
Invasion of Another Dimension

Original Title: 侵入异次元 Author: Reincarnation of a Leaf Synopsis: When this coin is tossed into the air, the wheels of fate begin to turn. Once it turns, nothing can stop it. In the future, there will only be a path of life and death, fraught with difficulties. No matter how much blood and lives we sacrifice, we are only chasing a better future. (Not limited to responding to world wars, nuclear wars, apocalyptic crises, alien invasions, mutant disasters, alien attacks, and the most devastating internal conflicts.)

TranslatorFanfict · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

Capture Two People

"Sheele, Mine..."

After seeing Sheele unconscious on the ground being taken away by the other party, Bullat watched helplessly as the other party appeared behind Mine and then took her away. The other party turned out to be a Teigu user with spatial abilities.

The most important thing was that they were imperial soldiers, and they didn't know which unit they belonged to.

"Mine, Sheele, and the others..."

Akame hurried back, glanced around but couldn't find Sheele or Mine. Moreover, the enemies behind had already disappeared, and their presence was no longer felt.

"They were taken away. We will definitely save them. This base can no longer be used. Leave a message for the BOSS. Let's get out of here first."

Based on previous experiences, the empire will definitely send a large force to this place in the future.

Although they were Teigu users, they couldn't withstand large-scale crowd tactics. Facing thousands of soldiers, all they could do was flee.

Leone, trying hard to keep her composure, clenched her fists as her two friends were taken away, but they could do nothing.

If you're taken by the empire, besides being tortured, you might be publicly executed. Certainly, as a woman, the most likely thing to happen to you is...

If such a thing really happened, Leone vowed that those people would pay tenfold and a hundredfold.

The green-haired boy also looked very displeased. If his warning had not been ignored but instead used by the other party to set up this situation, this wouldn't have happened.

In the final analysis, the trap he set was not secretive enough for the other party to know.


After moving all personnel and armored vehicles a hundred miles away, Lin Ye looked at the two girls who were handcuffed. Their weapons had, of course, been confiscated.

Moreover, the pink-haired girl's gun made Yang Anli study it for a while, but in the end, he couldn't figure out anything. He couldn't understand why the girl could shoot lasers.

Mine handcuffed behind her back, watched these strange people in green uniforms study her Teigu for a while, and couldn't help but say, "No one can use it except me."

This is all a key identity, so high-end, DNA, fingerprints, or otherwise. Lin Ye was surprised when he understood, and unconsciously looked at the gun a few more times.

"Lieutenant Colonel Lin, what did the other party say?" After confirming that the other party spoke Japanese, Yang Anli asked Lin Ye, who knew Japanese.

However, the person who answered was not Lin Ye but the person sent to handle diplomacy – Cheng Chen.

"She said, 'No one can use it except me.' Maybe the weapon is locked and no one else can use it."

"I see!"

Yang Anli unconsciously raised the threat level of this world higher. With laser weapons, locking technology, and the physical fitness of their personnel, even if the opponent held melee weapons, he dared not underestimate them.

It's very unlikely for special forces like them to be able to run at least at that speed. Not even the world sprint champion.

Moreover, the presence of people with katanas and sniper bullets, both in terms of vision and arm strength, was far superior. This world is quite dangerous.

But this weapon does not seem well-made! It looks like a weapon made in a small workshop, but it's very powerful!

Is this the disparity caused by poor technology?

"Major Yang, stay alert! Comrade Cheng Chen and I will start questioning now."

Lin Ye teleported and brought the two people back. One was unconscious, and the other was awake. Both understood Japanese relatively well, but even Chinese people essentially had heard the vocabulary.

"Understood." Yang Anli saluted and began setting up a warning line.

Security had not been established, and these two people could not be released at all.

"So, first of all, what's your name?" Cheng Chen asked, taking out his notebook to write it down.

Lin Ye first took a photo of the other party with his mobile phone and nodded in satisfaction. Such girls were rare, and after observing the pink-haired girl for a long time, he wanted to touch her.

Lin Ye definitely would have done so long ago if he hadn't considered his identity and image. As for the purple-haired girl over there, she was also quite good!

The purple hair was also natural! This different world is truly wonderful!

Lin Ye looked forward to whether there would be creatures like elves.

The pink-haired girl turned her face away, as if she didn't know how to fight. She didn't know how she was brought here. She only remembered that when she dodged, someone appeared next to her, and then her right hand was grabbed. The scene in her field of vision suddenly changed. Then two people stepped forward and subdued her, taking Pumpkin.

"Lieutenant Colonel Lin, why don't you dismantle the weapon?" Cheng Chen had already taken countermeasures against the girl's reaction.

The girl's reaction just now attracted Cheng Chen's attention. The gun should be the girl's favorite weapon. Threatening people does not align with our military discipline, so threatening with the weapon is fine.

"You..." Seeing the other party say this in a language she understood, Mine suddenly understood the other party's plan, "Mine, my name is Mine."

These people's clothes were unusual, but they weren't unfamiliar. But the language was one she heard for the first time.

New Prime Minister aides?

Cheng Chen nodded, then pointed to the unconscious purple-haired girl next to her. "Her name?"

"Sheele." Although Mine didn't want to say it, when she thought about Pumpkin being in the enemy's hands, she had no choice. Moreover, this wasn't secret information, so she said it.

But she didn't know that after explaining some small, harmless things, people would have inertial thoughts, and their resistance to issues would be greatly reduced.

"Tell me what happened to Sheele? Is she in danger?"

Although there was speculation that Sheele was knocked out by the other party, Mine was still a bit worried as the other party didn't explain clearly.

"It's just sleeping gas. It won't affect her body. She will wake up after a while."

Lin Ye just felt that these two names were very familiar. After thinking about it again, he didn't know where this familiarity came from.

Where did he hear these two names?

Lin Ye frowned and thought hard.