked mirthfully.

"Some rapping Kumo Jonin with a genin team." Rin shrugged, expecting Naruto to say something witty.

But he didn't.

Everything was quiet, she couldn't even feel his emotions, meaning he cut the connection temporarily.

"Describe him." She finally heard him, his voice sounding brittle.

She hesitated for a moment at the weak tone of her otherwise fire and brimstone brother, not understanding why.

"Please." He begged her, "I need to know."

"He's tall, dark skin, blonde hair, sunglasses, and he has several swords on him." She rattled off, before remembering the woman Jonin saying his name, "I think his name was B."

She stilled when the slight back and forth exchange of emotions abruptly cut off. It meant he was controlling it.

"I need you to trust me. I'll explain later," He said slowly and clearly, "You need to take Sasuke to our apartment now. B is an extremely dangerous Shinobi and you need to find an excuse to leave."

Naruto then cut the connection, making her head ache.


Part two will be out within a few minutes.