


The deafening explosion rocked the lab, causing the equipment to shatter and release a torrent of sparks, setting the lab on fire.

Alarms blared, filling the air with urgent warnings.

"Warning. Warning. Please evacuate,"

The automated voice of the lady echoed through the chaos, struggling to be heard over the chaos. The scientists and doctors were struggling through the chaos to save their own lives.

Thick black smoke billowed, obscuring the lab in a veil of darkness. The fire started to grow, and intensify, devouring all, and those who were unlucky were engulfed by it. Alien scientists, their sleek bodies pulsating with panic, darted frantically in every direction, desperately seeking an escape route. Some stumbled and fell, their bodies scorched by the fiery wreckage, while others, driven by an instinct for self-preservation, stepped over their fallen comrades without hesitation.

The cries and pleas for help echoed throughout the lab.

As the chaos unfolded, a heavily armed military force stormed towards the lab, their determined expressions masked by the protective gear they wore. Weapons raised, they opened fire on a mysterious figure cloaked in shadows, their bullets tearing through the smoke-laden air.

The figure moved with an otherworldly grace, evading the onslaught of bullets effortlessly, leaving the soldiers frustrated and bewildered. Each attempt to capture the enigmatic figure was met with failure as the shadowy figure skillfully outmaneuvered them, slaughtered them, and created his own escape route.

The commander-in-chief barked orders, his voice laced with authority and frustration. "Attack that shadow! I want it captured at all costs!"

The figure jumped off the burning structure and vanished into the night with uncanny agility, however, before the military's full force could focus on it.

"We lost the test subject, sir," one of the military officers reported, his voice tinged with disappointment and urgency.

The commander-in-chief clenched his fists, his face contorting with anger. "Search everywhere, you fools! We cannot let him escape. He is the only one who has surpassed all the obstacles and remains alive. We need him."

The lab, hidden beneath the facade of Martian scientists, served as a dark haven for their clandestine experiments—a place where they abducted humans from Earth, subjecting them to torturous tests and relentless research. For most unfortunate humans, their encounter with the Martian scientists ended in death or severe disabilities. But this time, one had survived. And now, he had managed to slip through their fingers.

"He possessed extraordinary abilities, powers beyond our understanding. What are you waiting for? Track him down and bring him back to us, no matter the cost," the commander-in-chief demanded, his voice a blend of desperation and determination.

Outside the lab, chaos still reigned. Sirens wailed, mingling with the crackling of the flames devouring the structure. The scent of burning metal and charred debris permeated the air, a grim reminder of the havoc that had unfolded.

Far away, the escaped test subject, a lone figure shrouded in mystery and potential, moved swiftly through the darkness. His mind raced, grappling with the weight of his newfound abilities and the imminent threat that lurked within the shadows of the Martian scientists.

With each breath, he knew that he carried a secret that could alter the course of humanity's fate. He had to remain hidden, outsmarting the relentless pursuit of the Martian scientists and their military allies. The fate of both worlds now rested upon his shoulders, and he was determined to unravel the truth, confront the invaders, and protect his fellow humans from the impending invasion.

Because he alone had the ability to shift the balance in this titanic struggle between universes, his motivation rose as he disappeared into the darkness. He holds his anger and grudge for another day, when he will return and make them pay for their doings.