
Invading Your World

I left everything on my own. I attended school and tried to live a normal life. I put a safe distance at people but... The most generous and adored gentleman in the class continues approaching me... The friendliest guy in school who smiles a lot, but why does his smile looks scary? Then the most distant student starts paying attention to me... Around me, the cold and arrogant young master was reduced into a fool... And the girl who is the target of envy keeps following me... 'Why are you doing this? I'm not someone you can handle.' They are the people who is always in the spotlight, whereas I'm someone who should quietly watch in the sidelines. The filler. The observer but irrelevant. But once they break in on my small, bordered world and shed a light in the darkness where I was... They saw the wrong person. I am not someone who they thought I was.

Mj_Ferret · Teen
Not enough ratings
36 Chs

Chapter 27

The two kept on bugging me and I said that I would make do with a beer to shut them up. Because the guys decided to have a barbecue, they set up the table on the balcony. From this position I peered at, I saw the view of tall and neat buildings. They are perfectly aligned with similar roof, design, and styles. This is a middle-class neighborhood. And Belle is living in this apartment. It is peaceful. At least, it was supposed to be.

"Hey Jun, don't tell me you really have a problem? Don't drink too fast and at least drink some water."

"Kenneth don't be a mom." he jabbed at Kenneth's stomach before groaning.

"Ouch, that's hard. Why don't I have that?"

"Obviously, you have to avoid eating junk foods and drinking sodas, especially at night. You also have to exercise."

"What a bummer," he then pointed at Eugene. "And you.. you've been going in and out of the bathroom. Is your stomach sick?"

"No, it's to counter alcohol." Eugene replied coolly.

Hearing that, Jun started his lecture. "Does that really work? I know that when alcohol is swallowed, it is not really digested like food. Instead, it is carried to all organs of the body, affecting the brain and all other organs. You will feel disoriented, restless, dizzy, nauseous, sleepy, and so on. So, drinking plenty of water would not make the hangover really disappear."

"I'm not concerned about having a hangover. I'm trying to reduce the possibility of me making a fool of myself."

"What do you mean by that?"

Jun inquired and Eugene shook his head, "It's already too late. You're already done for."

When Jun looked in my direction, I knew that this time, he would pick up on me. He smiled. "I remembered. We have been texting each other for the last few nights. And we didn't have any idea that you two were stuck together, having fun."

"Oh please, it's called a girls' night party. Are you a girl? You guys are not allowed." Belle rolled her eyes for the ninth time.

"We didn't tell you because you guys told yourselves that you have your own plans," I defended.

"Yeah, right! I have to attend my whole vacation attending a ballet class. What's wrong with me having Dani for myself this time?"

My lips twitched at Belle's way of speaking. She only had a couple of shots. Is alcohol finally taking a toll on her? But with alcohol or not, she usually says something like this. It's just embarrassing when there are other people. I noticed Eugene suppressing his laughter, as if rejoicing at my predicament.

"But didn't you say you're also busy, Dani?" Dave asked me.

"Yeah, that's why I agreed to Belle's request to sleepover. You won't see my face for the rest of this summer." After all, I will be busy.

"What? You will miss my birthday?" Jun complained.

"Basically, yes."

"Don't basically, basically me, what are you up to? You didn't tell us."

"That's why I'm telling you right now."

"But it's just so sudden. If that's the case, we won't be together on Christmas and on New Year's."

"Yeah. I'm going to visit my family. Temporarily."

"Aren't your parents already dead?" Jun asked.

His words brought deafening silence among our group. I can tell that he's also shocked by his words. His mouth opened and closed many times but words didn't come out. I wanted to laugh at his dumb appearance but I held myself back. I saw Von looking at me and Eugene muttering something to himself.

"That's why I said I didn't want to make a fool of myself."

That's right. Dead. One of them even tried to kill me but she's the one who died instead. She must be cursing me even on her deathbed.

I heard Belle speak, taking me away from the trance.

"Hey Jun! What do you mean by that? She still has her grandmother and relatives who will celebrate with her at Christmas and New Year. Don't be too greedy."

As if he'd been hit in the head, Jun anxiously spoke to me. "Dani, I'm sorry, I didn't mean anything offensive by that. It's just... I suddenly remembered about it and blurted it out without thinking. We only learned of it during David's party and we really didn't have a chance to talk about it."

"It's okay, I'm not really bothered about it. It's not a big deal so I didn't tell you guys."

"So, it turns out, it's only Eugene and Jun who are lucky to enjoy a summer break." Kenneth breaks the ice, there is a helplessness on his face.

I understand why he has that look. Every summer, instead of taking a break and having a rest, he has to do social work instead. Last summer, we visited and helped him with his work. That time, I learned that it was his father's ideal. At our age, we should be what he calls a 'Youth Leader'.

"Hey! I will be busy too, you know." Jun protested. We all looked at him.

"Remember the wild cat at our school?"

"That stray cat?" I asked as he looked directly at me. Why is he looking at me?

"Not anymore. I already took her home!" He stood up and thrusts his chest out.

"Wow! Jun congrats! It's been so long. To think that your efforts have finally paid off!" Belle went along with him with sincerity.

"Yeah, it's been years since I tried to tame it. It's hard to take care of her because she's not used to people, but when you don't give her any attention, she will be grumpy. Thinking about it, she's really adorable."

"Sounds troublesome," I commented.

Jun became defensive at my words. "No... it's natural since it was abandoned. I also learned that it's a Siamese cat. They are known for being needy. If you didn't give them attention, they would lash out. I am still busy trying to please it. Next time, I will show it to you guys."

After that, Jun continued to talk happily about that new cat of his. When he stopped talking, I shifted the topic. I told them that I decided to major in business.

"That's unfair! You're going with Eugene and Belle in the same department? Didn't you really consider taking the IT?"

"David and the two of us are left alone on our own, aren't we?"

While the others are lamenting, Belle is so happy that she pounced on me.

"But we didn't know that you were considering taking this course?"

"I didn't. Honestly, I think that I might want to be a teacher."



"Yeah, right? I can't imagine."

I shrugged at their pouring words. But inwardly, I kept on asking myself why I said that. At the same time, Mr. Lehman's face came into my mind.

"It's just a whim."

Maybe it is just a whim.

"So how come you ended up choosing the business major?" Dave asked me curiously.

"I didn't choose it. It's an order."

They gave me a face as if they were being sorry for me but I just wanted to laugh. Since these boys have fair skin, their faces are now red due to the influence of alcohol.

"It's fine. There's nothing wrong with being practical," I assured them.

After all, I'm going to go along with them for now... Before I stab them in the back. This is only the beginning.

"Anyway, Dani, do you know a good place to visit in the U.S?" Eugene asked me. He crossed his arms and leaned back, looking relaxed. "You know, you're familiar there. Maybe you can suggest something to me."

I raised my left eyebrow at him, but his tone was the same as usual. I tried remembering the books that I had read in the past. "There's so many. The Grand Canyon, Niagara Falls, Times Square and the National Park... San Antonio Riverwalk... and, of course, The Disney World... But if you're going to ask me what's the best, it would still be the Las Vegas. Many of the best things to see and do are there. After all, it's an amusement park for adults. You know what I mean?" I smirked at him.

"I don't know why, but that sounds dangerous," Eugene replied to me.

"Well, that's the best recommendation I could give."

I was about to speak more when I saw Jun putting a piece of barbecue in his mouth. I leaned forward and immediately snatched the fork from him.

"Hey! What are you doing? It's still not cooked."

He stared wide-eyed at me. I know he likes food, but isn't this too much?

"What? I don't know!"

"Don't you have eyes?" I was about to say that but his shoulders dropped suddenly and he covered his mouth as if throwing up.

I'm telling you... I'm starting to pick up the signs.