
First Kiss?

She is sitting on a coach listening to her favorite love song while looking outside her window.

It's a great day for a walk but her feet don't feel the same way.

Watching all the fellow walking across the pedestrian, she suddenly remembers something that makes her blush.

Her friends back in her Junior years.

They were on a beach, running and playing .That was her first time going on a trip.

A trip prepared for all graduating students. At first she was hesitant to go because she was very shy but her friends encouraged her to go.

"Achi, you have to come with us. This is our last bond together as a Juniors" .

"We are here, you don't have to be so shy".

"C'mon ,your not a kid anymore, stop acting like a scared cat".

Yes. Achi is a very shy girl, She's usually freezing when put in front of many people, She can't even speak with a stranger . She can't go to a store alone , she can't even go to the library alone. She's a smart girl and have a lot of friends, she is crafty and creative, she loves music and arts but she is too humble and shy

She's most behave in school but she never tolerates bullies.

Achi was born with a warriors blood they say.

An introvert warrior.

"Achi, let's walk all the way there, this beach is too good to ignore"

The squad stroll the white sand beach, She and two of her girlsquads and three of her guysquads.

One of Achi's special ability is observing situations and peoples emotion. She is certain that her guy friend has formed a feelings for her. While walking he playfully holds her hand which is not usual for the squad, but she ignores it because she doesn't want to create an awkwardness within the squad.

And yes, she was right. She was shocked when that guy stolen a kiss from her, an awkward stolen first kiss. A first kiss that Achi imagined to be a romantic and sweet kiss with her secret crush was stolen by someone else's boyfriend.

She was shocked and mad at the same time . But since she never tolerates bullies, she don't fight back, at times Achi is also a clever girl. She smiles and acted like nothing happens.

"Act cool" she thought to herself." Don't ignore. Dont get mad. Act like it was nothing."

Right on cue , the teacher approach to gather them all together the announcement of the end of the trip . Right that moment she noticed that her Crush was looking at her. She was stunned and couldn't move for a while . What if he saw it? What is she gonna do? Her crush maybe saw her being kissed by his bestfriend?

That thoughts keep repeating on her mind along the way home ,before she sleeps and she keeps worrying what to act the day after in school. Fortunately ,no one ever talks about it in school,maybe because no one saw it. But for Achi ,she can't ever forget kiss, not because it was memorable but because it was stolen from her of a bestfriend of her dreamboy.